The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I do believe I've lost it for good now. I mean, for good for good. See the puff of smoke? That was my sanity. Wave bye bye! Some of you know, or remember, or something like that, that I petitioned the university based on a psych eval that it turned up I had ADD (Is anyone surprised at my lack of attention skills? ) Based on the whole of the eval, it was encouraged that I petition the university for specific exemptions from the cirriculum, with the overall goal being to get me graduated, get me onto the next phase of life. The comitee concerned with this process met Tuesday and they declined me. I will be meeting with the head of the comitee Friday to see "Where to from now?" and will keep you posted. But today has been rough. I was declined a government job (I was amazed they got back to me at all, but stil...) I was declined a job as a resident advisor within the university housing (not even within the senior housing). My parents aren't speaking to me--yesterday of course they told me exactly what they thought of me, and how worthless I was. Finally, I had the cosmic breakdown. I'm sharing with y'all if for no other reason than because y'all are my biggest cheerleaders. But also, I think it's so important to remind myself that () Graduation from this program doesn't exist. I'm sobbing on the phone to my sponsor, doing the "And then this is gonna happen" routine. Living in the 6 months from now. Thank god for sponsors. She had the same experience! Only it was with her daughter when she broke her glasses. And then she called her sponsor, back in the day, doing the same thing. Sobbing her eyes out, of course. She said what I knew she would. Serenity prayer, breathe, do hwk ( How could I forget THAT!?) And then she made a proposal (THANK GOD FOR SPONSORSHIP!): tomorrow, let her husband, who has worked for the local AFB since Moses was in the river, help me figure what to say to the chair of the disabilities comittee. Since my prospective is, ahem, jaded ( YA THINK!), she suggested that someone who knows "the lingo" might be able to help me feel a little bit better about the situation. So, for the past hour, I've been listening to "comfort music" on yahoo. Playing "comfort games" on yahoo. And it occured to me--it might be good to share with you how I'm feeling and to go do hwk now.........
My daughters are in college and it is very stressful. I'm so sorry that your parents do not understand what you are going through. Take advantage of your sponsers offer to help you. Sometimes wording is everything.
Keep your chin up, this too shall pass. I'll keep good thoughts for you.
ok, you got that out, talked with your sponsor, shared with us. What's next? Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and remember "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger".
Stay focused on the future and don't look back, and you will have the Tiger by the Tail, before you know it!
Julianne - It's best to move on. You cannot look back in anger in life. It's too short
Sorry it's going so rough for ya. I'll say a prayer for you to find comfort and guidance w/ your HP ! May your HP guilde your words and actions to bring about the best outcome, whatever that might be.
You are a perfect child of God and God and I love you just the way you are! (added by that special alanon way)
Dear Friend, You know there will always be negative people around us. Dont hook into it. Know yourself you are doing a great job. We grow thru lifes experiences, I tell my HP wish I didnt have to learn the hard way but it seems thats the only way I learn...Be kind to yourself and know that we are behind you all the way,,,,,Luv Busbe
sending ya a BIG Hug ((Tiger)) and want to let you know your in my thoughts and my prayers today for guidance and strength to keep your cool on. i am sure that everything will be all right. i try to always remind myself that life is a lesson. each day. something new to learn from. even things i dont agree with, dont much like. learning from those things that seem to be trying to hold us back from meeting what we believe are realistic goals. sometimes just tweeking the overall and re-adjusting a bit of this and a bit of that we find what we were truly meant to do, where we truly are meant to be. we find new hope, we discover something of ourselves that we never thought about before. other things that are more profitable , spiritually and progressivley, to and for our lives. please dont let this lil' set back deter you from moving forward and keeping your focus on what is best for you. i know you'll be just fine, Tiger. Your a survivor. And your very smart gal. much love to ya. ((((((TiGeR))))) keep the faith. keep looking uP.