The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have many significant obstacles in front of me in my task to get out from under the A. Finances alway seem to have been part of the issue in my dealing with the A. Another is my depression. I overate to compensate for that. In the last few weeks I have joined o.a. and lost 13 lbs I am on my way to my goal. I feel better. I exercise. I used to feel totally frozen in what I feel now was rage I did not know what to do with. Resources are another issue. I had a break from therapy (not my choice) now I am going back and going to work with a therapist on the here and now rather than the past for a while. I was severely under earning now I am working a lot of hours, I'm not making a lot of money yet but in time I will have money to put towards my plan b slots.
I still have logistical obstacles I have not solved yet. They are like huge boulders in my path but I know with HP"s help and a new way of thinking I can resolve some of them. I am task orientated. I think plan b morning noon and night. I have a what's next on the plan b and I work on it. I do not get distracted by any of the A's antics. In fact I don't pay that much attention to his antics I just focus on my plan b. I long for the day when I am not on plan b but this is where I am right now and I am willing to be here. I don't think I was before. I was still waiting for a miracle and maybe the miracle is that I wll work through these issues till I can get another plan for my life.
One of the things that confused me a great deal when I joined Al Anon--although I didn't realize it was confusion at the time--was the difference between "detachment" and "indifference." I had always heard that the opposite of hate wasn't love, but indifference, but still, it was very confusing. Then I looked it up in the dictionary:
indifferentOne entry found for indifferent.
Main Entry: in·dif·fer·ent Pronunciation: in-'di-f&rnt, -f(&r&nt Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin indifferent-, indifferens, from in- + different-, differens, present participle of differre to be different -- more at DIFFER 1: marked by impartiality : UNBIASED 2 a: that does not matter one way or the other b: of no importance or value one way or the other 3 a: marked by no special liking for or dislike of something <indifferent about which task he was given> b: marked by a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for something : APATHETIC <indifferent to suffering and poverty> 4: being neither excessive nor inadequate : MODERATE <hills of indifferent size> 5 a: being neither good nor bad : MEDIOCRE <does indifferent work> b: being neither right nor wrong 6: characterized by lack of active quality : NEUTRAL <an indifferent chemical> 7 a: not differentiated <indifferent tissues of the human body> b: capable of development in more than one direction; especially: not yet embryologically determined - in·dif·fer·ent·lyadverb synonymsINDIFFERENT, UNCONCERNED, INCURIOUS, ALOOF, DETACHED, DISINTERESTED mean not showing or feeling interest. INDIFFERENT implies neutrality of attitude from lack of inclination, preference, or prejudice <indifferent to the dictates of fashion>. UNCONCERNED suggests a lack of sensitivity or regard for others' needs or troubles <unconcerned about the homeless>. INCURIOUS implies an inability to take a normal interest due to dullness of mind or to self-centeredness <incurious about the world>. ALOOF suggests a cool reserve arising from a sense of superiority or disdain for inferiors or from shyness <aloof from his coworkers>. DETACHED implies an objective attitude achieved through absence of prejudice or selfishness <observed family gatherings with detached amusement>. DISINTERESTED implies a circumstantial freedom from concern for personal or especially financial advantage that enables one to judge or advise without bias <judged by a panel of disinterested observers>.
But still, I was like, "Huh?" then the light bulb went on when I realized how indifferent I was toward my father. This was the man who had sexually molested me, beat me, drank away his pay check so that there was no food, no power, no heat, et cetera, et cetera--and after a life time of insanity I had gotten to a point where, if I got "The Call" ("We found your father, dead from a drug over dose...") I would have said "Let him die there. He'll be more use to the buzzards than he ever was to me!" Yikes! That's out and out malice!
So then I had to look at the words "indifference" and "detachment" again: in the dictionary, detachment implies that events take place with or without my involvement, and if I am practicing "detachment," I do not enjoy someone getting their "just desserts" nor do I resent them for enjoying victories of their recovery (in other words, if someone gets 60 days of sobriety, that's THEIR sobriety; not mine).
It was then I also realized how deeply "numb" I had become toward my father, with good reason. This was where a professional was absolutely necessary, if only to keep me from having destructive relationships in the future, or to help me see how my very dangerous relationship to my father has shaped my view of men.
Thanks for the humble share. You reminded me of what I learned while trying to work this program early on, "Miracles are great events that happen when I run out of power. That's when HP..(God) steps in and gives me what I need.....rarely what I think I want."