The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Here I am trying to face life straight ahead. Be the Captain of my Ship...all that stuff.
But honestly....all I feel soon as "everyone" discovers how much of a failure I really am on the inside I will be alone. I'm trying so hard to forget how disappointed I made my ex (who is also one of my A's). Every time I failed him, you know...failed to make his life perfect....the pain he caused me was horrible. Now...I'm so used to rejection, that I feel like I need to prepare everyone else who meets me that I'm a loser.
I'm not a loser....I'm pretty sure, Im really not, but it seems as though I am so sure that someone will get angry with me when I fail to be perfect that warning them before hand seems to be the best call of action.
What's successful is this course? I'm losing big time. I'm pushing away the one person who might really be able to touch my heart.
That's pretty standard, actually. What you're doing is you're becoming AWARE of the tapes in your head, and, until you sought recovery, you just accepted these tapes as the truth. The tapes that say how stupid you are, how good for nothing you are, how you're a failure,.... The key to awareness is, well, acceptance too. The more aware I become of my world the more I can choose--or not--to give it my time and patience. What I did with all these tapes was I wrote them out, and I wrote about them. I wrote about how they made me feel, and what impact they had in my life, and I went to EXTREME lengths to resesearch them. I noticed somethings as a result First off, I noticed that all these old tapes were placed in my head by my father when he was drunk. So right there that told me alot. I mean, a person who's drunk, even if I don't know them, evokes pity from me. So right there the voices took on a lot less significance. The second thing that came out of the writing was that my sponsor, the peple in the meetings, the literature, all had said at length that you, too, had these tapes. You, too, had been told that you were worthless good for nothings. So I realized that I was not the first, not the last not the only. So again, the voices lost power over me. The last thing I noticed was that I was more prone to these tapes when I was Hungry Angry Lonley Tired. So even today I give myself extra attention to make sure that doesnt happen. That I don't get too HALT. Because whenever I am vulnerable or in one of those positions, the voices start and MAN, when they start, it's darn near impossible to turn'em off. But they CAN be turned off. I go to a meeting and share. I call my sponsor and talk. I can talk here like you did (way to go, btw ) and I can write about it in my journal. I can take ACTION to STOP the insanity and the pain. Ultimately, as time has gone on, as I've continued to work the steps, as I've continued to pray, the voices have lost power over me. And it's only on my bad days that I notice them. But there's the old football saying a good defense has a good offense. So I take a good offense every day to make sure they don't come back. ((HUGS))
You are not a loser. These are lies we listen to and begin to believe when living with active A'ism. You cannot be "all" to everyone or really anyone. Its funny to me but as I began surrendering and realizing that I truly was powerless over alcohol and other people including their thoughts, beliefs and opinions I began to get stronger and become more powerful myself. That power is within you lurking take some time for you and do something good for yourself today to bring out some of that good stuff. I am a people pleaser. I have always gone above and beyond in every relationship but never really got that same energy or attention back from the other person. I have realized that I've been over "doing" to gain acceptance, love, and to keep the people who were so miserable happy. Well, I'm not a magician and there is no way in hell that I'll be able to expend that kind of energy on people any longer. I became sick and drained of all my energy. I felt like a piece of nothing and gave all my power to the A and other's who really didn't ask for it or deserve it. I love my A emmensely but I'm no longer going to put him on a pedastal because I belong on that pedastal. Thank you for being honest with us and getting out your feelings. Your thoughts and feelings believe it or not is helping someone else heal too. Be good to you.
"The people who don't mind matter and the people who mind, don't matter". (Dr. Seuss)
I have traditionally always been very independant and very self assured. In the throws of this disease however I fell into a lot of self doubt. The disease is most comfortable when we are off balance I have found.
So... if the A can constantly change their mind about reality, we sound as if we are constantly at odds with them. Then they have a reason to be miserable that is outside of themselves.
That can crush a person's spirit. Did mine. One of the most important parts of this program and this board, is so we can understand that we are not alone. That what you are going through is not because you are defective.
It is a tough situation to be in on our best days, on our worst days we blame ourselves... for not saying the right thing, not doing the right thing... for somehow not fixing the problem.
Only when we realize we can't fix their problem, we can't say or do anything to make this dissappear, can we be free to try and fix what we can... US.
You deserve to not feel like a failure. You are reaching out for help which is a win. That is so much more than many people do.
I know this to be true, and I still have days like yours... but now I know I don't have to stay there! It is very empowering!
Know we are here for you and take care of you! You deserve it!
"Good judgement comes from experience... experience comes from bad judgement" - unknown
Please hang around here more. These responses were so wonderful. These friends really know how to practice this program, don't they?
I am sorry you are feeling like a failure but believe me you are not. I am new to the program, but I can feel the change in just a few months. It is a process, but do come here and express yourself or just read posts. There is so much to learn and I have gathered that the main thing to do here is to learn to love and take care of ourselves. It is so important, and when you begin to feel a little stronger, you will see.
Hang in there, really, and try to make some face to face meetings too! This is amazing stuff, and you will feel so much better after a while.
Hello Kat , a looser ???? I don't think so . We all tried to fix people with this damn disease and it's 'not ours to fix , we were doomed to fail . We were n ot the ones with the problem.
Never a failure unless u quit trying . dust yourself up and get back on the right track again, looking after you . You are the only one u can fix . and the only one u have the right to change. good luck Kat . Louise
Oh Honey are no loser. We all felt like that when we came to Al0Anon. Step one ....2nd part says our lives have become unmanageable. Thant's exactly what it is!!!
Everyone is right...those durn little voices in our heads repeating the same things over and over.
Please, please keep coming back!!!!!!! We are "family" cause we've all been there and still go through some of that.
Yes, this program really works!!! Progress ...not perfection.
We all love you and support each other right where we're at.