The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Thank you for your shares. I will reply more in depth later ... for now though I wanted to be sure to let you all know I am doing good. I decided the more info I had the better so I called every agebcy in town and county that would be involved if I had to do anything against his will. I got LOADS of info and managed to get REAL people who CARED on the phone. After an hour and 15 on the phone with one woman with the knowledge to somewhat evaluate my A from my descriptions (and i was believed ... what a nice change from his family etc reactions) we tenatively set an appointment for him today at 9, he agreed to go last night and called and confirmed the time and place himself last night. So the ball is rolling, he will at least be in the system, if he is not bad enough today for them to hold it will be easier whan he or I or anyone else has to make the call. The paper acknowledging his admitting to me that he wanted and had plans to take his life will help, I am thankful I was able to detach enough to think of doing that. I know he may lie, or do whatever to make everything appear fine today and am ready to accept that. Although after seeing him make the call last night to confirm, when he heard a kind voice and they asked him questions about his state of mind he started crying so I have hope that at this moment he is not able to hide anything. I'm praying they take him away somewhere and get him help, unrealistic but I can pray
I relearned that I need to know as much about the processes of what will happen and if I reach out for information humbly it is easily given. I have so much to say and no time to say it right now so I will reply to the replies to my other post later and PMs too. Thank you all for sharing your ESH with me and anyone else who may have needed it.
I am so very glad that you got what you needed. Of course now you have to let go and let them take over but that is another process. How clever As are to get us so overinvolved with them. I know I had overinvolvement written across my forehead before. I do not now and I would be probably dead from exhaustion without al-anon.
I hope you will do things for you and you only now. Eat, sleep, rest, dream. I think I get to the point of exhaustion often where I stop dreaming and I need my dreams and my plans.