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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hello My name is Christa and I am new to the board but no where near new to what is going on. My husband is a alcholic. it started really even before we were married. We both partied and drank but only on weekends and when I got pregnant he even stoped drinking since I could not. well 8 months after our daughter was born drinking started up agian. not so bad at first but then got worse and worse. He had gotten out of the military and could not find a job right away. not until our daughter was 7 months old. even when our second daughter was born he could not stop and even showed up to the hospital drunk. We moved 2 weeks later after that in with his parents because he had lost his job 3 months prior and my job was just not enough money to keep us afloat. well after many many many trips to rehab and detox centers and a lot of counseling my husband became clean and sober last july.
That is until this week.
I was worried agian earlier this week when his behavior changed. in the last few weeks he has made some new friends and so he does not come home until late at night and then this week things really changed. I began to suspect he was drinking with his new buddies but I could not prove it. He did smell funny but had other things covering up so could not be 100% plus i was sure he had quit so that way we could move on with our lives. well tonight I confirmed it about a hour ago I found a 18pack of beer hiding away. Still very cold. and 3 missing. I found the cans empty near the box of beer. Then I went on a hunt of the house and i found a old can in the bedroom back of the closet hiding. so now I know that this has been going on for a bit. I called his mom if he gets back before 11pm I am to call her agian otherwise we will wait till in the morning to figure out what to do. So while I wait for him to come home (oh and he took my car with the carseats and so I am stuck here with the kids with no car so I cant go find him) I wonder what to do. So I turn to you for help. I said I would leave him if he did this. HEll I have not really loved him in a while Just put up with him because I thought well he did it, he is sober now I will give it another chance. but My heart hurts really it just hurts. I am really scared of being alone. Well I do love him I mean he is the father of my kids but I am just not really in love anymore. I lost that feeling after being hurt so many times. part of me knew he would slip up agian and part of me was hoping for it so I would have a chance to say hey good bye once and forall. but can I really do it. where would I go. I mean I moved to where he grew up where I dont know anyone and 17 months after moving I still dont know anyone except for those people I know from work. I have no family. my closest family is in georgia and thats my mom. but she is a truck driver so moves around alot. The rest are scattered around the US. I am soo scared I dont know what will happen when he comes home and sees I dumped out his beer. I just pray he will go back to counseling.
ok well he came home while I was typing this. His mom came in to town and found him. she is taking him home with her. he admitted to drinking since last sunday night. Oh and of course its all my fault. I am the reason he drinks and I am a bitch and I dont do his laundry and I just dont to anything and oh if I spend any money tomorrow I am stealing because oh yea its his money. Sooo anyone know a good divorce lawyer I swear I think he has pushed me to my edge. He has been soo mean. You know the kids saying "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" but you know what. Words hurt worse. the heart is slower to heal. so I need help from those who have been there. What is my next step. tomorrow morning I am going to go see my pastor and talk to her but other than that I dont know what to do.
Hello, mommy, My heart goes out to you in your misery. Most of us here know what it is like to love someone who is addicted to alcohol. We don't give advice here, don't expect you to do anything except to show up, tell the truth, and take care of yourself and your children. How we do that in Alanon is this: we find face to face meetings (some are even open to having children in them, or childcare is provided), we go to the meetings, get a list of phone numbers and use them when we are unhappy or depressed or upset about the alcoholic or the abuse, we find a sponsor - who is someone in a meeting who has something, a peace about them, that you admire, and you work the 12 steps of AA and alanon with your sponsor. By doing this in Alanon, my life is completely different than it was when my life was crazy. I now have serenity and even happiness. It has'nt happened magically, mommy, but it has taken lots of work, lots of meetings, and it has taken my wanting to have a different life for myself and my family. You have already taken a step in your recovery by showing up here and telling us what is going on. When you talk to your pastor, maybe she can help you find some meetings locally. Good luck and blessings to you, mommy, mebjk
Welcome! I'm sorry for the pain you are feeling right now. I understand it very well. Whenever I would find that my AH had/has relapsed my heart falls through my feet. It shouldn't by now I should not be surprised. I too get blamed alot for things I have no control over, I've come to understand that he needs someone to blame and TADA I get the honor. Don't let that get to you, you did not cause alcoholism, you cannot control it, and you cannot cure it. Read the posts here, try to find a meeting in your area. Most of all take care of yourself and children first. You are in my prayers.
Here are some things that have helped me since in the program.
Go face to face meeting & online meeting.
post on the board here on the site. I have gotten a lot of good feed back.
· Set support system. people do not judge. You need someone who can go for coffee on a bad day, or pick up a phone and call when in trouble. The support is what is important when you first this program.
Have a sponsor. Someone work one on one with you
If you want things you never had you need to do things you have never done
Hi Mommy first of all you and the kids are the most important things right now. If you fear for your safety now because of his drinking then put some steps in place to look after you and your babes. Use the contacts Megan has left for you they will help you to realise that there is so much support for you if only you reach out to it. Try to keep yourself busy so that you can stop the checking up on him. It will only send you nuts and he will not change his habits because of it. Don't be frightened to keep posting here we will reach out to you any time you need us. Thinking of you with love .. Leo xxx
Hi Mommy: I have been in this room for oh 6 months now and I can absolutely say it is the best thing I have ever done in recovery. Since I have been here my boundaries have got so much better. I have become less reactive, less angry and more focused. I cannot recommend this place enough. I hope you can get a chance to get to a meeting they are truly wonderful I wish I could get to more. They held me up and nutured me in ways that are so so necessary.No one here is going to tell you what to do that is so helpful for me because well meaning advice drove me nuts. I am glad that you have found this incredible resource.
Here are some things that have helped me since in the program.
Go face to face meeting & online meeting.
post on the board here on the site. I have gotten a lot of good feed back.
· Set support system. people do not judge. You need someone who can go for coffee on a bad day, or pick up a phone and call when in trouble. The support is what is important when you first this program.
Have a sponsor. Someone work one on one with you.
You don’t have to do this the minute u come to the program but I suggest that u do it when u can. It help.
Meeting schedule: meetings are in here and run approximately 90 minutes from: Monday-Friday, 9 am and 9 pm EST, Saturday: 10 am and 9 pm EST, Sunday: 10 am and 7 pm EST. Topics are selected by participants at meeting time. UK +5 hours, central -1 hour, mountain -2 hours, pacific -3 hours. Open chat all other times.
Hey everyone watch me grow. I go thru good & bad times. each day i am getting stronger.