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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Bear w/ me because this post may contain TMI and traces of peanuts but.... I thought it was interesting.
I'm at my son's Sunday school. In an effort to save myself some gas and time, I usually do some literature or non cal reading in the parking lot and clean out the car a little.
Today I did so but had to hit the Little Boys room. The floor is a random mosaic of small tiles. I was looking for a particular pattern. I diamond of all the same color since I couldn't find one. I found myself wondering, almost questioning one of the basic tenents that sets my particular religion (tho I"m not really practicing). I was thinking that no other religions believe in this or they see it differently, and I'm always open to new ways of thinking when it comes to HP.
Well while pondering this I found one diamond. Then I remember thinking that even if I'm not sure of that basic tenent that I still strongly believe in HP. Even stronger thanks to this program. Then I found another diamond. But then all of a sudden on the same diamond were other tiles of the same color. I larger pattern born of the basic patter I was searching for. And this pattern was a symbol of the basic tenent that I was wondering about.
Very strange indeed. I'm not sure exactly what my HP was trying to tell me. Whether it was that I should accept this basic believe or if was more of a communcation that as long as I believe and I live my live accordingly, I'll find what I'm looking for and even more.
So, it appears that bump goes from his occasional dabble from bathroom humor to some bathroom spirituality. HP does have a sense of humor, and I'm glad I'm 'in' on some of the jokes.
In recovery and relief, ;)
You are a perfect child of God and God and I love you just the way you are! (added by that special alanon way)
I could be so very bad with my response to that!!! But I will behave myself and say that HP is everywhere....after all...he did make us to have to do that sort of business!! So why not the bathroom!!
Have a great day Bump,
Higher Power doesn't always wrap presents in pretty paper.
I am not at all surprsied you had insight in the potty, let alone, in a church's potty. We are often sitting on our pot's & when are we going to get on w/ business & get up & off?
I had been thinking alot about patterns too (listening to this meditation cd) & seeing them everywhere, from the highest of high (or most spiritual & ethereal) down to the simplest chemistry of nature... the patterns move in & out of every aspect of life.
Besides how much more vulnerable can we get to become like "babes" bare bottomed & natural? I have prayed in the bathroom for years. Hey if I get the nudge or urge (not a pun) to pray or communicate with my God as I understand it, who am I to say "no God this is the wrong time" if God talks to me, I talk back, toilet or not!
As you know I have recently become obsessed with a movie cd: 'What the bleep do we know?' and it has efffected the way I am thinking about my recovery, my ability to heal, what is possible & time itself. (i had bought the movie for 15 bucks, so I've seen it 6 or 7 times now, still get something new out of it every single time!)
I figured, it has taken me so long to get screwy in the head, it would take "x" time to get well... I no longer believe this. I know I am only limited by myself & if I focus on what is possible or the myserious side of life & God, stop trying to intellectualize it it & just fly with the wind! ( <-- pun there!) Just for you (((((((Bumpsters))))))))))
I keep saying I am a diamond in an onion ~ keep peeling those layers to get to my light. I am pretty fearless & comitted, so I'm shifting my focus to accepting the divine light of which we are all a part of.
I agree w/ Maria, men are boys that never really grow up but I have tried to cling to that throughout my life too ~ to maintain my innocent side, the naieve side, my pure of hearted-ness. Now I feel I am coming more into focus with it (as this movie is giving me hope & changing my perspective) I can have that joy, freedom, purity... I can transmute my consciousness & be free of all of this suffering (that's only in my head, memories, perceptions) & even when I do experience the abuse first hand, I am becoming protected & defended... if it's all in my head anyway, my own feelings, I can choose to not be hurt.
The A's are sick, misery loves company... I will not be brought down to their misery, if I become what I focus on, I've never prayed so much in my life (this passed year) I will rise above my family! Focusing on God & compassion, forgiveness, 'the innocence & purity of a child' ~ I think I'll make it!
We all have the spark of God within us, if you look for God, I have no doubt you will find the creator of all.
deepest love, -K
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
Sometimes that's the only place HP can find us NOT running about like chickens without our heads!!! Even my doggy thinks I'm a "Captive Audience" in there!!! LOL!!! Only you Bob! Well, maybe not! My sister used to have a co-worker who claimed that that's where she heard from her HP too. In fact she said her prayers only reached HP if she prayed from there!!! LOL!