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Well, hubby and I had a nice vacation paid for by my dad (an anniversary/birthday gift) except for food and whatever we wanted to do down there. We went to Myrtle Beach and had lots of fun. We had our 8th anniversary together (married), been together for 11 yrs, and I am now 26 yrs old!! We went down there this past thursday and got back sunday evening. I got a call at 9:45 pm on monday. My best friend called to ask me if i'd seen any news or anything and I told her no, we were just watching some shows that had been tivoed while on vacation. She proceeded to tell me that my other best friend's sister had just been stabbed to death by her husband and then he stabbed himself to death earlier that day. I was in such utter shock I couldn't talk. I couldn't think. I just stuttered something like "wow", "uh", "i can't believe this"! She also told me my friend had an anxiety attack and had to be taken to the er. They put her on xanax 1mg. She was really bad off. Fainting and spouts of anger and sadness. They'd tried telling her sister that something like this could possibly happen, but they never really thought it would actually happen, but sadly it did. My friend's family is one of the nicest and most polite and friendly families I know of. What I hate the most is the fact that I can't do anything to make it better except be there for them. What's worse is this is the second time I've had to endure seeing the pain of one of my best friends and it doesn't get any easier. Nearly two years ago my other best friend lost her 2 1/2 month old to SIDS. It was horrible. Now I'm having to watch my other best friend grieve her sister which was murdered. Her sister was a nice person, sweet and generous. She was leaving and he came home early from work. They had 3 daughters, they are safe and sound with their grandmother now, which I am very happy about. The funeral was thursday. I hated it. I hate funerals. I hate it so much because all I can do is comfort them. I don't have an abracadabra or nothing to heal the pain. THAT SUCKS!! I am hurting so bad because there isn't anything to do. I'm there for her and hold her hand or hug her or anything. It hurts me so bad to see her in pain. She's getting better. Although the pain won't go away. My friend who lost her baby knows that for sure. Oh man, this sucks!!
Sorry I haven't posted in a looonnnng time. Been busy doing nothing! Just lazy! I do come here and read other posts though, so I am still around. Been on here for 1 yr and a month or so, but I guess I've not posted in a while so I guess I've only really been here for about 8 or 9 months. Anyway, I do still think about ya'll. Take care and please be safe!!
My prayers are with you and your best friends family. It brings tears to my eyes especially knowing that she had 3 children. I HOPE THOSE KIDS WILL REMEMBER HER. THIS is soo sad. I AM SORRY you have to endure this pain. I DO not have a magic word to say that will make all the pain go away, but let Go and let God.
~life is like a box of chocolates you never know whatcha gonna get~
Thanks for coming back and posting. Life is tough. Like Lauren said it is hard to know what to say when tragedy hits those we care about. Especially when it is hard to understand. Being there for them seems to be enough. There isn't much else we can do. Keep coming back.
I would say you are doing a lot. I have friends who desert me in times of need. So the fact you are sticking around is a tremendous boon to your friend.
Thanks ya'll. I guess to hear that makes me feel a little better. I guess it just hurts to see a friend in pain especially in a situation like this. Thanks again ya'll. Take care.