The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Got up this AM with work to do that I had pending for 3 days by inventory. I had to finish the inventory with some self centered behavior I relapsed into days ago. It didn't feel fair, just and honest and most of that was due to letting it linger. My mind body and spirit kept me focused on the subject and I wasn't going to try and have it just gradually disappear. That process is too painful for me and my victim.
I checked with my victim to see if I was shading on the honestly I needed to have and then went ahead with the ammends.
I lost about 15 pounds of sick weight from inside my spirit and got grateful to my Higher Power and the gift of this program I have learned to work. I got to hear MLK's chant of "Free at last, Free at last...Thank God I'm free at last" which I have heard so often when the work is done right. (MLK's = Martin Luther King's). The sick inner feeling is about relapsing.
God how bad would I be feeling without having MIP and the program to wake up to. (((((hugs)))))
"The wolf that thrives, is the one you feed." - Cherokee legend
"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields... Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness." Mary Oliver
Thank you for the share Jerry....I love, love, love that our program and WE collectively can make it through every/any thing when we truly line ourselves with our recovery and our HP. I appreciate the visual of our program in action and the reminder that all is 'well'. (((Hugs))) brother!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene