The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
The daily entry for October 21 in "Courage to Change" (Conference Approved Literature) has been a great help to me in working my Al-Anon program and healing/recovering since 1995. One of the things I cling to when storms move into my space: "Powerless does not mean helpless."
Below is the October 21 entry which includes that quote. I offer it to you with the reminder to take what you like and leave the rest.
Grateful member of Al-Anon, Sunny ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many times I have said, "I wish I had faith." And what I've heard from so many wise Al-Anon members is, "Surrender your lack of faith to your Higher Power and ask for faith."
I've said, "I know I am powerless, but I feel so helpless, frightened, hopeless," and I have been told I had the option to surrender those feelings and ask for what I need. Powerless does not mean helpless. In fact, it can lead us to a source of enormous power--the power to carry out God's will.
I have also said, "I can't figure out what God wants me to do, though I've prayed for guidance." My loving sponsor always says, "God doesn't speak in code. Ask for clarity, and then trust that you will get it when the time is right."
When in doubt, I am learning that the answer is to ask.
Today's reminder After years of asking only for a particular solution to a problem, such as, "Please make the alcoholic stop drinking!"--I need to learn a better way to ask for help. Today I will meditate for a few minutes on what I need, and then I will ask a Power greater than myself to help me with it.
"Even if we have struggled with the idea of a Higher Power, we have learned that asking for help works ..." ...In All Our Affairs
The use of the word, "powerless" is interesting to me Sunny. We, as those who love an alcoholic are powerless. Of that fact, there can be no doubt. But when the alcoholic reads the first step, and finds out that he/she must admit powerlessness, that is something else all together. If I am powerless over something, I must give up trying to conquer it. I must acknowledge that I have NO POWER over it. But the alcoholic DOES have power over it. He can QUIT!!! JMHO.
"Speak your truth quietly and clearly..." Desiderata
An A wakes up in the morning thinking about using first. Whether they are in recovery or not.
It is NO different to them, or their bodies than water. That is the only way I can explain it.
It is the same with people who are obese. They wake up and their first thougth is food.
They crave it, crave it so horribly they lose everything. Even their kids, lovers, wives, everything. NO ONE would choose such a life. If it were as easy as, I will just quit, there would be NO problem, no AA, no rehab etc.
Being powerless means the same as we are powerless to change anyone else.
They are powerless to change that they are A. That is why they get so sick of it, or so so so tired of it all that they "give in" and say I need help. I am powerless or I cannot do this on my own. I cannot stop a river on my own.
But with AA, sponsors, fellow members, a free activities, a whole new life, support and more they can grow, get stronger, work hard on their program.
But to just stop drinking, sure they may do that, but that is only ONE aspect of being A. and they use about all they have as far as fighting it that they go deeper into the A personality.
That is why a big big percentage go to AA every single day and more than once in the beginning. They only have that desire not to use.They need help so much to attain that. After getting a program going, they make little steps at changing the behaviors into what they believe are right.
they live like this for awhile, but sadly, in time they stard dropping the believed behaviors. one by one and soon relapse.
It is not easy for them. I am honest becuz I am. But an A is driven not to be, because their own self is always looking for a way to use and lieing is a big part of it.
eh sometimes I still feel so sick inside when I come to MIP. And I don't even have him in my life one tiny bit. Sadly he will always be in my heart.