The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
A little more than 7 yrs. ago, my oldest daughter was starting her senior of college when the bomb dropped - she was pregnant. My sister happened to be visiting from out of town at the time and it was she who my daughter notified first. My girl was scared to death to tell me and so told my sister whom I am close to. My sister had taken me into my room to sit me down and break the news while my daughter and her cousin sat in the living room (I wondered why they sat there so quiet while I got led to the bedroom). Well, anyway, the moment my sister told me about my daughter, I hit the roof. I was stunned to say the least. I didn't even know she had a boyfriend! I cried and cried and sobbed and sobbed and I am sooooo thankful my sister was there to let me cry it all out and talk to me. I had assumed that my daughter was going to graduate that year and move on to the next phase of her life. A baby was going to change all that. I had no idea what would happen now, if she'd have to come home to live, if I would have to support her and the baby for a while, etc. I was just devastated. After about 1/2 hour I emerged from my room and my sister and her own daughter left. And my daughter and I were left alone with each other and all I could do was look at her all teary. This girl sure had her script memorized because in one breath she told me that her boyfriend (who,it turns out, was someone I'd heard her talk about a few times but she just called him a friend) and she were living together, that he did not drink, do drugs, or come from a dysfunctional family and that he had a full-time job,that she was receiving pre-natal care from planned parenthood and that she was going to graduate college on time. Well, daaaaaaamn! What page was I on? And to top it all off (lucky her), just after she finished that long sentence, the doorbell rang and company walked in (saved by the bell) and my daughter took that opportunity to go throw her suitcase in the trunk of the car (she had her self all ready to hit the road fast to drive back to school!), and told me she was leaving and would call me later. Then she was gone.....I never said another word to her about how I felt about this situation. There was no point. She had it all taken care of. That spring, my first grandchild was born and I cried at the moment of her birth. All the heartache I felt at the beginning disappeared into sheer joy. What a beautiful bundle! She is a doll whom we all love to pieces and is well cared for by her parents.
Well, last night I had another bomb dropped - my not quite 20 years old son told me that his girlfriend is pregnant! Need I say more? He moved out of state a couple of months ago to be with her (my A and I not only never met her, we never knew he had a girlfriend out of state!) He stays with her and her family. When he told me I thought he was joking around . I told him he had to be kidding, he said he wasn't,and when I told him he barely knew her, he not only used foul language (which he has never done with me before) but he hung up on me. My son has never lived anywhere else but with us, he has had to ask us to wire him some money 3x since he's been gone, he didn't get a job until last week, and I know he has no clue what he's gotten himself into. But he is so in love with this girl he can't see straight. He has giant stars in his eyes. I was agained stunned at this news though this time I did not cry (not yet anyway). I called him this morning to talk to him but he didn't answer so I left him a telling him that his Dad and I were not going to tell him what to do nor would we discourage him but that we loved him and wanted to talk. He has not returned 2 calls I've made. I am worried about all of it. I know he was not expecting this and must be scared. I'm worried for him in his situation and I am worried that he will not call us for a long,long time. My A seems so casual about it. He's "Oh, well. Our daughter did the same thing". Then,after listening to me, he said "you can worry if you want but I'm not going to". I was angry at the situation and angry at his attitude. Like I'm the one who has the problem. I don't know what to think and yes, I am concerned and worried. It's like this whole thing came out of nowhere and I'm wondering what,when,where and how. I suppose I'll get used to what's happening but at this moment I am a bundle of nerves and I sure don't feel like my A is any help though I'm not sure what I expected him to say. To be honest, I think my A carries a lot of guilt about all the hard times our son had coping with my A's active alcoholism and that his casual reaction is a way of making up for that. It seems like it. I just have this on my mind all the time since last night. Of course, I will love all the grandchildren I may have . Children do not ask to be born nor do they choose their parents. They are innocent little babes. I just cannot picture my son at his age being a father. We figured he'd be headed home in a few months after the stars dimmed. Well, you know that saying : If you want to give God a good laugh, tell him your plans. I think heard him laughing at me....jaja
i can tell you are very frustrated and concerned for your son. Life just does not go the way we think it will huh?
I just never think that far ahead. I never thought about what my kids would be like.Had no expectations. Had a lot of hope though.
My brother got a girl pg when he was nineteen. They were married over twenty years. He stupidly got mixed up with a very very young lady.
Now he wishes he was still with his first wife. They are close and still talk all the time.
I am sorry your son hung up on you and will not return your calls. In a way it is just typical. He is pulling away, he is becoming a man. Strange way but they go thru this stuff.
If I were you, I would write down how I feel, then send it. So at least you know you told him you will support him no matter what. The most wonderful thing you can do for him is to accept his choices and show NO ambivalence. That will mean everything to him. Being on his side no matter what will help him even more to grow up.
My son got mixed up in drugs. I sent him on a survival therapy thing. Where he had to hike the Blue mountains for three weeks and survive.
HE did great.
But when he got back we all went to a drug and alcohold class for families. He had to be u a'd. One came back dirty. The counselor was horribly hard on him. I said wait a minute, he said he did not use, he did not use. I chose to support him. Well thank god I did as they called and let me know they goofed.
to this day I do not beleive in those tests. one mistake and it can ruin your life.
Anyway he always brings that up to me that I believed in him.
He and his girlfriend used protection. They had been together for years. He was breaking up with her as she cheated. Well she chose to mess with the condom and she got pg. He was about your son's age.
I supported every decision. She even had to have a paternity test to see if he was the father. I told her that everyone makes decisions they wish they would not have so they both were very open with me. Her parents were great too.
As soon as my Tigerboy was born she asks me, does he look like M? I said omg YES. He looked like a clone.
Sadly she married a controlling man and we cannot find them. But they get the child support every month.
All I know is, I remember how sad I felt that I could not tell my mother everything and feel supported.
Does no good to break their hearts, they are going to do what they are anyway. We cannot control them, but we can make our relationships better.
My daughter got pg accident.....she was never going to have kids. I gotta tell ya, it was Hell. She was going to get an abortion, then no then yes.
I could not shut my mouth. But I told her I would love and support any decision, but I also told her to have it and she would never be sorry. OMG are they ever a cute pair. She is so cool and my Sprout is my guy...
Anyway, I believe in love, it is first. I believe how the Bible describes it.
Kids drive us nuts. But there is nothing better. Mine are thirty and thirty one now. I am not sorry I just loved them thru it all.
Your son won't be a kid forever. Having a child will help him grow up big time. So he asks for money. My mother helped me until she died. I miss my I care packages and I am fifty three now. Its not so much the money, it is the love behind it.
I can tell how much you love your kids. That is so cool. I promise you will LOVE your grandkids and you will have NO regrets.
Kids add to our lives, they don't take away. hugs, love,debilyn
my first daughter was born at "not the right time". i was in college, the relationship with my boyfriend was very new, and there was so much more. my mother was so mad and disappointed and pouted thru my entire pregnancy. made me feel really bad and stupid. my mother-in-law was completly the oppisite. she treated me with respect and love. she acted as if this was the most normal, happy thing in the world. my mil's thought was that babies are to be celebrated. once anyone decides to be pregnant and have a child then there is no reason to be negative about the situation as that won't change anything except to create a difficult situation and bad feelings. as much as this disease has come between my mil and myself i will always be grateful for her attitude and love at that time in my life. and i have been able to greet every other pregnancy wether my own or someone else's with happy antisapation. it is easy to be excited about a new baby. let yourself feel that joy. just imagine how lucky you are! congradulations!!!
From being in college personally, we have alot of adult students who share your daughter's and son's story and I mean ALOT. They're treated with the same respect as people right outta high school. They do their hwk, have tests, take mid terms, worry about the bills, all that. If ever either one of your children were to come to my college at least jaja, it wouldn't matter. Thy would be treated just like everyone else. If the really wanted to, they could go greek even.
I am one of those "statistics" - the teenage pregnancies that news reports that have such horrible affects on the Mothers & their children. I was 17 yrs old when my daughter was born. I was so blessed that my Mom, Step-Dad & Dad gave me the love, support and acceptance that I needed. Both of my Dads (I feel) had those alcoholic symptoms, but they were able to put those issues aside to help me with the love & support I needed. The best choice was not getting married. I remained a single Mom for almost 2 yrs.
Years later, my second husband & I, who are parents to 5 daughters are faced with 3 single pregnant daughters within 11 months of each other. Their ages, 25, 20 & 18 yrs old; 2 decided to get married, 1 didn't. Two yrs later 2 of these girls were pregnant again - One of them was still married, one had moved on to someone else (She is the one who is an addict) I am so grateful that I was able return the love, support & acceptance that I was given. Pregnancy, althought it may not be under the best of conditions, can still be celebrated. The parents can still be given the love, support and acceptance - my daughters know "I may not always agree with your choices, I will always love you and try to help you in a healthy way"
So, congratulations on being a grandmother again - for me that is a wonderful joy. I know there is a lot to be concerned about but can you give that to your HP & just rest in the joy of the moment? Be happy for your son for the wonderful journey of parenthood he is about to walk on - There is happiness in parenthood - it's not all bad. Just for today, enjoy the good part & Let your HP handle the worry of tomorrow.
Just my e,s, & h,
No matter what me and my God are going to be ok, even better than OK -
I remember the Christmas that my A-daughter and her AAA boyfriend (alcoholic, addict, a-hole) came in to visit. The day they left, she announced to my wife (I wasn't there) that she was pregnant. I found out later (this is a theme).
At any rate, the baby was born... out of town. I didn't have to deal with it, did send a few baby gifts and some $$. About exactly a year after the announcement, my then-X wife took them in briefly then sent them back home to good old stepdad. Not to live with me, but in the same town. They moved in with my #2 daughter.
The day they arrived, I suggested that #2 and I maybe should go to an Alanon meeting. When I went to pick her up, #1 asked me if I wanted to see the baby. She was about 7-8 months at the time. I figured what the heck, you've seen one baby you've seen them all. I could go take a peek, say aw what a cute baby, and we'd be on our way.
The first time I saw my granddaughter, she was asleep in her crib. She had little strawberry blond bangs. I don't know what I was expecting... but at that moment, my world changed forever. My overwhelming thought was, My God, she's perfect. In the middle of all of this chaos and addiction... I was looking at perfection.
That little girl is now 12, and she's still perfect. Her mom is 11 years sober. Her dad is... well, who cares... he's out of their lives 99%. She is the most dominant personality I have ever met in my life, of any age, gender, or creed. I felt it even when she lay sleeping at the age of 7 months. I know probably everybody thinks things like this of their children and grandchildren. But I've watched this one work her magic on my friends, her friends... even my hard-hearted sister, which brings tears to my eyes just to think about.
And my 1-year old grandson - sometimes I close my eyes and imagine what his big sister must seem like from his perspective. And I smile.
When I think about all the circumstances that brought her to the world, and to my life... one small thing different, and it wouldn't have happened. Yet, it seems as inevitable as it is unlikely. If only I could stop questioning God, and just accept His gifts on a daily basis.
Oh jaja, this is "hard stuff" with which I am sorry you had to deal. But, you said yourself, you have a beautiful granddaughter who is loved by you and both her her parents. So happiness and great good came out of a bad situation. With the young man, it will no doubt be different. He is still essentially a child trying to carve out a life for himself, and suddenly his plans are dashed. But, usually things work out, and when that new life comes into the world the tears of joy are genuine.
Chin up Mom. I know the news must be devastating, but you'll make it. Meanwhile I have all of your family in my prayers and positive thoughts.
With great caring, Diva
"Speak your truth quietly and clearly..." Desiderata
hello , well jaja this isn't happening to you it's happning to him . and think another grandbaby to play with , this could be the love of his life ya never know. support his efforts to s tand by her he must be a gentleman (pat yourself on the back ) support him emotionally not financially and enjoy !!!
Sure sounds easy dosen't it ????? I know it's nots so hard to see our kids growing up before thier time but not a damn thing we can do about it. Keep the focus on yourself and your needs support his efforts by just being his mom. It will make things alot easier on all of you . Louise
We love our children so much. From the time they are born, we know exactly what we want for them in this life...Guess that is why it is so hard to let them go...We know what we want..and sometimes that conflicts with what their hp has in store for them and it has really conflicted with what they want for them around here.
We have raised children and we know how hard it is, but somehow we made it and so will they! Now it your turn to take care of u!
I still wish they would have passed out instruction books when I left that hospital!
The more I thought about this the more I realized in my post I may have been hasty in discounting your feelings - If so please accept my amends.
It is disappointing when the lives of our children don't go the way we had hope. Through the loving care of our HP, the Al-Anon program, working the steps with a sponsor and feeling the feelings - you can process the feelings you have and work through this emotional time - Then maybe you will be able to get through the disappointment and sadness to the joy of the occasion.
Be good to yourself & treat yourself as you would some one healing from physical wounds - because you are healing for emotional wounds -
One Day at a time - even one minute at a time if you need to,
Love & Hugs,
No matter what me and my God are going to be ok, even better than OK -
Kids are the hardest to work the program with some for me sometimes. Where is that balance between parenting and controling? When is the right time to let them fully deal with the consequences of their actions? When is it time for me to Let Go and Let God?
We are taught in Alanon to not give advice. Our children is seems in their efforts to become their own person, resist our advice anyways. LOL
I'm sorry your husband didn't seem supportive. I'm not making excuses for him, far be it for me to make excuses for an A. I just know that it is difficult for me to not get sucked into someone's worrying and then start the cycle myself. When I read what he said, I took it as, he was Letting Go, and Letting God. Sometimes it's hard to practice detachment and not come off as being discompationate for me.
I'm sorry as a Mom you are having this happen and its difficult for you. You can get through it. Alanon teaches is that we can get through our feelings and the events of your lives. One day at a time and it might just turn out as wonderful your daughter.
You are a perfect child of God and God and I love you just the way you are! (added by that special alanon way)
OK kiddies, this one has really nothing to do with alcoholism. It is the child's facing of consequences caused by inappropriate actions. I don't believe AlAnon teaches us to NEVER offer advice, nor NEVER offer a safe harbor. We are not dealing with drinking here...Jaja's child is in trouble. Letting him sink at this time is not only unreasonable, it is cruel. Very few of us end up totally dependent on Mom for the rest of our lives. I look back on my mother and dad with love not because they kicked me to the curb when I needed them, but because they showered me with love, compassion, and understanding. Oh yes, they even advised me from time to time. OK, so this young man may not want Mom's advice. But Mom won't know if she doesn't offer it.
AlAnon tenets serve a useful purpose, but they are are not to be mistaken for a blanket covering every one of life's situations
-- Edited by Diva at 10:40, 2006-11-11
"Speak your truth quietly and clearly..." Desiderata