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Something has made me want to develope a list of reasons to stay in this marriage. So far all I have is :
- monitor what goes on around the kids
- be there to support her if she ever decides to get a program (not likely)
I am horrible at allowing my HP to guide me. We haven't talked much I'm afraid. But I just can't help but think today that he has done all he can to say get out of there and I am resisting out of guilt and fear.
My brother n law lost his first wife to cancer. His second wife was found to have a disease where circulation fails in her limbs and was slowly loosing toes, fingers then her feet. She began abusing the pain meds to the point where she was passed out on the floor all the time and would not get any help... just kept loading up on the meds and raging at him, wrecking the car, doing weird things with money...
Eventually he left, just couldn't take it anymore, and I am feeling the same way. I know she is sick, but the person I call my wife has all but disappeared over the last 2 years. Her response to my recovery efforts is pure rage. Has not changed at all in 9 weeks. (10 weeks tomorrow.)
I feel like the tools in my tool belt are helping me through the momentary outbursts, but the overall quality of life is just so miserable.
I have talked to my younger son about the disease, but I am trying to be careful not to make him think he has to pick sides when there is so much anger in the house. I have done better at reacting to her rage, and feel better about myself, had some fun with my sons but overall it is fake it till you make it. Even when I really make it, I just don't know if I want to be there.
Sorry for dumping this on you, I am just hoping writing it out will help me digest and think.
Take care of you!
"Good judgement comes from experience... experience comes from bad judgement" - unknown
I have at times wondered if HP has been screaming "Leave Him" and I have been holding on to hope with my ears shut.
I never thought of making a lost of reasons why I am staying. That might help me to see what they are. Hmmmmmmmm, well I gotta project coming up later I guess.
You know you will get support here what ever you choose to do. Keep working it.
Much Love,
"Today's problems can not be solved if we still think the way we did when we created them" -Albert Einstein
Hi rtexas! And thanks for your honesty in sharing these feelings. I understand because I was there too. Might I suggest another list? What are the fears you have about being on your own? I'm not suggesting that you leave your wife. But just ask yourself, what am I afraid of facing if I have to go it alone? That could be a very illuminating list. I remember feeling VERY afraid that I couldn't make it alone (even though I had, in years prior to ever having married my A, managed quite well on my own). Part of it had to do with finances--I had three children by then and didn't know how I was going to manage. Part of it, for me, was socialisation problems--being a woman of a certain age who'd never been encouraged to be independent and successful. Part of it was fear of abandonment--would I ever find love again? Part of it was simply fear of the unknown. Part of it was fear of being judged and rejected by friends, colleagues (especially HIS friends and colleagues!). Part of it was a lot of insecurity about being a parent anyway, whether I was with a partner or not. And on and on...I had a LOT of fears, obviously.
But all of those fears dissipated finally in the certain terror that I was going to die if I stayed in that marriage! I wasn't in recovery at that time, and was worn down and drained of all feelings of love for him by the time I knew, I could only save myself at that point.
I had a nightmare one night, towards the end. I was going down in a swamp, trying to find him. It was a message, I knew it--and not long after that, everything blew up in our marriage as I told him, "It's over".
I don't mean to influence you in any way by telling you about my experience. You are working a recovery program, and things could be a lot different for you. Try making that "fears" list, though. It could still be a helpful exercise.
P.S. things did work out for me OK after all--especially once I got into therapy and recovery. I learned to manage financially, have some sort of career, and now, some years later, feel that my children and I are very close as a result of all we've survived.
So there is HOPE! I meant to say that at the end of my post.
I don't see that you are dumping ... you are reaching out for support, which is healthy.
These decisions that you face, both long term and day-to-day and hour to hour, are ones that you are the person with the best facts ... I can only share some ESH and mirror back what I've seen based on your shares.
I have seen you share moments of hope in the last couple of weeks, moments of hope that recede ... yet they are there. I've also seen in your shares someone who is setting boundaries, and some might be for the first time.
For me, I didn't know much about boundaries ... until the last few years, really. And as I've read, and listened to tapes, and heard the wisdom from the al anon rooms on boundaries, I've heard the success stories about how as we do that we respect ourselves more and others respect us too ... and so as we get healthier it can have an impact on others as we give them the respect to learn from the consequences of their own behavior. What I also have read and learned is that as I start setting boundaries, it is common to go through a period where people rebel to my setting boundaries -- they push back -- they want me back the way I was, which was when my life was more unmanageable -- they do not want me to take care of me. And it is very difficult for me, especially with some people, to keep to those boundaries, to know how to set them and how to define the consequences such that I will be able to follow through with the consequences. The point is, people who are invested in me staying the way I was are the ones who push back the hardest. And for me, often those folks were family. So once I can see that, I have choices ... which is the hard part. One of the choices is when to act. That was a new concept for me. I was reading, it was conf approved lit, don't recall what, just recently, actually .... it said that if I don't know what to do yet, then hp has not put it squarely in front of me yet, and there is no reason to force the decision then. And for me to keep turning to hp each day, or subpart to each day, asking hp to guide me in the next right thing to do. Some days, some moments that helps more than others. I can only say that for me, there came a point where I knew, deep to my very being, that I had tried everything, including giving it time, and that hope for that relationship had truly been gone for a while. I knew then was the time to act.
I'd like to close, for now, by saying, you are not alone. I think your posts show you know that ... but, for me, sometimes when chaos surrounds me, I can sometimes feel serenity challenged. I'm having that kind of a day today, in fact, and so here I am, at MIP. I know this is not the time to make any decisions ... though some physiological part of me is just dying to make a decision. But I won't. I'll wait until either the chaos has receded or until my serenity returns. I need to remember that what others do, what others think, is none of my business. My business is taking care of my recovery, one day at a time.
It was so hard to read,"there is so much anger around this house." I am so sad for you guys.
The only thing I could think of was, get out of there away from her as much as you can. I mean take the kids and go to a movie or to whatever you have in your state.
I took my kids to fish hatcheries and the beach, the mountains. We did so many things that cost nothing. We fed the squirrels at the Capital, they played in the fountains.
My parents never fought, but they would not talk to each other when they were upset. that was not good either.
What if you don't argue or fight back? I finally learned to not respond and get busy doing something else. I was not available to the disease.
Have you talked about a boundary that you will not talk to her if she is angry, in front of the kids?
I absolutely would not do this in front of children. My son just got married. His new step daughter called me in tears becuz they were fighting. No A's there. But I know what this stuff does to kids and it is vital to not engage.
I worked with kids all my life, plus my kids brought all their friends to my house and they all talked to me.
I can tell you love the kids a lot and will do your best.
((RTx)) Gosh one never has to apologize for venting on the Board, it's what it's here for... as for the fear, guilt, anxiety & wtvr else YOU are feeling, work through it... none of us deserve to be abused.
None of us deserve to be abandonned, so be sure to "take care of you." I know that in my attempt to stay with my addict (ex-husband), I nearly lost myself, stayed way too long, sacrificed myself for him playing 'the perfect' martyr.
Took me 6 months longer to get over "it all" ~ 5.5 yrs together ~ 6 to forgive, even after I had gone.
You have to do what is "right" for you & only you can know what that is ultimately.
As for arguing with God, I am a pro at it but HP will use a rock, a 2 x 4, a brick wall... wtvr it takes for the benefit of all and the carrying out of "the Divine Will." None of us can escape the plan, all I know is I had to fight for loving myself; boy they sure DO hate it when we change.
This is what gives me hope, I know in nature 'everything changes & nothing stays the same' - so when those around me react badly to the after effects of my interpersonal changes... well A's want things to stay the same.
God Bless, love, -K
and always w/in ear shot for ya
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
I know all to well of how you feel today. I've had those same thoughts recently and alot over the years. I have been told by several people in program to wait for year to make any major changes in your life, and that if I am struggling with making a decision chances are its not time to make that decision yet. This too shall pass. You have come such a long way in a short period of time. You are doing the best you can with the what you have right now, and it will only get better for you and your children because you have program now and can teach them. Leaving is not easy, you will decide what's best for you and the children when you are absolutely sure that that is what you want to do. Someone in my F/F last week said I guess we stay with them because there are glimmers of hope from time to time. We love these people and while it hurts because we are not getting from them what we need, they are unable to give to themselves or us. I believe HP has more lessons to show me and more growth to come out of all of this. It may not be forever, but I trust HP will see me and the kids through whatever our outcome. Easy Does It Today, you'll get through this.
"The people who don't mind matter and the people who mind, don't matter". (Dr. Seuss)
"Her response to my recovery efforts is pure rage. Has not changed at all in 9 weeks."
That's the trick, isn't it? We're all thinking, hoping that something we do will get them heading back towards normal. But... here is the trick... our recovery is not their recovery. That's very important to recognize.
Harm ought to be a decision point for us, for everyone, as far as leaving or staying goes. But harm is not necessarily the same as discomfort. When we wonder if we should leave, what is the intention: to remove ourselves (and kids) so that the opportunity for harm is removed; or is it that we are so uncomfortable we can't bare it? If it is the latter, I now ask my HP to open my heart and mind with compassion and wisdom. Invariably my HP -- right away -- shows me how I make others uncomfortable, how I too am a messed up person JUST LIKE MY QUALIFIER (i.e., a typical human being). And if I'm wise enough (...if...) to recognize that then my compassion for my limited self and for my A sees me through one more day with HP strength. Sometimes I can't see it, but I pray for another chance.
So, I think you have to ask yourself what is your intention -- not theirs -- before making such decisions. Your recovery depends on it.
Wow. I just read your post and had to think about 'why am I so afraid of my A leaving?' I will have to write it down on paper so it becomes really clear to me. Thank you for bringing this to my attention through your own uncertainty that you write about here in this post. I wish you well and God Bless. Stay here in the rooms and I know for sure that all will turn out exactly as God has intended it to for you, and I have to say that same thing also for me. Scamper