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My AH is in recovery (1yr)....funny how him getting sober didnt fix me...actually in rcovery he has done almost if not more damge to our relationship than he did in his drinking years...He decided to take that 13th step... Funny how it all went down when i look back over the last 10 months. He had fired 2 sponsers in his first month then he met a woman who had what he wanted...(OMG when i say that now it seems so ironic). He was open about her at first. even saying she wouldnt work with him without my approval. I played the good wife.. I met her talked to her she seemed nice honest real. She was even the one who told me about 13th stepping... How even though my husband made it clear to everyone he was happily married women in AA would hit on him. They would find it a challenge.. she told me she had no interest in my H was only interested in the program end of it. That was last June. Towards the end of November i finally got the nerve to admit I was no longer comfortable with the relationship. Had been for a long time but always said it was my own insecurities etc.... I confronted her... Told her that i had given my ok for him to "work the Program with her" but i was no longer comfortable with it and was taking that approval away. she was nice undrstanding... blah blah blah. a few weeks later my H told me he thought he may be in love with her...I fought for him.. of course she called the cops on me the 2nd time i went over there. Would come to the door and since i sat on her porch for a few minutes had the cops come over to my house and tell me she isaid i was harassing her and threating her and If i went back there i would be arrested for tresspassing. So we played the game for the next 3 months...he'd sneak around and see her... He tell me he wanted to be with me.. we even tried marriage couseling for a month or so...On valentines Day things were so confusing i wrote him a letter... telling him how i felt about his soberity I am proud he is sober.. How i didnt know where i relatinship was going but wished him happiness etc.. Did feel appriopriate to do any of the normal romantic stuff you know... He came back with a wonderful speech. He had been thinking about it a lot and he wanted to work things out with me. He was going to do the right things from then on... make ammends to me...get a job( he hasnt had a real job since he got sober)... be my husband again... (that damn roller coaster went to the top of the hill for me)....but ...he didnt follow thru... when he decided not to come home a few nights...I finally packed his stuff and left it by the door.. After a few days he took it...I begged him not to leave... few days later he came home. he promised he would stay away from her.... think that lasted 3 he left again... saying he needed space to clear his head and make his decision... at her house... lol i even went so far as to tell him if he need space id go stay with my daughter for a week so he could have space at home.. it wasnt fair to me for him to use her house to get his space... that wasnt head clearing space. So here i am out of my home and he is still going over there. Oh yes he tried to cover his tracks by being home by the time he thought i would drive by on my way to work but i wasnt sleeping so i know better. that lasted 2 days. I called him up and told him we had to talk. Told him it was wrong for my daughter to be sleeping on her couch so he could spend his nights with her and I was coming home. He said he was going to call me and tell me to come home. he had made his decision. He said he had been talking to his sponser. He did get a man sponser about 6 months ago. he told me it wasnt all about love. there was a lot of things he had to take into consideration... our family our home.. our pets.. our grandson (my daughters son).... words he said his sponser asked him about are sticking in my head...self persevation is the biggest one. Again promised no contact. By that point i had made it clear i was not going to share anymore..That lasted 4 days, I think, at least 4 days til i caught him. 2 days later which was 2 weeks ago friday... i find my spine.. I threw him contact except the time he called to see if he could come by to get something he needed. then on thursday he pops up on my messenger at while im at work and asks me if i want to go to a dance with him saturday. he comes by after the meeting we talk a little bit and plan this date. Saturday is the day before his 1 year anniversary. We go to the dance and have a wonderful time...1sr date kind of. It was an AA function so there was a speaker. man you wouldnt beleive what he talked about. Being sober and still doing the wrong things and wondering why he wasnt happy...etc... he says to me nothing like god giving me my answer the last minute of the last day huh... we dance to Sherly Crow's Song Picture...and we had a really good time together... on the way home we talked... really talked.. I asked if he wanted to come home. He said yes. So the next morning after went to his meeting and got his year behind him he came home. He dragged his feet that day about going back to her house to get his stuff.. but i finally told him if he was coming home I needed him to just go over there and get his stuff. she was at work. the next day he dropped her keys off in her mailbox. at least as far as i know thats what he did.
So here i am 1 week later. Im pretty sure he hasnt seen her... cant said anything 100% percent because really i dont know... He went out looking for a job. thinks he has at least on offer out there maybe 2.... he tells me its good to be home... tells me he loves me... and once said he was sorry ...
Im working my program. staying focused on me..trying not to lay my happiness on his decisions..pray a lot for what is the next right thing for me...say the serenity prayer over and over and over... and when im consciously awake i think im doing ok...but the dreams wake me nightly. he leaves and goes back to her. Im hurt all over again..
Yesterday meeting with my counselor i talked to him a little. I told him so of the words that stuck in my mind, self perservation, more than just love etc. I also told him that I need him to do something action wise to show me he was committed to trying to reconcile the relationship. I told him i was not going to tell him what to do..because then it wouldnt mean anything but did tell him the things he had done the last week that left me feeling he may not be. It was a short talk and i didnt go on and on and on. just stated my feelings and left it at that...
I am so confused now...did I make the wrong decision in taking him back??? Am I going to be able to get over this??? Am I setting myself up for more of the same???
I know to keep working on me...taking it one day at a talking to my sponser about every other day...going to my meeting...coming here to chat share and listen... Just very confused right now... and its 6 am and i have been awake for an hour and half. he "fell asleep" on the couch. at least i know that is what he will say.
Sorry for the long drawn out post. but i needed to get it all out at once. Thought it would help but i think im more confused now than before. lol
Wow, you've been through a lot of rejection. Now i understand why the rec. is there that a sponsor be of the same sex. Never been in your shoes, but do know disloyalty. I have to admit it, i dislike it, but at same time i strangely enjoyed pain, even sought suffering, i discovered in alanon.
A thought though: maybe hubby was just seeking intimacy-the wrong kind.
Hello, snt, It sounds natural to me for you to question your decisions after what you have been through. It also sounds as if you need some real solid program. Make sure you do that for yourself, to get the focus off of him and what he does or does not do, and onto you and what is real and right for you. There is a lot of drama in you "fighting for him," and drama is part of our disease. Here is my experience, strength, and hope. Working the Program, working it, is what works. The 12 steps are miracles, if you work them. Find a good face to face meeting, and keep going back. Find someone there who has what you want - in terms of program and recovery - and ask that person to sponsor you. If they say no, don't take it personally - people who are really working the program will tell you what they can or cannot do, with honesty - and work the steps when you find someone. The Steps will change your life. They did mine, and for a lot of people here. We are glad you are here. Your being here helps our Program, too. It works, if you work it! Blessings, kjbem
I'm so sorry you're going through all you are going through. Funny thing is, no one in here can tell you if you made the right decision or the wrong decision. It is YOUR decision. And different people in this "room" have made different decisions in similar situations, some for healthy reasons and some for less than healthy reasons. I had to face a similar situation - my AH was in an affair and I had to do what was right for me at that time.
The most important thing is, with a decision of this magnitude, it doesn't have to be made "today." That's the one thing I was continually asked, "Do you have to know the answer today?" Which of course bothered me because of course I wanted to know what the right thing to do was "today" because I like everything in order and limbo is so stinking hard to deal with sometimes. But the logical side of me recognized that I didn't need to know "today". I could sleep on it. I could pray about it. Etc... It took more than just a few "todays" to know what the right decision for me was at that time. But I've never had regrets or doubts since. Once I knew what was right for me in that particular situation, there was definitely a peace about it.
I've learned I've had to make a lot of "big" decisions over the past many years. I've done okay as long as I waited until I knew what the right answer is. It takes time to get some of the energy of the emotions out of the way. I can't always think most clearly and really have a hard time with trying to figure out God's will for me when the energy of the emotions is taking me on that wild rollercoaster ride. And with emotions like a sense of betrayal, love, anger, etc...there is a lot of energy. You will know what the right decision is when it is time to make it. In the meantime, status quo might be hard to deal with. Keep in touch with a sponsor or other folks in the, talk, talk and listen, listen, listen. Keep praying for a knowledge of God's will for you and the strength to carry it out....whatever that happens to be.
Welcome snt! A book that I found very helpful in these situations is Love Must Be Tough by James Dobson. It tells us how to stick up for ourselves. My A moved out a year ago because he said he wasn't happy in our marriage. He swears he never was unfaithful but there was at the very least frequent emotional infidelity. Honestly living with him sober has been alot harder than when he was drinking. There is hope and Alanon gives us tools to help ourselves. Keep coming back.
hi snt -- welcome. your post told me a lot about him. if you were confused by the end of it, (you have a lot going on in your life now) iI wonder if it will help you to write down for yourself your reaction to what's going on for you. Begin each sentence with "I" and set a limit how many times you will refer to "him" - every 2 inches, only every third sentence, something like that. You are the one who can benefit from the brainwork you're doing. Alanon teaches me to use "I" and to think about me. It's difficult, especially at first. My life opened up. I hope to see you here on the message board and online meetings when you can. --- Jill
I'm so happy to see you here on the message boards and making the meetings too! Super way to get es&h from fellow Alanoners. Your doing Great!! Keep looking uP! ((((BigBigHug))))
Here are some things that have helped me since in the program.
Go face to face meeting & online meeting.
post on the board here on the site. I have gotten a lot of good feed back.
· Set support system. people do not judge.You need someone who can go for coffee on a bad day, or pick up a phone and call when in trouble. The support is what is important when you first this program.
Have a sponsor. Someone work one on one with you.
You don’t have to do this the minute u come to the program but I suggest that u do it when u can. It help.
Meeting schedule: meetings are in here and run approximately 90 minutes from: Monday-Friday, 9 am and 9 pm EST, Saturday: 10 am and 9 pm EST, Sunday: 10 am and 7 pm EST. Topics are selected by participants at meeting time. UK +5 hours, central -1 hour, mountain -2 hours, pacific -3 hours. Open chat all other times.
Hey everyone watch me grow. I go thru good & bad times. each day i am getting stronger.
Personally I think A's love triangles. They just set them up and set up them up. I always feel like the third arm with the A. He was always bringing people into our relationship and being far nicer to them that me. He may not have had a sexual relationship but A's are really famous for their buddies and putting someone on the pedastel and denigrating others. Then since they have abandonment issues running back when their relationships are in peril.
I left the A once went to stay in a motel. He promised all kinds of stuff when I was gone. He was carrying on in exactly the same way. Once I came back everything was exactly the same. I've learned not to ask for the impossible. Now I don't really do the stay/leave/ is it going to work dilemma I just keep working on me. I stay out of the stay/leave/what will I do stuff. I just keep on working on me and keep evaluating the results and keep making better choices. I leave the results to my HP. In theory I want a better way to leave, in practice I think the exit strategy can be hard going and I know it isn't an exit to have the kind of big blow outs, big break ups, pack the suitcases, move out, move back, remonstrate, crisis, look for him, hate him/love him stuff going on. That stuff took up tremendous amounts of energy, time and crisis which I am no longer willing to do. I am sure all those people who I called in crisis and turmoil are relieved I am for sure.
I set a lot of limits for me in the relationship now, stuff I won't deal with, people who can't come to the house. I also set limits on what kind of talk/behavior I will accept from the A. I never did that before. I choose not to show up for fights. I have a choice I never knew that before. I felt entirely powerless over his behavior not matter what it was.
Now the A has one year do you think he could find a sponsor, generally they are of the same sex. Do you think he can find a way to avoid this woman? I am certain he knows which meetings he goes to and when and what her circle is. Presumably you would want him to move out of that circle and establish another support system for himself. AA is such a small community it is very very difficult when relationships end. I once moved to be away from a man I met in a 12 step program. It seemed like everywhere I went people wanted to tell me about him or act out around him. All his friends asked me out. Of course I had absolutely no boundareis then, finding them has been such a lifeline for me. There is indeed a lot of acting out in the form of 13th stepping going on. Sometimes 13th stepping can work for people there are successful relationships in the program.
I do not know your husbands background you don't put that out there. I know in my family of origin, blurred, muddied boundaries were the norm. I had to really focus on what kind of boundaries I want and what kind of relationship I can have if I work on me and i do work on me every day not on him and his issues and what he is doing, or not doing or might be doing, just me and my issues. I had no idea before the idea I had was some kind of fantasy which the A of course played right into when I first met him. He could read me like a book. I used to let him write that book on how I felt now I don't.
Now I think trying to negotiate boundaries, mutual goals and parallel lives is a tall order. I am not sure that it is possible with an active A. Neither do I think it is possible with a controlling acting out codependent so for my part (as I am only one part of a relationship) I am working on my issues, control, fear (I live, eat sleep fear), over reaction, under reaction, resentment and more. I know if I work on my issues that my life will become better. I know it already has. Needless to say I have a very long way to go.
I used to have the kind of sweet reconciliations you had with your husband at the meeting/ dance. I used to feel tremendously disappointed when the A would just go back to his same old behavior. Now I don't look to reconcile. I just look to have a calm quiet peaceful life without the promises of behavior he can't keep to. Somehow keeping things even is far far better for me than those radical ups and downs. I think personally those ups and downs were absolutely decimating for my self esteem. I'm no longer willing to set myself up in that way.