The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
A friend of mine used to quote the old saying that when you find yourself at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on for dear life. I've added another knot.
I started dating a man that I met through eharmony at the beginning of the year. We dated exclusively from the start. I thought, "this man is wonderful." I then found out that he had been sober for five years. My next thought was, "how do i cont. to end up with "A's", even when I get matched through a dating service? But he was sober, worked the steps, a christian....where was the problem? After two months he could only see me one day a week after his kids went to bed. He stated he wasn't going to introduce his kids to anyone for fear of them getting hurt. We lived two hours away from each other. He couldn't come to me because of his kids. I cont'd for another two months driving to him whenever he called and said I could come over. Last week he got really upset because I wanted to talk, or something, I'm still not sure. He told me he had only been to like one meeting in three months because he had no one to watch the kids. My offer to help out was taken as a push. I just wanted to show him that I could love him with a whole heart.
I've had a father and two former ex's who were all A's. I knew last week for sure where this was headed. I was facing a crisis of "please, don't be mad at me, I'll try harder, I won't ask you for anything, MY FEELINGS DON'T MATTER." That's where i always end up. When I tried to explain how I felt last night, he of course played it off as the distance being too hard on him. I WAS DOING ALL THE WORK HOW WAS IT HARD FOR HIM. When I tried to explain it to him he said I was mean. I was being cruel. That's so funny. I'm always the doormate. I'm the one that runs from any kind of confrontation. I told him I didn't like being used for sex. That really made him mad. I kept saying, "So I guess this is over." He kept saying that's not what he was saying. So I said it.
I've been coming here for almost two years. It wasn't until six months ago that I picked one name and allowed myself to connect with all of you. Someone in a chat room once said, "you've got to stop thinking the way you are thinking or you'll cont. to make the same choices." She was right. So rather than begging and promising to be better, I chose to think of myself. IT WAS HARD. And I felt bad today, guilty in fact, for making him upset and hurting him. I sent an email to apologize for hurting him. I don't like hurting anyone. But I swore when I kicked my ex out that I'd never let anyother man use me again.
I have found that good knot tying skills are very useful in life.
I am glad that you tied another knot.
I have started online dating and my friends are keeping me honest avoiding anyone that is an A/ It was just too destructive for me to be married to my A husband for 14 years
keep posting your feelings and reaching out
If you want things you never had you need to do things you have never done
Sounds to me like you made a very good decision to end that relationship, IMHO.If he was going to be this self centered already,what did the future hold?
I am just amazed though that he turned out to be another A.I have no experience with online dating,( cuz I've been married 36 years!),but we are separating.I thought E Harmony matched people according to a list of questions on character,values,etc.If you were able to attract an A just by answering questions,then there is more to this thing than meets the eye.It can't just be pheromones.Very interesting and kinda scary.I do not want to attract A's anymore but if I am doomed to only attract them I think I will join a convent....:)
Good job standing up for yourself.I understand about not wanting to hurt someone.But less hurtful now than later. d
good topic. i was just thinking about someday dating again and what i want and need. i know i do not ever want to go thru what i've gone thru. and i don't ever have to if i choose not to. but the thing is that i don't know if i could be comfortable with someone who is not an alcoholic. reality is that i grew up with it and married it and there will always be a certain level of disfunction in my family. i'm not sure i would want to be with someone who couldn't relate. so there's the dilema. i know the alcoholic's faults better than my own. wether he is sober or active. how can i ever trust anyone again? luckly these are just thoughts at this point. good thoughts because i don't want to make the same mistakes again. i will make different ones next time! maybe i'll find a nice alanoner and we can live co-dependently ever after!!!
To me Al-Anon has allowed me the ability to set boundaries and start healthy behavior for myself. It has also be shared in my f2f meetings, that when looking at my boudaries that I am not responsible for someone else's reactions to a healthy boundary.
Also, if my actions are pure in heart, not vendictive, manipulating, or hateful, then why do I have to apologize to someone who is hurt by that action. This program tells me I am responsible for my own feelings, if I am hurt by someone's actions, I am giving them the power to hurt me. Shouldn't that work both ways - If he was hurt by your healthy boundaries, then if he is truly in recovery, he will have to look at his part not place the blame on you.
I know for me, I had this false sense of responsibility to try to never hurt anyone's feelings, but because not everyone in my life is in true recovery, they are not going to be happy with my boundaries, but that is their issue not mine.
Don't want you to think I am cold and heartless, because I am not - I have just learned that I am responsible for me and only me - Don't let someone make you feel guilty for taking care of yourself -
I too, still cannot understand why without even talking to them, if you put me in a room of 100 people, 99 healthy and 1 alcoholic/addict - who will I be attracted to? the alcoholic/addict- why I am still working on, but I know that is my character defect and keep coming back cause I have a long way to go . . .
Just a little side humor, do you get a lot of comments about the "Katrina" name? I am from Louisiana. My daughter's name is Katrina & mine is Rita - which is the name of the second hurricane that hit Louisiana last year - we are definitely the "Hurricane Family" LOL
Best wishes for your continued recovery,
No matter what me and my God are going to be ok, even better than OK -