The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I was thinking I would write in my journal right about now ... but then I thought I would post what I would've written ... it may even prove to be much more therapeutic. It is my AH's 41st birthday today. I picked him up from work at 8am, as usual (I'm off for the holiday week - yahoo!) Then he opened the gift I bought him - he loved it - a table saw! Well it's his birthday so he must celebrate - out comes the wine which was purchased the day before (which he managed to save until the big 4-1 actually arrived). It's nearly 8pm and he's been passed out since 'bout noon today. My son is at my sisters, hanging with her boyfriend's nephew - I bet they're having a blast! Been pretty quiet around here. But I've managed to read some posts, watch a couple good movies, take my sister-in-law grocery shopping and enjoy some quiet time. Not a bad day ... I do so miss my AH when he's been sleeping all day or spending it in a stupor. I love the times we have that he is sober - such a wonderful family man, so attentive and loves his family. I am blessed in so many ways. I pray that one day this demon will no longer be one that he battles!!
Yeah, my husband is upstairs passed out as well. He came home in a stupor, staggering inside the house. I am trying to have the positive attitude that you have. However, I am afraid to go to bed and wake up tomorrow morning and deal with him and his hangover.
All was quiet until about an hour ago when my A went up and deceided that he wanted to pick a fight with our son (19) in front of his girlfriend. After he let loose with the verbal garbage about wanting to do this, I just listened and didn't respond. Our son did the same, even though he was told over and over that his was a piece of s**t. I am proud of our son. Told him about the meeting that I went to last night and the three cs... they worked today - now listening him go through my mother and father.. and waiting for him to pass out!
You are in inspiration to me - what an incredibly positive and healthy attitude. I'm working to get there in my recovery. Sometimes I'm ok and then others I'm filled with anger, resentment...I'm still working through old feelings and childhood stuff - and still learning to take responsibility for my happiness. New behaviors. Thanks for posting and helping me wiht my recovery today - I needed to read this.