The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
It is good to be back after my absence. It is something to me how this cunning disease keeps affecting us all in different ways as we continue on our own journeys. I for one know not to rely on one support group for my journey and I am glad I have that knowledge now. I am not going to be hurt again so badly that I almost end up in the hospital. It is hard living with chronic pain etc. and no one can understand my life unless they have walked in my shoes. I am seeing how chaos and drama just seem to remain in people's lives and how some feed off of it. I hope my daughter can calm down now and find an even keel life for herself. I need that for me too especially with my sensitive health issues. I see the importance of having a plan to protect ourselves when people we rely on or have friendships with do the opposite. Alanon is not a perfect program and there are not perfect people in it. I just had the idea that in alanon we are all equals but it just doesn't always work that way as everyone is human afterall. It is good to know there are other choices out there and that a person can have more than one support group. I found how important it is to be in groups where all are nice and greet all even if there are hard feelings or issues. I try to do this and don't want to be uncaring. If the group or I get uncaring then it may be time to move on to a group that is not like that or does not bring that out in me. This is a program of attraction afterall. It is good there are alot of f2f groups in my community for this reason. WE get out of the program what we put in. I have been in alanon 3 years this month both online and f2f. I am proud of all I have done and all I have learned. I guess we need to be the ones to give ourselves the big pat on the back for if no one else lives our lives or walks in our shoes, how could they possibly know all that has been done. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I feel stonger now even though the circumstances were so painful in getting to this point. My HP and I Know my right and wrongs. I am glad I can realize this and not choose to become bitter with a chip on my shoulder. The thing that kept drawing me back was the equality in the program. When that gets lost than maybe it is time to move on. I am not sure about my future in alanon, but I know I still can be an open minded person. I am learning more about working on ME and not pleasing others who may have thier own agendas. IT is too bad I had to learn such hard lessons but I am sure my HP had a hand in it. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I am still my same lovable, kind, compassionate, person to those now that display mutual respect. I am not wasting my time anymore on those who are not respectful or who are not who they appear to be. With me, what you see is what you get. Yes, I have my shortcomings and I do work on them, but I am here to grow and learn. When my daughter was almost killed 2 weeks ago, again I learned who my true friends were. Not all friends in alanon are true. I think we come into the program wounded with our sensors all out of whack. Some of us come from alcoholic homes ourselves. How can people be respectful or true friends when they have so much to learn on their journey to heal their wounds? Hurt me once, blame on you, Hurt me twice, blame on me. That is something I am keeping in mind these days. I remember once trying to make a boundary with someone in a polite way and was told they would do any damn thing they wanted! Yet, in person they put on another face. I don't have time for this stuff anymore.
Myself and my family have become the most important focus in my life now. I am glad I was able to give so much of my time to the room and people and the board but now it time for ME. Debilyn always asks about me. Well, this post is about me debilyn. I am growing and will continue to. I am just sharing my own personal experiences. There is no easy way to get through the steps. Either go through them or don't get out of the program what you are worth getting out. For I am a person that would rather a support group say hi to all and be gracious like healthy adults or find a new one. WE have too much hurt and game playing in our families. WE don't need this in a place we need and strive to be safe in. I am talking about all support groups out there. I am grateful I have met and know people like debilyn, kitty, whitie, leo, lebe, faith ,kismet for example who accept me for who I am, shortcomings or not. Thanks for all of you for being here for me during my struggles and journey. I just never thought the journey would bring more hardships like it has after my daughter was clean and sober. Now my eyes are wide opened and I see how it was her life or death recently that almost took her away from me! That is what has refocused my journey and my taking this program so seriously now. cdb
Thank you so much for your post. I have asked about you and have wondered so many times how you are doing. I am so happy you are taking care of YOU. You so deserve to find some peace and happiness. You have always been so kind to me in the room and I have missed you so much. I do care about you and will keep you in my prayers, dear cdb.
Thank you for your heartfelt post. I am glad that you think of me as you do. I hope I have helped you in some way. I know you have helped me tremendously and I would hate to be thought of as a taker. I know there are so many of those out there taking advantage of my A and I HATE IT. Because every time they take advantage of him they are doing the same to me. Pretty bad when you can't even trust your own family. You have to take care of you as we have all learned through this program that we can't expect anyone else to take care of us.
Thanks for your kind posts lexie and lebe. I wrote this very late last night and didn't include all the names I wanted to. I have gotten so much support here from so many at different times. I guess in life things change and friendships change and that is okay with me :) I am so happy in the life I have now even though there are intense struggles. I guess I always have used this board to speak my truth and my feelings and for me, that has been a great reward. My journey is a good one as of today. My HP/God is so good to me and I do pray for people here. I remember last year at my parent's summer cabin going through the alphabet at night and thinking of a member's name here that fit each letter to pray for. I am only human and God is great in forgiving me for my past wrongs. The past is the past, the future is for HP to know and the present is what I am living right now in today! See yas when I see yas. cdb xoxoxo ((((roomies)))
PS,, the absense I had here was not of my choice and it saddens me that I could not have get up with the posts here and replied to people or met new ones. I hope you understand this and know that I was reading the posts and thinking of all of you. cdb :)
Thank you for your heartfelt share. It takes a huge heart to support others as much as you do. I apprieciate the love and caring you've shown me. Even through all the heartache you've seen over the last couple years you still always had more to give to the rest of us.
I wish for you peace and happiness for you and your family on your daily path. Growth is painful and rewarding all at once. I look forward to seeing you here again as you are a positive force to this site. :)
(((()))Cdb take care of yourself whilst you are looking after Mum and Dad. My uncle is in very advanced stages of Alzheimers at the moment and my aunty is worn out emotionally and physically. She recently had to have a crisis carer take over for a day because her mother is also seriously ill. I was wondering do you have that option if things get tough? I too will be off the board as i am going to visit my son but I will be thinking of you and will catch up when I get back. Luv Leo xx