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Lately I have been struggling with 'something" ,,,,feeling blagh, feeling desparate, feeling lonely altho my family and friends surround me. I cannot pinpoint what the issue is that I should feel this way! I cannot understand why I have to pretend to be happy when I am with them while feeling out of sorts? I dont know how to deal with whatever is bothering me, for I do not know what it is? Is it the forthcoming holidays? Is it the death of my mother-in-law? What is it? I am ok,,,,I have a roof over my children are doing fine and my grandkids are fine. I just dont know. All I know is that I feel "not right". I thought by sharing this perhaps I could get some insight in this matter, as I dont want to feel this way. Thank you for listening!.....gardengal
I don't have insight really just a "I know exactly what you are talking about!" I too have been feeling that way lately. Blah---with no (what I think) "real" reason for it! Maybe by posting and reading other's insights you will be able to figure out what is going on in your "head"/"heart" to give you the blahs. I hope you find what you need soon--it isn't fun to have the blah's--especially when you can't figure out what is causing it!
For me, when I feel blah, I just allow myself to feel blah and remind myself, There will be days like this. And try to do the next right thing by going for a walk or a workout or doing some volunteer work or something nice for someone. Sometimes I have to act As If and extend myself. But I do keep an eye on my blahness, if it goes on too long, if I start to feel isolate, irritable, weeping or negative thinking for more than a week or two, then I know I am starting a bit of a depression and seek help.
Don't know if this fits how you are feeling or not?
I think grief is a hard thing. I know I have significant issues with the A's mother. I detached a lot. Lately I have been grieving that she is so selfish. I know when my own mother died the grief took me a few years. I think it is normal to grieve but having avenues to do it is so key.
Lately I have acquired one friend who is "there" for me. That makes a huge difference to me.
Nothing else has changed in my life the A still tantrums daily. I just dont get into it with him anymore for me that is a huge difference. I no longer abandon myself to his moods his needs his whims.
Everytime I'm feeling that out of sorts, I take it as a cue to be extra good to me. It's time for a Piper Day or a Piper Weekend. I do what I want, when I want and just focus on me. If I choose not to be around people then so be it. I do this without guilt, shame or care what other people think about what I am or am not doing. I do this for me.
I know those blah feelings. Must be something going around. Between recovering from the flood, now another storm predicted, and the landlord refusing to reimburse us for the expenses we put out from the flood and with the holidays - oh my! Just not into it!
The other thing is is when I'm feeling out of whack, I pick up my favorite book: The Tao of Pooh, and it helps recenter me. I also come in here more often, force myself to get to a meeting (even though at the time I may think the topic is irrelevant) and refocus.
Love and blessings to you and your family.
Live strong,
Karilynn & Pipers Kitty
It's your life. Take no prisoners. You will have it your way.
HI GG maybe you are just sick of mentally having to look like you are altogether and in control of things when deep down you want to shout I am as vulnerable as everyone else I don't want to have to put up a front anymore. Let go of being the responsible one all the time. Your body is sending you a message. Listen to it and take care of you. Okay not to be perfect. Luv Leo xxx
I get that blah feeling too. Sometimes for no reason, but usually when I am putting too much upon myself to take care of. Evenif it is just little things. What usually works best for me is giving into the feeling, spoiling myself for a day or two and if it still is there then fake it til I make it. It's almost like having that unsettled feeling is enough to make me worry until i feel unsettled just because i felt that way LOL if that makes any sense.