Why is it that optimists seem to be so much happier than pessimists?
There is something really wonderful about optimists. They're fun to be
around, aren't they? No matter how bad their situation, optimists can always
find something to enjoy - usually simple things like the taste of a good cup
of coffee, the smell of the air on a fine spring day, the sound of a wind
chime tinkling in the breeze.
Understand that optimism is not saying everything is
getting better every day in every way. Or that the worst is
behind us, or seeing sweetness and light, when what's happening is evil and
But optimists know that for all its faults, the world is also filled with
good things to be enjoyed. Positive people know that our
experience in life is largely determined by where we choose to focus our
attention our options.
Optimists understand that happiness is not so much a matter of what we have
and what's going on around us, as it is a choice we make. The wonders and
beauty of life are all around us, right now, right where you are.
You need to be attentive and open to them and that you make a
conscious choice to see and hear and experience them.
Have you choosen to be happy today? It is up to you.
Peggy 7
Thank you for the reminder we can change our attitude.
Bless you,