The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
In today's reading, the author reflects on the words of the suggested closing: "...let there be no gossip or criticism of one another." The author realized that, although they try to leave their judgmental attitude at the door, they pick it up promptly after meetings and carry it with them, judgmentally looking at the driving habits of others, among other things.
The author asks themself: "What ever happened to practicing the Al-Anon principles in all my affairs?" and questions whether they can really reap the benefits of the program by practicing unconditional love for a single hour a couple times a week. Practicing Al-Anon principles during Al-Anon meetings is a great start, but it is only a start.
Today's Reminder: I can't keep thoughts from coming into my head, but I have a choice about whether or not to entertain those thoughts for the next hour. Am I making the choices I want to make, or is habit making my choices for me? A change of attitude means a change in my thinking. I will look at the principles I am practicing today.
Today's Quote: "We must alter our lives in order to alter our hearts, for it is impossible to live one way and pray another." William Law
Today's reading reminds me of something I heard a lot as a kid - judge not so you are not judged. I've found myself that leaving judgment aside allows me to live with serenity. What is it to me what someone else does? It only impacts me if I let it. Now, if someone in my household does something, that most certainly impacts me because we are sharing space and a lot of time. However, if it is my boss or one of my co-workers? Sometimes I need to deal with what they decide to do, but it doesn't need to impact my serenity unless I allow it to. Some random person on the road? I can get as angry as I want, but it isn't worth it. I often think road rage comes from an "I'll show them" attitude, or a desire to control how someone else is feeling. It might be the best approach to remain unimpacted. That brings me more serenity, and, if I did want to "show them," what could be more frustrating than knowing that someone else is unimpacted by one's attempts to ruin their day?
If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. - Lao Tzu
Thanks Skorpi for your service and ESH. I try not to be judgemental. I catch myself and say, Bless them change me. I try to live by the golden rule, treat others as I want to be treated. Notice I say "try." We have a member in our meeting who can be very harsh at times. She is a challenge for me. And of course my A--a daily challenge. I am not without flaws so I'm doing the best I can with the circumstances I have. Progress, not perfection.