The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Sometimes our experiences in living around addiction can be helpful to us in places where we don't necessarily expect it..... I am a manager of a large workforce, and we would certainly have our share of addicts, alcoholics, etc., among the group..... One of the employees almost lost her job three years ago, and we (both the company and the union) finally got through to her, and convinced her to go to a treatment facility. She went away for two months, and was like a different human being upon her return. Her demeanor changed (for the better), as she was pleasant, outgoing, and hard working, whereas she was "none of the above" before treatment. She truly seemed like a "success story", and was basically really good for about two years..... Approximately six months ago, I started noticing a change.... She started calling in sick more often, was beginning to have anger fits, and was generally becoming miserable again.... Two weeks ago, she arrived for work, and we deemed her unfit for work, and sent her home. In my opinion, she was definitely high on something. She asked me why she was being sent home, and I told her that I felt she was unfit, and further that I was very concerned that she was high.... She told me how wrong I was, how completely unfair and unjust I was being, and how this was "not gonna be the end of it". I heard today, that she has checked herself into Treatment once again, and so hopefully this time it will be for good.
The only validation I felt is a reminder..... when we learn to trust ourselves, our gut instincts are typically right..... When we are in a reasonable position of our own recovery, and can trust our own instincts - if we think they are drinking/using etc., then they probably are.
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
What a great posting ... trusting our gut instincts. I'm so grateful for this program and for the wisdom that comes from these rooms that helps me to say what I mean and not to say it mean. And I've found that being true to me includes just that -- and in a variety of settings....
Great reminder ...what a wonderful example of detaching from the chaos, trusting your own instincts, setting a boundary, and still being supportive, ... pats on the back to you, and thanks for the share.
Thanks for your post. I find that being in Alanon has helped me be a better teacher. Students struggle. When confronted they say they are tired or there is nothing wrong. I tell them that they have choices and there are places to go for help. Alanon has helped me trust my intuition, too. That is calling a spade a spade.
I'm sorry you had to deal with this at work but then what better person than you to know when someone is using. I am finding al-anon helps me tremendously at work. I am no longer overinvolved. I do a better job. I am more focused on me than everyone else but me.