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Hubs doctor is going to refer him to hospital for detox,as this is the first time he has had this ,i was wondering if anyone can tell me what exactly this entails,is it a day thing or does he have to stay in.
Any feedback will be gratefully recieved.
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish every one a merry xmas and a peaceful new year .
Wow are u lucky doc will send him to hosp for detox , cant get that kind of help here. Only can share from my own experiences , Husband took 5 days to detox . so i would assume he iwll be overnight or possibly more. Enjoy time alone olli he is in good hands. Louise
Yeah, that is the best possible solution for your husband. Detox is literally what it sounds like, the body is purifying itself of the poisonings of alchol and drugs. Because these have been abused to such an extent, being supervised under a professional is the best possible solution. Sometimes people go through what are called Delerium Tremens, which are severe psychological reactions that effect their body physically (the "little green men" I keep referring to). If the person has the Delerium Tremens, or the DT's as it's called, it's very very important that they be supervised so that they don't hurt themselves. You can find some wonderful information on Detox from the CDC or the AMA websites.
My husband's been through medically supervised detox 3 times this year. He's been there 3 to 7 days (time required has increased each time). His blood pressure goes way up when he's going through it, and he's been closely monitored, on meds to keep it down. He's done it on his own at home a few times, without the supervision. He mostly just lays in bed and feels horrible. I suggested he keep a journal through that week, writing down the excrutiating details, so he can reread it when the urge to drink returns, so he'll remember how awful it is. He says he wrote it down, but I don't think he's ever gone back to read what he wrote. Best of luck to you.
Everyone's detox is different. Some people shake, hallucinate, vomit etc., while others just get shakey and aggitated. My A detoxed for 4 days then slept for over 24 hours. It was exhausting.
He will get medication that sometimes helps the effects of detox (depending on the degree) and most of all he'll be safe and supervised. As abby said, he'll be in good hands...take time for yourself and be secure in knowing he is safe and being cared for.
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
Ask the doctor, as it can vary. However long it is, you can use this time, knowing that he is safe and (maybe) getting some of the help he needs, to just rest and take care of yourself.
H agreed to go but he looked terrified,i was just curious of what this was supposed to actually do for him,what i was to espect when he comes out,your letters have helped.
After reading posts here,yes i do have to agree we are very lucky to have the national health service in the uk,all i can do is hope this treatment helps him .
A few years back around this time of year, a friend asked me to speak in an AA meeting at a detox center in a local hospital. There were maybe 12 people there. One guy had just been dropped off at detox by a friend, and was very agitated - didn't want to stay. He looked like he was coming off a binge and wanted to get back out and do some more. The friend talked him into staying at least for the meeting. By the time I got done with my short-form story - about 20 minutes - the guy was sound asleep. So I guess he stayed... maybe my boring story kept him from going back out that night LOL!