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I went to my spousal support hearing yesterday becuase my a husband refused to even make an offer on any kind of support. The judge ruled that after 22 years of marriage he will pay support to me and he will be paying it longer than he wants to!
As you can imagine he gave an earful to our 19 year old son about how I'm finacially ruining him and why couldn't I settle it like an adult out of court. His Dad had 2 months to do that and he refused.
If only I'd get a real job and earn more I wouldn't have to ruin his Dad! And then he wouldn't be enbaressed to tell his friends that I'm ONLY a recepionist.
So I invited our son to dinner to try to ease his mind that I'm not out to ruin anyone but he hasn't returned my call.
I'm really sorry that he hasn't even asked for what this is like for me. I'm rambling....
Kids are kids. I sometimes ask myself "Am I embarassed by my occupation - secretary?" For me the answer is no. When I try to be something that someone else wants, I only end up unhappy.
I am sure your son will come around. I give my children space when they ask it and they come back so willingly and not full of resentment. In the meantime, I get together with good friends, go to a meeting, etc. to ease the loneliness.
Keep coming, Maria123
If I am not for me, who will be? If I am only for myself, then who am I? If not now, when?
Hello Whittie , am sorry u had to listen to your son blame you for that crap, our kids are caught in the middle of this mess we create and always seem to feel they have to choose between thier parents . Your son is listening to the most verbal of the two of you , never be ashamed of who and what you are our kids are selfish little buggers when all is said and done, your son for now has made up his mind that dad is right and you are wrong so just let it go.
Just be you and he will grow up and see the truth eventually. Nothing wrong with a receptionist , good honest living he ought to be grateful. funny how we are an embarrament but a drunk is okay - go figure . Keep the focus on your needs and your going to be ok and i am grateful the judge saw that 22 yrs was worth a little respect. well done. Louise
This is a classic, you are certainly not the only ex-wife going through this.
Perhaps you can tell your son the reason why ex husbands have to pay spousal support. The main reason is that MANY wives get off the professional fast track to raise kids and take care or the home so that the Dad can stay ON the financial fasttrack. At the time it seems like a good idea and necessary, especially with an alcholic Dad who often does NOT pick up the slack or help out much if the Mom works.
So...the LAW wants to be fair and just and compensate woman for the "sweat equity" that they put into the family and husband's career. She is often a very important part of a husband's successful career. If she were not raising the kids, taking care of the home, driving the kids around, the husband likely would not have had as much time to put into his career and would likely not have accomplished as much.
The law and the judge see women like you everyday. Who may be a receptiontist but not because they are lazy or stupid or unambitious, but because they sacrificed a hard driving career to raise their kids. They are usually the one to sacrifice a successful career and let work take a backseat to child rearing.
Also, if your husband is being "financially ruined" it is because he is bad at handling his finances, as alcholics often are. A judge NEVER orders enough spousal support to leave the ex-husband destitute. That is the reason why a judge has to determine it, he looks at the circumstances of both and comes up with a fair number. Funny, how he thinks owning up to his responsibility is breaking him financially, but blowing money on expensive alcohol isn't...
You have "earned" every penny you are getting in support and don't ever let your EX make you feel guilty for getting it. The law only gives you what is fair and just and they have a lot of e xperience in how to decide how much spousal support to give you. So, don't geel guilty. It will not even begin to make up for what you have given to him.
I read a study that in ten years after a divorce, the husband has often recovered financially and is almsot always MUCH BETTER off, while the wife is often still struggling. That is also due to the greater earning power that men have. The law knows that too...and tries to level the playing field with spousal support. So, once again, you have it COMING and OWED to you so take every penny without a shred of guilt. You will need it later.
Maybe you could write these things to your son in a letter, with some statistics to back it up. Go to the library and get a book about the finances after a divorce and it will be a eye opening experience for you to read about how women almost always get a raw deal in the long run, even figuring IN spousal support!
It is because a woman can never regain those lost years that she was on the "mommy track". Even if she tries to jump right back in the rat race, she now has age against her and age discrimination...sigh. So, she will never catch up.
My husband tries this line on me too...says it is cheaper to stay married to me even though he despises me, since he knows he will have to pay spousal support. SIGH!
I tell him "The judge will only give me what is right, fair, and just and even then it won't even begin to make up for what you have done". I will tell the judge how I had to drop out of my MS in psychology degree program, when I got a scholarship I worked for years and years for in undergraduate school, since my husband was drunk driving our daughter around and being drunk the whole time I ever left the home. I will also tell the judge how I had to quit so many jobs since he consistantly got drunk every time I left the house, or took our daughter out drunk driving around.
My daughter would call me at work, crying, that he was barking like a dog or peeing his pants and she was terrified he would "go crazy" and hurt her the way he was screaming at her. I would take her to my Mom's to be watched while I was at work and he would go and get her, bullying both of them. Yes, I plan to tell the judge all of that...
So, as you can see....I will collect every single penny I can of spousal support and even then it will never make up for the lost wages I could have had if he had not so totally destroyed my career by making it impossible to even work a job, much less devote myself to a job.
If I can ever get him to move out, I even plan on moving to another neighboring county that has a higher and longer scale of spousal support, LOL. Like I said, it won't even begin to even out...
I know this is hard for you, and painful. Hold your head up, you are a hard working mom and can be proud of yourself for what you have accomplished in life. Despite I am sure many problems with an active A husband, you still managed to work as a receptionist.
Don't let your EX husband reach out accross the gap between you and still rob you of your serenity and peace. The judge NOT YOU decided on the spousal support. You have it coming to you, so take it. Tell him to manage his finances better. Turn things around...tell your son that the judge never orders "too much" support, so if your husband is needy, then he is very financially irresponsible and needs to learn to bugdet.
Honey, your alcholic was just pissed off that he had to take responsibility. Alcholism is a disease of selfishness and self centerdness, one that at its core evades responsibility. It is not your son's responsibility to pay alimony! That's like saying your son is the reason your marriage broke up! And you know that's not true! Your son probably isn't returning your phone calls because he's hurting. Alcholism is a tornado disease--it just plows through and destroys everything it touches, leaving devastation behind. Your son will heal in time. If you're truly worried, send him a funny ecard, send him a thinking of you card, then let it go. Pray. Hang out with us. Let go and let god.
And next time you see or have contact with your alcholic, say something to the effect that if he needs to bad moulth you, do it to your face. The stuff that goes on between you and him has nothing to do with your son. If your son needs to get involved at at all, tell your alcholic it'll be for a long vacation or to pay for you to have dinner at an expensive restaurant.
I bet you are really hurting. Kids can be really cruel sometimes without even knowing it but deep down your son knows that when the chips are down you are the one he can count on. He may have feelings of guilt himself that he has to see his Dad go through this. He will truly understand the sacrifice you have made for him when he has his own children. Lots of hurtful words are said when someone is suffering emotionally and usually we take it out on the one we love the most. ((()) Luv Leo xx
Thanks everyone for your encouraging words. I was able to have my son over for dinner tonight and we had a good talk. I feel better and I think he does too. He was open to what I had to say after he unloaded (more!). As he would say "it's all good".
I actually received my first support payment from my a today. Only 2 days after the trial! Now I really feel better!
IMHO, your son simply needs to be loved by you, right now and always... Do your best to keep this stuff, between you and your ex, between YOU and YOUR EX. This is not stuff that you have to justify or rationalize with your son.... Love him, and show him that you are the mother you are..... The other things will fall into place.
Take care
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"