The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I was very fortunate in being gifted by my Higher Power with the sponsorship I had and now have. Coming to the understanding that being humble isn't the same as accepting humiliation was higher education. The program told and taught me "listen, learn, practice, practice, practice" which went hand and hand with the definition. This morning at my Saturday home group one of the members told the story about his sponsor teaching him that he had 2 ears and only 1 mouth for a reason; that being that he was equipped to listen twice as often or more than he spoke. I was ready to comment and announced myself and the group turned its attention toward me and then another member started to speak and when she was done another member spoke even though the group urged me to start and then after that another person did the same thing and then it was my share. I was grateful and comfortable with what took place because I got to listen to 3 members who for me are actual miracles in progress and I openly thanked one of them for giving me the opportunity to be there when she started her journey and then continue to that moment. Our program inspires because I remember how they came in...what they looked like, how they sounded and how they presented themselves. I'm inspired by the miracles that come from humility, commitment and practice with giving it away. I met two brand-newcomers this morning and shared my excitement with them that if they continued to keep coming back and follow what was suggested by the elders the outcome will be beyond their expectations. I shared what I was first told when I got into program..."sit down, listen, learn (if you keep and open mind), practice, practice, practice. By the grace, mercy and love of my Higher Power alone and not subject to any intention of my own I found the door to the College Church of Christ Al-Anon Family Groups, which eventually became my home group. The date? 2/8/1979. At first I suspected that the program was a religious group trying to trap another poor soul for God until I realized that I had been mysteriously led by the God of my understanding into the Al-Anon Family Groups where poor souls affected by the fatal disease of alcoholism were healed. I'm not surprised any longer as I've also come to understand that HP has all the same tools we have and uses them as good or better to allow us to find peace of mind and serenity and then the opportunity to give it all away for free. MIP is one of my HP's tools. I am forever grateful. (((((hugs)))))
Thank you for being here Jerry F! You are a great example of why it is important to listen to our old timers and to learn what we can to learn all the tools we can to better be able to fill our own tool boxes! Happy Anniversary, I am sending you much love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."