Tradition Two tells us that "for our group purpose there is but one authority--a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants--they do not govern." But what is a group conscience? How can it be achieved?
The booklet Al-Anon and Alateen Groups at Work (P-24) explains on page 51 that "the group conscience is the will of the group" and is based on members' use of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Service as guides, maintaining "principles above personalities," and sharing information as equals. A group conscience determines in advance who votes and if decisions will be reached by a simple majority, two-thirds of the votes, or three-quarters of the votes. An informed group conscience is obtained when everybody has access to all the information before discussion. If someone disagrees with the decision, Concept Five reminds us that members have the right of appeal and can express their opinion, which members will consider before deciding whether to re-vote or proceed. Everybody supports the final decision.
There was a question about Tradition 2 and since I had the time, I did some research and thought I would post it for the membership.
My thoughts about this group and whether the group conscience should be in question are that ... MIP, I found, from the moment I became a member, has had a very strong and intact group conscience, per Al Anon doctrine.
We all have had respect for one another's experiences and knowledge. We all know that each of us possesses our own unique life's experience that we share in order to serve and and no one person is above or below another.