The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I was at a meeting the other day and someone shared that they had a huge thing in their lives that they could not seem to turn over to their HP. The person's sponsor replied "Well, I guess if I had your HP, I wouldn't be able to turn that over either". The group all laughed when this was shared--relating how hard it can be to turn things over if we still need more step 2 Loving, Trustworthy & CARING HP work. Step 2 only mentions that we came to believe a HP "could" restore us to sanity--It doesn't say we are really "there" just that we believe there is a possibility of an HP that can do these things on our behalf---trusting that things are safe in HP's CARE can be a goal and a process, but it is not usually a one time event.
I tend to vacilate a little depending on my conscious contact, anxiety level and willingness to accept life on life's terms. But my goal is to be there more and more often --that place where I really can let HP have all my cares, worries, joys, concerns, dreams, plans etc. and trust that the higher plan is better than any plan I may lay. When I am there it gives me hope and faith that I can get there again, if I work my program with commitment to be willing or to be 'willing to be willing' at the very least. I often need to go back to step 2 & 1 when I am having trouble with step 3 decisions---on some level I think I have control (lack of the step 1 admission) or better insights than HP when I cannot seem to surrender to step 3. I also don't enjoy the anxiety that comes from not Knowing the outcome & being in the in between places---my new tool is that I text things to a gmail account that is my "God inbox"--last night when I couldn't get back to sleep, I texted my concern over my son's current state of affairs and texted also my judgement/opinions about his state of affairs to HP. I said I was gonna give it to him until morning and that really helped me get back to sleep!!! an hour at a time I am gonna do my best to trust in the ultimate outworking of HP's beautiful plan and walk by faith and not by sight where my sons lives are concerned--praying only for the strength and insight to do His will (my footwork--& these days my footwork often looks like zipping my lip & refraining from action).
Wishing all the best on your recovery journey, Luv
Great post Luv and welcome to the growth period of a relationship with a Higher Power. I didn't have much trouble with this and it was exciting and exhilarating for me to come to understand that my Higher Power was building a lot of the relationship from HP's side on HP's own. I found out I could and never had outdistance my Higher Power. When I fired my alcoholic/addict wife and the disease from being my higher power the natural relationship HP came forward. Your HP is trying to build the relationship with you, needs your faith, trust and participation 24/7. Keep your ears and eyes tuned for what your HP brings into your life even those things that you might not suspect or expect to be there for you. Make the the walk...act as if. Mahalo for the post...(((((hugs)))))
I can struggle with step 2 if i dont take the time in the morning to speak to my higher power. I say a gratitude list and pray for the wisdom and knowledge of his will. I try to keep contact throughtout the day with the serenity prayer. I like your email to god idea. Ive been meaning to make a god box for a while but i like this high tech version. Im practicing giving things over especially to do with my own son but i find this quite hard, my own mind and will gets in the way more often then not. I do better when i take my day back into one day at a time, looking into the future sabotages my contact with my higher power there is no way i can give my will over when im in the past or future. Ive got to stay in the now to have a good quality of life. Thanks for this great post.
Thank you Luv and Jerry. For me, your insight reminds me turning that my will over to my HP is the building block for my serenity. Without it (I have unwittingly tested this billions of time), my well-being crumbles. I too need to start each day by reminding myself through prayer and meditation that my HP has the plan I will do just for today.
Jerry's right. This is a great post.
Thank you for this post and for discussion of how you work these specific steps. All of the steps are processes and just a recipe for living life. I was told that by working the steps, you learn to live by the steps. Basically, any problem I have...the answer can be found in the steps. How we work the steps is always a work in progress and it's never perfect. Why? Because we are all works in progress... Progress, not perfection.