The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My favorite step one story/memory.... My ex-A was still drinking heavily, and I was a mess.... the homelife was chaos, with two small kids at home (actually in daycare), and coming home to the unknown every evening after work..... I was going to see a counselor for awhile, and I'm sitting there in his office, bawling my eyes out like a baby..... He looks at me, and asks me quietly if I "still think I can control my wife's drinking", to which I (honestly at the time) replied "yes"..... and then he calmly asked me - "and how's that working for you so far???"
I can laugh at that today.... actually, I even laughed about it at the time..... As they say, it is Step One for a reason..... I always thought of it as the repetitive step, cuz if I was any example, I went through the steps something like:
1-2-1-3-1-4-1-5-1-1-1-6-1-7 etc....
Thanks for the post Tom
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
Thanks for posting that. It seems like step one is the one I struggle with the most. I have it..then I don't...then I have it...then I don't. That control (or rather illusion of control) is so hard to give up and not attempt to take back. I am finding myself giving a lot of lip service to it right now, and not feeling it deeply. Intellectually I know it. Rationally I know it. I also know what it feels like to fully surrender and admit this, and I am not doing it. I keep looking for the answer as to why exactly I am resisting this so hard right now, and am not getting a why. I guess I am just going to continue to "fake it 'till I make it..." and in God's time all will be revealed. Meanwhile, I read and go to meetings and try to find ways to make time to be good to myself. ~Tara
I have a son that is an adult,married,going on the merrygo round in his relationship with wife.The first step reminds me I am powerless.Slogan that comes to mind is live and let live.Working the steps and going to my meetings help me stay focused on me.For what ever they choice in there life is there dision.Wow surly is a blessing this program.Gratful I have something to focus on me! Thank you for the responce...I will contiue to post pages from forum.They realy have helped me and paying it forward.Love Sharon/angel