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Ok so my mil tells me yesterday AH has a new job and needs this and that and I tell her he can kiss my @$$ . But she sends me these emails that he's been sending her and he sounds so not him, resigned I guess would be the right word. Still talking about how much he loves me etc. The new job is $20 an hr (damn him) and 1/2 of me is letting that hope back in of him getting better and us reuniting (sick delusion) and the other 1/2 is wondering how long it will be before he goes on a runner and loses it. I guess what I should REALLY be thinking is good maybe now I'll get some child support. Just wanted to share, just when I thought I was totally done I start feeling the vacuum sucking me back in again - don't worry I'll still go to court tomorrow to keep the restraining order. Just missing my "good" husband although I can barely remember him anymore but he is still the love of my life and the one all others are compared to.
It's okay to have hope, just not expectations. You are doing the right thing by continuing to set boundaries and do what you need to do take care of yourself and your children both financially and emotionally. The positive things that are happening to him are in part the result of the changes you are making in your life. Keep up the good work!
Tell him this "If you can stay sober and keep this job for one year then we will talk" and let him live on hope for a change. Stick to your guns though and make sure your MIL knows that you do not think it's appropriate to get her involved and to respect you in not forwarding the messages to you. I wouldn't say anything about child support to either of them. IF he knows your happy he might try to get ya there (take it away) Been there done that. But I am SOOOOOOO happy for you that you might get child support. Every little bit helps!! I'm sure he's very scared and is having a wake up call. Let him stew for a change. Feels good to not be the one worrying for a change huh??? lol Good luck sweetie. ;)
"Tell him this "If you can stay sober and keep this job for one year then we will talk" and let him live on hope for a change"
Wow, that is powerful. What it means to me is putting more of "his" problems back on him instead of taking his burden upon myself.
I have a small farm 'in the making', and live in a very remote part of north Idaho where there is two feet of snow from November to mid-March. I am five feet one inch tall, and built strong but I am not a man with a man's strength. For me, it isn't the temptation of money and security for my kids like it is for you. It's his strength and building abilities, stuff that is VERY helpful on a farm.
When I get terrified that I can't do this by myself, my AH starts looking pretty good to me, problems/unpredictability/lack of foresight and all.
So I've decided in my more lucid moments to make this farm something I CAN do myself, without depending on him. My hopefulness for reunion with my A is something I don't really trust in myself just yet. My desperation is not a good judge of what I need to do. And this man is too the love of my life, by whom all others are compared.
My goal, whether or not my A comes back or not, is to be able to run this place without HIS help or presence. This may not be realistic, and I have to face that his addiction has sounded the death knell to my dream. But I am sure going to do my best anyway :) . If I can get my life to where I do not "have" to depend upon such an irresponsible man, then I will feel safe and my "hope" will not keep me on the roller coaster. This is what I hope.
I can't tell him anything, I have a restraining order and we don't talk. I just find it hard because I want him so much but he's bad for me and I know this. I guess it's about patience and waiting for and believing something better will come along. I just thought I was done with these ideas in my head and now there they are again. Did anyone see eternal sunshine of the spotless mind?
I like this...
"let him live on hope for a change" That about sums it up!
Some prospectives on hope: HOPE-- Hang On, Peace Exists! Hearing Other People's Experiences the feeling that the feeling you're feeling isn't forever.
I think what you're really asking is "Why is it that I just can't slice him outta my life like I slice fat off a chicken?" Or, more to the point, "Why is it that I can't 'just get over it?'" I didn't really connect how much I forced myself to "get over things" until I watched an OLD episode of Judging Amy. Vincent had almost been blown up in a van rigged with dynamite, and was recovering in a hospital. Amy, in a decision reguarding custody for a 4 year old of parents who had lost their 6 month old son to meningitis, said, angrily "We are human beings living in the world. We cannot simply pick up and go on from major events. We have to realize how frail we are and honor that." But we live in a world where we are disgusted by people that "feel" their feelings, that "honor" their feelings, and "need" themselves to be "honest." We think it's "awesome" how people are "indistructible" how they "just keep going" and "don't blink." We think that we all should be like that. Having been there, done that, got the Tshirt from the psych unit, I can say it's more detriment than merit. It's more pain than purpose. We are not, as "Judge Grey" said, meant to simply "Go on." "get over it." "Just gloss over." Whatever. That's why I watch the words "get over it" "fix it" "just do it" for me. If for no other reason, those are my "codependent code words" saying I'm not being honest with myself. Not saying what I need. Not saying what I really feel. Or not being loved with honesty.
Hey Girl! Betcha Debilyn could give you a few pointers on making it on your own on a farm. I was never able to give up hope. I'd kick him out, take him back, kick him out... We had a really rough few years along there,(including violence), oh how I prayed I'd get over him!! Came on here and asked others to pray for me to have the strength to get over him... It just didn't happen!! It took a long time, a lot of faith, prayer (on my part anyway, not sure about him), but for now, the Beast is tame. I'm already wondering 'when and if'. I guess that never goes away, any more than the disease goes away, but for now, we are very, very happy together. I don't want another man ( not even a knight in shining armour!) He's my last. In a lot of ways, this has been the hardest relationship I've ever been in, but also the happiest... go figure! Anyway, wishing you luck in whatever you decide to do. With Love, TLC
I think one thing that amazes me is how much the A craves attention. He's up to his ears in debt, everything is messed up, he's got umpteen tickets on my truck (I will never be able to sell it) but he still craves attention. Its like life is going to be fixed in one second for him. When I think really knowing peope in recovery it takes years to correct the mess.
One of the things that hooked me in was the A's grand plans. Now I see the holes in them but I can still see how he can garner attention very very easily.