The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Thought I would share a gratitude list - a lady at a meeting the other night said that she recited one in her head from A-Z so she could sleep at night... what a great idea! I did it last night and it actually worked.
A- Alanon and AA
B - Birds, breathing
C - Courage, candles
D - My dear Dad, my brother Dan
E - Elves, ears to hear with
F - Fun!!
G - Gentleness, gratefulness
H - Happiness, hope
I - Imagination
J - Jade, jasmine
K - Karma
L - Love, LIFE!!!
M - Mountains, moose
N - Nature and nurturing oneself
O - Open mind, opportunities
P - Positivity, patience
Q - Questions, Quality
R - Rest, respect
S - Serenity, sanity
T - Travelling, trains
U - Unity, universe
V - Vitality,
W - Willingness
Y - Your business, not mine
Z - Zoo
Have a great weekend everyone, have some fun, we need more of it in our lives....
Very nice. I was reading and was going Uh huh, good, I like that.... then I hit Elves. Sorry, but that made me laugh. Have a lot of the wee people in your life do ya'?
I hope you have a great weekend! Be sure and have a bowl of lucky charms for me! You know I am just kidding with you, but that was good.
Take care of you!
"Good judgement comes from experience... experience comes from bad judgement" - unknown
LOLOLO!!! I am trying to find the "lighter side" of life and elves came to mind. I love that movie "Elf", also! Talk about a funny movie, have you seen the Legend of Ricky Bobby? Hilarious!!! About that Nascar guy with Will Farrell? Talk about a funny laugh out loud movie!!! Have a great weekend, I always think about ya!!!!