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Wife is out of the ER unit and in a Critical Care unit for now. We are looking at 24 - 48 hours in there before we decide where we go next. Next step is probably the physchiatric inpatient but that is not definate, I'm not 'expecting' anything.
She wakes up, asks for ice chips and rolls her eyes back to sleep. She is aware she is in a hospital. She days she doesn't remember anything except watching TV last night. We still aren't sure what was ingested but pill fragments were found in her stomach.
She is complaining of ache's everywhere and has asked for pain meds already. Not sure if that is withdrawals or what.
My 15 yo wants to go visit. My 13 yo says, no way, not tonight she is disgusted by what she had to witness, my 9yo says it depends, if she is just going to sleep, no.
So, not much additional to report except for the wonderful outreach of my family of choice w/ phone calls, replies, offers of assistance and PMs.
My son has basketball tonight so I'll take him there and take my daughter in there afterwards.
Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers, wishes and love.
You are a perfect child of God and God and I love you just the way you are! (added by that special alanon way)
Keeping you and the family in my thoughts and prayers. May this be the step she needs to finally trun her life around. ((((((((((((((((Extra hugs to you and your children)))))))))))))). They are lucky to have you.
Live strong, Karilynn
It's your life. Take no prisoners. You will have it your way.
Thanks for the update Bob, and hope you are able to take care of yourself and your kids during these scary times....
As cold as it might sound, the "three C's" still apply here, whether it is to do with the A's using, or with them attempting suicide. All very ugly stuff...
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
You are such a loving parent & understanding person, I know you've been praying for a miracle. Take good & gentle care of yourself, we are all praying & pulling for you, you already know how much I think of you & love you, I think you're doing great... seems rocky now but things will improve. Hang in there.
You have all of my love, prayers & support, -K
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
I don't even know what to say, except that you hold my highest admiration and are in my sincerest prayers. You seem to be handling this parade of crazy like the eye of the storm.
I hope things go UP from here....I would have had a heart attack by now. You are a real trooper, and a rock for those kids of yours.
hey "bumpster" i JUST saw ur post prayers are with U and kids....have a gr8 time at basketball and let go let god....i am the worst offender for wanting to control / fix everything/ everyone and it wore me out....i am learning the "let go" thingy slow but surely especially with other with life?? events??? i have much work to do....but it is soo much more peaceful when i just hunker down, work my program , take care of me and detach from the "over my head" stuff......
i feel for ya, going through this stuff w/ur alkie....its so hard especially when they are NOT in recovery.....with the alkie siblings/ friends i have, i feel like i am in a diferent world than they, but i'll tell U, i dont let ANYthing mess with my recovery,
hang in there , my friend, it does get better inside of U....hugs/ rosie
You seem to be holding up great during all this turmoil, Wow!
Your Wife is safe for tonight, enjoy your time with the kids and make sure you take time to breath.
I'm glad she is ok, now turn it over to HP. Everything happens for a reason. I truly hope and pray that good comes out of all of this heartache for you and your family.
Hug those kids, and hang in there. You are truly amazing.
I have been following your posts and want to let you know that you are certainly not alone. Your grace, courage and strength is amazing. I have been where you are and know that it is not an easy place to be. My A husband was hospitalized 3 times in the last year for suicide, the last time in December just before Christmas. He has also been in a few detox units and a 28 day program. Needless to say, my kids became accusstomed to the statement, "Daddy is in the hospital". Two of the three times he was hospitalized for suicide I did not take my kids to see him, he was only there for a day or two. This last time, I did not take them to the original hospital, he was in a psychiatric unit and I thought it was too scary, also at some points he would be restrained, depending on what he may have done. I did however take them to see there dad when he was transferred to a psychiatric facility for 12 days. He was safe and stabilized and they wanted to see him at that point. What I did not do was tell them just exactly why he was there, they have been through so much these last few years, I thought it would just be too scary. They knew he had picked up again and figured that was why he was there, it was not a lie, just not the whole truth. They had been to see there dad before at the same hospital, when he was there for detox. They had also seen him when he was in his 28 day program. Well, it was not the same and I did not think it all through. Once he was in the psychiatric facility the rules changed for visitors. They were not allowed to see him without a staff member present, they were not allowed on the unit, had to visit just outside of it in a conference room, they had to see him let out of the locked unit, they had to see me let into the locked unit, they saw more in the short 20 minute visit than I can even realize. The whole tone was different, this was not a rehab, he was not free to wander around. Needless to say, it frightened them, they were confused, they just did not get what was going on. I do not know how I might handle it differently if I ever have to again, but I do realize that I did not look at the situation through the eyes of a 10 and 13 year old. The locks did not scare or confuse me, I am an adult. The fact that a person had to be there did not scare me, it was for insurance reasons. But I am not 10 or 13. Not knowing what the regulations may be where they might transfer your wife, you may want to look at where she is now and see if it is somewhere you would like the kids to see her. Being in a hospital that looks and feels like a hospital they are familiar with may be easier for them to understand. I don't know. Just a thought.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your children. They are so lucky to have you in there life,.
I had no internet yesterday and just seen both your posts. OMG you really are being put through the grinder at the moment.
My ex husband tried to commit suicide,it was all very messy and it was me that saved his life.My kids came with me to the hospital and once we realised he was going to be ok,my kids went very quiet,then my daughter cried in the car all the way home whilst her brother held her. When we got home,I hugged them both and told them none of this was their fault and that their Father would survive and that,now this had happened he would hopefully get the help he needs.My daughter sobbed and sobbed,then screamed at me that I didn't understand....."i didn't want him to survive...I must be evil because I wanted him to die! I was praying for that so we could all be happy without him!" My son said much the same thing,but added that I was right to do my best for him. They were 13 and 17 at the time.
Dearest Bob,you have gone through so much,and always amaze me with your dignity and grace. hang in there buddy. Maybe this is where she needs to be right now,and I pray that she will get the help she needs. She is safe and in the right place. Meanwhile,hold those lovely children of yours close,and I know it's really hard,but make some time for you too.
I am glad to hear your wife has been taken care of. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this on top of everything else. I have to say it is not a shock because she did sound very very bad and at a bottom. I hope she will seek recovery and help and won't lash out at you in the same way. I also hope that the children can get help in understanding that their mother is sick and this does not reflect on them. What a hard life Bo. I am sorry you have to endure this now. I am glad that you have a program to fall back on.
Bob, You are all in my prayers. As long as your wife is in the hospital, she is in a safe place. You take care of you and the kids...let go and let God.