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I am a fan of baseball. Some are sharing what they are grateful for well I must admit, yup baseball is way up there!
I live in a state that seems to have winters that last way too long. Hearing when the teams report for spring training is music to my ears –ahhh… That serves as a reminder that America’s Favorite Pastime is close to being here, “The Boys of Summer”
Who needs a groundhog that is about as accurate (or worse) as the local weather report? Yuck, what a record of negative news of a longer winters he’s had -darn shadow (I will name him here Punxsutawney Phil) grrr.
So once the season opener takes place I know spring is officially here and the sweet days of summer are close to follow.
Well, for me, it’s also a gentle reminder of my childhood, growing up in the summer in a house where a game was always on, if not my father it was my nana and grandpa or uncles sitting glued in front of the TV. Yes, my nana. She was great at spotting an unfair call and let them know it.
The sound of the bat when it “cracks” the ball -the “wack” of the ball into the catchers mitt, the umpire yelling “hhhrriiikke” (strike) and the exuberance coming from the stands -ok and maybe men in those uniforms make it an extra bonus? *wink.
Baseball is also in my blood, both sides of my family played in some fashion.
Now I may regret this later, (crossing fingers, and not projecting) but my team of choice started out the best this season and is in first place in the National division (east) and the whole division by a game -if you knew my team this is a big deal! It was already my father’s favorite and being born the year I was my father had me a fan of this team (sort of by default) so in like my son became a fan -osmosis. We get to a few games ever year. That is also a priceless reminder –I get to see him fully appreciate the love of the sport. The wonder in his eyes, he never gets over how green the grass is, the ‘live’ action, the smell of popcorn and the yell of “Hotdogs, get your hotdogs here”
I have pictures of us thru the yrs at the ballpark in frames. Son and I played catch and acted out our favorite plays and players, our old dog would run between us like a player. Son is a bit old for that now –I’m not!
LOL, on opening day my son asked me to pick him early from school so we could watch it. Yup I did, he has good grades and hasn’t missed more then a day or two. So keeping with tradition we imitate the umpire calls and boo when needed. I remain positive when our team looses (which is not much so far this season –shhh) reminding son when he’s upset, that we can’t win them all, and be happy for what the team has accomplished so far. He even needs the game on the radio in the car to hear play by play, gotta love him!
The trees are starting to bloom, the days are longer ~for now all is right with the world. Ah, thank you for one of life’s simple pleasures.
Spring, yes! That's something to gladden the heart! I'm not a baseball fan so much (I enjoy a game when I see one), but nature's glories are a wonder to me--and show that resurrection from even the worst things is possible! We are survivors, all!
Here's one of my favorite poems:
[i thank You God for most this amazing]i thank You God for most this amazing day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes
(i who have died am alive again today, and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth day of life and love and wings:and of the gay great happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing breathing any-lifted from the no of all nothing-human merely being doubt unimaginably You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
I too love this sport. I don't have much time to follow the pro's as I'm on the field for kids, teens and sometimes adults.
For me late winters has me walking around the house doing my out call and my strike call.
I gave up umpiring for 9 years. I'd drive by longingly or even park at an empty ball park and hope for the day to get back on the diamond.
Wed I had occasion to be even more grateful myself on the diamond. My friend from Ohio who I shared about, who lost his STB fiancee to drunk driver and miraculously survived his tractor trailer being cut off and going off a bridge, had a run in our town. I have not been near a ball field with him since 2001. We arranged to do a game. I was grateful of the chance to walk on the field with him again that evening.
Thanks Tea and son for being one of those who imitate the umpires. LOL I love it when they do. Some coaches yell at their kids not to imitate the umpire. We are necessary evils but we are a part of the game just like that crack of the bat (gawd so I love the sound of a wood bat) and the whack of the ball into the mit.
do they have 12 step meetings at ball fields?
You are a perfect child of God and God and I love you just the way you are! (added by that special alanon way)
Thank you for your post, tea. I think the memories of your growing up surrounded by baseball are rich, and I love the way the opening of the season is the sign of summer coming to you. Gratitude seems to be a powerful tool of the Program. I know for me, when I can be grateful even for the things that do not feel good or that do not seem positive, then I am really growing. Blessings, and thank you so much for being here and for sharing. Blessings, mebjk
*** WWWHACK!!!!!!** ** I Love Spring into Summer Seasons... & EEeeeeerrriiiikkke!!!! HAAHHAAA What a wonderful post!! Thanks (((*TEA*))) ..... OUTTTTT!
I used to love baseball. My A husband doesn't like any sports so I could only watch when he wasn't home or else he'd gripe so much I'd turn it off.
Then when they went on strike I used that as a reason to quit watching the games."all they care about is the money!" I said.And I gave it up.Just one of the many things I used to love that I gave up because A didn't like it. (board games, badmitton,dancing.....etc)
Now that we will be separating,and I am going to Alanon,I no longer care if he gripes.He can go upstairs and watch something else.Or I will.So on opening day I happened to be home and I watched the last half of the game.I was channel surfing,had forgotten it was on,and when I saw it I thought."I can watch baseball!!!" I loved it!( I admit I like to look at the guys too, what the heck,I'm not dead, hehehe)
A nice remninder of the good things in life. I too love Spring into summer. My little guys play baseball and Tball and my daughter plays softball for the HS team. We spend many a day and night on the ball field. Once a week I am in the concession stand making hotdogs.
We also love the Majors. During football season we all have different teams, my house is a tribute to the whole NFL. But during baseball season we all agree, this family has been die hard fans each one since birth of the same team, my husband and I included. Years ago we took the kids to games, but with so many of them it has gotten way too expensive. There is a local AAA team we can still go watch and it is a lot of fun, and much more reasonsable.
The games are always on the TV here, and if you leave the room, you can tell by the yelling whos winning.
In the spring everything comes to life and life just seems better. The kids can play outside longer and neighbors are back out by their fences. All winter we wave aas we run into our houses, but now as we are all working out in our gardens or on our lawns, we stand by the fences and catch up on whats been going on.
I love that description of baseball. I remember my dad when I hear the sounds of baseball. He'd have the game on the radio or TV. Radio is best - those sounds are deep in my memories. We even got to go to Yankees game together once (we lived 1800 miles away). When he died, my brother and I put his Yankees ticket (he had saved it) in his suit pocket.
Today I am grateful for the helpful man at Firestone. It's raining to beat the band here, and he fixed my windshield wiper and even declined being paid for it. Nice guy!
You could turn me into a baseball fan just with that post! But I have gone to a Red Sox game at Fenway with a rabid Red Sox fan, and that was the best. What a hoot! There are certain simple pleasures in life, and I take great pleasures in seeing my nieces play softball. I even like walking up to the park to see the young ones play teaball! That's more my speed.
There are many things I have to be greatful in my life. Too many to post, but certainly calling you friend is right up there with the other friends I have found here. So thank you my friend for being my friend.
Love and blessings to you and your family.
Live strong, Karilynn and Pipers Kitty
It's your life. Take no prisoners. You will have it your way.