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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Debbie I think I majored in rebellion. Rebellion at the unfairness of it all and why I had to seek to change when" He" was the culprit. When I was finaly able to move into "ACCEPTANCE", (life on Life's terms)I was then able to let go o f my rebellious stance, see the truth and become humble enough to admit I too needed to change .
It is not an easy road we travel so I am pleased that I do not have to walk it alone.
I was a rebel with a cause as a teen. I know you may find that shocking (ha.ha.ha) but I seriously wanted to be non-conforming in almost every area of my life. Needless to say, that approach was not a good one but it took me years to figure out that going through life in a manner which only served me was destructive. Very much so if you throw in this disease.
I was one who would rather be right instead of happy before this program. I fought anything, anyone at any time to 'be heard' and rarely in a mature, positive, constructive way. I believe I also majored in Rebellion, as Betty points out.
I came to Al-Anon to fix my oldest son at the time. I was actually frustrated in the beginning as nobody would tell me how to do this. All those around me would share is their own ESH with this disease. I came in on the crazy train and could not understand or accept ANYTHING about MY NEEDED recovery....
Slowly, as I kept beating me head against the wall and talking with my sponsor, I began to let go, understand, surrender and accept - there were things I could not change, fix, cure or control.
What a gift to no longer rebel at everything and everyone. I am tickled pink to be a member among members and not in the lead, in charge or battling the establishment. When I am not spiritually fit, those thoughts/feelings can return so working this program with all you fine folks as well as my local program family keeps me grounded in what's important - serenity, hope and faith.
(((Hugs))) to all - thanks for being on this journey with me!!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
I have been so rebellious. I have done things to get "even" and in doing them only caused myself more pain and confusion.
For so long I subscribed to the motto "don't get mad get even" and I did this with so many things in my life. Small things and big. I thought I was justified in doing what I wanted to do considering my ah did exactly what he wanted to do without considering the consequences. But in all that rebellion and focus on getting even I kind of lost myself. I didn't know who I was anymore. I'm new to this but I'm starting to see my part in things. And how this focus has only caused me pain and disappointment. Thanks for this post!
Oh, this is me. I'm such a rebel with most aspects of my life. Sometimes my ego inflates and tells me I'm special or better than or my ideas are different and better than others. When I'm in God's will I can think about how I can appreciate or understand or accept things, rules, people and there's freedom in that. When I see myself as an equal I can accept that I may think differently at times but I may very well be wrong or maybe not. It just doesn't matter that much anymore and I'm freeð and its so peaceful at times. Your brilliant debb, love your posts.X