The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I wanna fight. baby steps get me to a new vantage point and you face more truths that are real and again don't meet my fantasy. Can't go back to denial now after what I've learned so far. And just feel like I am kicking and screaming as I don't want to keep going forward and facing any more honest truths. My mind is playing fun games like the elders with Al Anon who have found peace and serenity have to say that or what is all this for. Perhaps I sound bitter but this feels like we get trapped between two lousey outcomes.
Can't sleep again so reading old posts about typical A behavior, self centeredness, narcistic personality disorders etc. I was feeling like this is crazy to keep detaching. I want to shake my A and say can't you see the picture we have started to paint here, let's talk this out so we can plan where we want to head instead of just ride along until our relationship, our health, our family and our lives end. Everything is becoming unraveled, so let's patch it up before everything falls apart. Typical behavior for my AH is problem solver so solve this!!
Alas, in reading old posts, I found many things like yours Diva (thank you): "Probably I should discontinue trying to confide my inner thoughts. I keep hoping that one time he will sit down, listen, understand, and offer comfort. Hope springs eternal...It doesn't happen. I see this as a lack of caring by the one person who should care the most."
My thought exactly!!!
So I've been detaching and doing what I want to do, just see what happens ............. nothing happens. No comments or response to simple things like it is too warm inside. No ideas to do anything, no conversation initiated or no requests for my company. I am pleasant and do for myself and let others do for themselves and I don't fix their things or accept any blame - these are my goals anyway. It is the great nothingless, a vaccuum, sucking the life and joy out of my family & home which doesn't seem a whole lot better than all the misery before this.
Like I said, I wanna talk to my AH about this mess we are in but it sounds like it is futile and I'll just set myself up for dissappointment & hurt again. Has anyone had any success or benefit talking about the future with an A?
grumpy ddub
"Choices are the hinges of destiny." Pythagoras You can't change the past, but you can change the future.
Very painful topic for me....I can still remember all the times I tried to engage my exA ...sober or discussions concerning the future, near or far. I always got...I can't promise how I'll feel tomorrow....or then when sober....I have to take this one day at a time. Since I didn't let myself get really angry back then, I usually was just left sad,disappointed and disoriented...because his logic and mine did not connect and I was left doubting myself/reality....all the while knowing in my gut THIS IS VERY WRONG. I started seing how I could count on anyone more than him...and how wrong that was in a "relationship". I question now how much of a true relationship can one have with an addict.....they are not able to really be there...they are so self centered. And I would always respond by loosing my own center. Bad combination.
Being gentle and nonjudgemental with the truth was what worked for me. Once I was able to, saying it outloud to a supportive person helped to.
Good work trying to detach....for me the fake it till ya make it didn't tkae long to help me see how much better I felt when detached.
Hi I am so sorry for what you are going through. I have heard that intervention sometimes works. Have had no luck with it myself. My wife and I attended 3 and 4 Al-Anon meetings a week, when our son's addiction was active. We needed that many to get our sanity back. If the A is not ready to get sober, he won't. It's hard to admit that logic will have no effect on the A, but sadly it's true. Our son finally got sober after we made him be responsible for for his actions. Even then it didn't happen overnight. He had to hit his bottom(whatever that may be). Please know that we understand what you are going through.
If the A is active, then the simple answer is "no, it doesn't work". Mainly, because there is a hidden agenda. You want a happy marriage, emotional closeness, trust, all of that. He probably wants that too, but what he NEEDS (or thinks he does) is to continue drinking. So, he will either be non responsive, or will say anything just to shut you up so he can go on doing what he is doing. Marriage to an active A cannot be a true partnership, because a large part of him is not invested in the marriage, but in the addiction.
Once I realized that my husband was not playing by the same rules that I was, so much of his inexplicable behaviour became clear. He loved me and the kids, did not want to lose us. However, he felt he had to protect his addiction - I believe he literally could not imagine a world where he did not drink and use drugs. Imagine if a loved one said to you "If you want me in your life, you will need to stop breathing." Your answer would probably be something like what you are getting from your A "Why can't we just keep things the way they are?"
Alcoholics live in denial. They have to - it is the only way to stand the contradictions of their lives. You can't force him to stop denying. You can stop it yourself, though - as you say, you can't go back. You can look at who he IS, and decide - with the help and support of all the goods things in your life, do you get enough so that you can choose to continue having him in your life? Is it better with him or without him? The man you really have, not the one you used to have, not the one you sometimes glimpse in him, not the one you want and wonder if you can force him to become.
At one point in my life, my husband was quite abusive when drunk. I was coming to a realization that I could no longer live with this, and started making my plans to leave. For various reasons, and with a small miracle, both of us changed enough of our behaviour so that the abuse stopped. This did not mean that he got better, however. It just meant that things changed. He stopped drinking so heavily, and instead dove deeper into his drug addiction. He became a sad, and to my mind quite obviously mentally ill, man. Still, without the abuse, we were able to come up with a life that was OK, and even quite often pretty happy. Our kids had a stable home, and parents who, while not terribly close, obviously cared for one another. That was more or less enough for me - I had other outlets. It was not enough for my husband; he got sicker and sicker, eventually hit bottom, sobered up, and started to get better.
My story will not be yours - what you need from a marriage and what I need are probably not the same. My point is, though, that the outside idea of what a marriage SHOULD look like does not have to enter into your choices. What is important are YOUR needs, and how they can be healthily met, given the reality of the marriage you really have. Or, if necessary, accepting that they cannot be met, and moving on.
Hi Ddub , you have a right to say whats on your mind to your husb , your fears your hopes etc. the way u see it . Butttttttt there is always a but isn't there ? Say what you mean , mean what you say ,don't be mean when you say works for me just don't have any expectatins that anything will change , it is important that you speak up in your relationship ( u will feel much better) not good keeping it inside . keep expectations low . I am assuming that your not attending al anon meetings for yourself , I hope that you will consider doing so they will change your life for the better. There is always hope don't give up with out giving this program a try for a few months and see how u feel then. good luck Louise
Thank you all so much for such good information and support.
I think you have to try things a little to really believe that it is what it is.
Then your words help me to understand even more what you have found to happen so it helps that I don't feel alone and misunderstood. There are others who are like me and I am not crazy, I am getting better. The process often times hurts but the faith & hope that it could get better helps us to stick a toe out and take another teeny tiny baby step even when we are sad.
I feel lkie I could have fallen flat and slid backwards alot but you have held me up when I felt anger, fear and pain. Thank you lin, Bill & fifi for all you have done.
"Choices are the hinges of destiny." Pythagoras You can't change the past, but you can change the future.
My personal opinion on the Alanon program is that if you work it, you can find your lost self. It's not a "how to" plan to tolerate alcoholism or put up with their crap. For me, it was a path of discovery. When I reached the point that I focused on my needs, it was only then that I could consider what I really wanted in life. I think we get so caught up in the disease we just feel insane. The repercussions of living with an A pushes logic right out of our lives when we are so tangled in the drama. When we seek and find that place of peace within ourselves, only then does logic return and we can think more clearly and see the true reality. That is the time we can make the hard choice of "can we continue on or do we want to start a new life our way?" We just aren't able to make those hard decisions with craziness swirling around us. For me detachment wasn't just about not engaging.... but played a huge roll in being able to have a sane thought process. Detachment doesn't mean you can't speak your mind or point out that you don't appreciate certain comments etc. We do need to teach the alcoholic and all people how to treat us by standing our ground with our boundaries and letting them know what is and is not acceptable to us. If boundaries are not respected we have that wonderful option of "Blinding them with butt" (walking away). :) The hardest part of all of it for me was the letting go of those "If only he would ___________". Cuz no matter how many of those I could come up with it just wasn't going to happen on my time and schedule and I was wasting time by wishing. I made a mental promise to purposely catch myself when "If only he" would pop in my mind. I changed those to "If only "I" would_________". I had control over those thoughts!!
Hope this helped a bit, sometimes I'm the only one that understands my thought Christy
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
" Hope this helped a bit, sometimes I'm the only one that understands my thought"
I have said that myself!! and my kids translate for me - sometimes I can't put my thought into words that others can understand especially when I am trying to talk about something I feel strongly about. Writing is much easier.
So anyways, your post has helped me ALOT!! My last f2f mtg made me realize I was putting up walls not boundaries but had no clue what to do with that info. You have explained it in your post. The missing pieces were that this is not how to put up w/alcoholism or the A. Detaching is so I can think to refind myself and soar again. I have been lost and I gave my life away.
With detachment, I was in conflict when I needed to get this out & speak my mind but confused that if I did, I wasn't detaching. Now I get the difference and I love the comment "blinding them with butt" lol Which has a lot of uses because there are many things I can just let go. "just see what happens" is a favorite slogan for me.
The use of 'if only I' vs 'if only he' is one I can use a lot of too. It's so automatic to think 'if only he' like back when I was the fixer and control central. I can waste so much time thinking about the A until I realize that is one of the things I can not change. This will help me switch gears quicker eventually.
This is great, thanks! ddub
"Choices are the hinges of destiny." Pythagoras You can't change the past, but you can change the future.