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I just have to get this off my chest and want to share a part of my life experience.
My father has been an active alcoholic all his life, from a very young age. He has gone to jail for 3 years, nearly killed himself twice in accidents and currently he is being prosecuted for the sexual abuse of my baby sister.
I am the oldest (32 years old) and I have 3 younger sisters.
My grandfather and great grandfather were both alcoholics, however my father has never admitted that he has a problem. On top of being an alcoholic, he also has no ethics. His marriage to my mother was horrible, and the things he did to her I cannot even begin to explain.
However, when they split, my mother always told us not to blame him, as he had always been a good father to us, at that time.
He is a dominator, manipulator and tries to control everyone around him. If he does not get his way, he will punish us. He uses money as a tool to get what he wants, and believes he can act however he wants in turn. No one in his family has ever put their foot down. His addiction is just ignored, and he lives a life of lies and he convinces himself that he is fine as long as he has a job and believes his own lies. Me and my sisters always feel like we are alone in this battle, none of his family members ever believe what we are saying, that he needs help. The only one who knows the truth is our mother.
When the case with my sister surfaced 6 months ago, we were all in shock. This did not happen to us, the 3 oldest sisters. However, the youngest has another mother and she is considerably younger than we are, so she was always alone with him, as he had split with her mother. We all knew he was drinking when she was at his house, but never even fathomed that something like this could ever happen. It happened 3 times, from the age of 6-11 years old.
Last fall, when the case was made known to everyone, he ordered us to believe him, and told our mother to convince us that he was innocent. He started lying to everyone, saying he never drank when he had her over at his house. The things he said were so obviously not true because me and my sisters were there to witness all of what had happened, and he blatantly lied about certain things. E.g. when my car broke down he drove drunk with her in the back seat to come and help me. He threw pots and pans at my other sisters and screamed and shouted all the time. He didn't admit any of it.
Me and my sisters decided last fall we couldn't do this anymore. He just kept lying and acting like a mad man. We gave him a chance to explain why he was lying about drinking when he had her but he didn't listen nor admit to anything. We then decided to cut all ties with him and told him we wouldn't speak with him until he went to rehab.
In the past years he has already isolated himself from everyone, and he was never in touch, never interested in our lives. Just an email here and there about money and then we saw him at christmas. So When we sent the email explaining we would cut all ties, he ignored it. And when christmas came he just acted like nothing ever happened. When we didn't want to see him, he called us disrespectful, and decided that we all had sided with the mother of his child, whom he blames for everything, including 'coaching her daughter into lying about this sexual abuse'.
I saw where this was headed, that he would ignore what we asked, and keep on drowning us with angry emails and spreading extreme hate about his ex.
So I sent him an email saying I would block his email address and to write me a letter in the post when he was in rehab.
He went ballistic. He stormed into my sisters apartment and told her to take all her things and move out, since he was her landlord. Among other things, including asking for money he had loaned me, he was just closing the door on us. He is giving his four daughters up, for alcohol. Instead of actually facing himself. But since he is a functioning alcoholic (drinks at night and has control over day to day activities), he believes he has no problems. He does not see, that it is actually the behavior and lying, that stems from the drinking, that is the problem.
Now, I realize how codependent this sounds, but he makes me feel guilty for demanding that he goes to rehab, because it is not the drinking itself that is the problem, but the behavior and lies that it brings.
I grieved this man a long time ago. But now I am seeing my sisters grieving him and it is so difficult.
I know he will never change. I just know it. And I can't even have a sliver of hope in my heart because it will only hurt me. As it has done so many times before.
The problems and drama will never stop. He has spread hatred for this women (his ex) for 8 years now. He is sickly obsessed with blaming her. And it is all he talks about, to everyone. And before her, it was my mother.
I don't even know why I decided to put this here. This is just a small part of my story.
I guess I am just looking for strength to continue to shut him out. Because I know it is the only thing to be done. I live abroad, fled away, but still this affects me so much. I can't get away even if I try. And it paralyzes me in life. I have not had a relationship for 7 years now, and I believe I am very closed off to men, because of him. I am lost and don't know how to change. I have had hypnotherapy which has helped me massively, but I still cannot seem to open up towards love.
Thank you so much for reading.
Only us will ever know how heartbreaking this addiction really is.
-- Edited by Layla83 on Friday 23rd of January 2015 02:03:16 AM
-- Edited by Layla83 on Friday 23rd of January 2015 02:20:40 AM
Welcome to the forum. I can relate to lots you have said here. My ex always had someone to blame too for his drinking, its part of the disease and denial of the disease of alcoholism. There is not a thing you can do to change him but you can go to an alanon meeting to help yourself with the effects. Keep reaching out.
Welcome Layla. I'm sorry to hear of the chaos and confusion and am so awed at the courage it takes to put down denial, say no and walk away from the alcoholic parent. It was true for me to be told years ago that we need tools even to not have relationships something you've described. Physical distance is not automatically emotional distance. I am also an acoa, likewise I had a mother who never poisoned me against my father, though she did have alcohol issues for many years. For many of us this insanity is indeed our family of origin. I understand. Xxxxx. Let it begin with me, an honest alanon slogan you sound to be working. Many many hugs and keep coming back.
Hello. Welcome to MIP. The experiences you have had in relationship to your Dad and the ways his disease has affected him, you, your Mom and your sisters must feel like a nightmare that you can't awaken from but want to. Our suggestion is the Al-Anon program for friends and family members of alcoholics/problem drinkers. There are also other resources that you might also want to seek out for yourself as what you are describing has earned you every form of support and comfort you can find for yourself. I'm sorry you have experienced so much trauma in your life and are still being exposed to very heavy and painful things that no one human being could ever work through without the support of people and programs like Alanon that can understand what you have been through and are in place for you to deal with the experiences you have had. There is help and hope for you and it's good that you are seeking it. Keep coming back here, too.
I just joined this forum too, I am dealing with a parent in my case as well. You are right there is no rock bottom. It just keeps getting lower and it is sad watching a loved one manipulate and threaten you. You have one thing that I envy, and that is brothers and sisters. Im glad you have them to turn to and you guys can all work through this together. Use each other and keep strong. If there is one thing I have learned it is that no matter what you do they will not change until they find a reason to change. If they don't find a reason to change they wont.
Welcome to MIP Layla Thank your for having the courage to share you inner pain and turmoil. Living with the disease of alcoholism is extremely distressing and can identify with the sadness and confusion that you express, .
Alcoholism is a progressive, chronic, fatal disease that we are powerless over and affects everyone who comes in contact with it. Alanon is a recovery program for family members and I urge you to search out face to face meetings and attend. It is here you will receive the support and understanding that isimportant to breaking the isolation caused by this disease and develop new constructive tools to live by
Thank you all so much for your replies and your warm welcomes. It really helps to hear from people that understand and how difficult this all is. It's also good to read your comments about this disease, how it works and how it must be dealt with. I'm sending strength and big hugs to all of you! xxx
Welcome. I support what the others have said. I am sorry for the torment you feel for you and your family. There is hope, peace and serenity available to you through the tools of al anon. We are here 24/7 if you should want to visit again, and we hope you do....
I can't add to the already great replies you got, but I want you to know that u r not alone.....and his drinking does not make a child father was one....I was one of his victims...
he attacked me drunk or sober me that kind of evil is already in someone, the drinking just brings out the "whats already in them" it numbs inhibitions...
i was married twice and NEITHER was a pedophile....neither was a sex freak who would attack his own flesh and blood.....he is what he is...AND hes an alcoholic......
I am so sorry this happened to your little sister, I pray she is getting the help she is going to need b/c this is the ultimate betrayal....i know...i will be in recovery for life.....there are some things that one does not completely get over but we work through it and for me, i just decided to move on with the rest of my life, but i have been in recovery for 13 years this February.....and i am a lifer here
I urge you to get to as many alanon meetings as you can....b/c noone can cope with this w/out the loving support of al-anon and the community
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Thank you for sharing Rose, I am sorry to hear your pain but it is inspiring to hear that you took your life in your own hands. This is definitely the ultimate betrayal. But it is our reaction and resilience that counts.
I agree with what you are saying, there has always been evil in him, in spite of the alcohol.
I need to learn how to trust in love and lead my own life regardless of him. I will search for tools to open up and hopefully like you I will be able to chose well.
I have found an al anon meeting very close by me and I will definitely go!
Thank you for sharing Rose, I am sorry to hear your pain but it is inspiring to hear that you took your life in your own hands. This is definitely the ultimate betrayal. But it is our reaction and resilience that counts. I agree with what you are saying, there has always been evil in him, in spite of the alcohol.
I need to learn how to trust in love and lead my own life regardless of him. I will search for tools to open up and hopefully like you I will be able to chose well. I have found an al anon meeting very close by me and I will definitely go! Thanks again! xxx
((((Layla)))) you go girl!!! love that you are going to hit a meet....My prayers go out to you big sisters and especially to the little one who was attacked...she is fortunate, she has you two...I had NO sibling support..they attacked me..blamed me for HIS evil...shamed me...oh yea, wonderful people....they chose to defend him by attacking me and so now they can say goodbye to me......They lost me...I can forgive them b/c I don't want to be connected to them in anyway.....But to ever want them in my life??? NOT gonna happen...forgiveness to me only means I worked through the hate and resentment, it does not mean I ever want them in my life......You love and support and please listen to baby sister and let her know she is BELIEVED and loved and accepted no matter what...the victim has a tendency to blame him/herself , thinking they are "defective" in some way, thus the evil coming at took years of recovery for me to understand that it was never about was his ticket to hell...never anything to do w/me....and I feel for you older girls, having to accept this awful, disgusting fact about your own (i wont' say father b/c to me he lost that right) Sire!!!!! you hang with us and take good care of you.......I am glad you showed up here....
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Thank you so much Rose. I'm am sorry you got attacked, that is so unfair. I am sending you strength! She is believed, me and my sisters told her that we would stand by her no matter what. We have also received incredible support from one of his siblings. I will definitely stick around here and focus on me, I already feel so much better after coming here :) Thank you!! xxx
Hello Layla, and welcome to the group.
You're so not alone, and I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. Stay strong and focus on you, I learned and am still learning to distance myself from the madness and to stop trying to reason with my boyfriend. He's 61 and in AA and still drinking off and on. You're right, for some I don't think rock bottom ever really comes.
I'm a hospice nurse, and have pronounced many deaths of alcoholics, most middle aged, 50 and 60 range. So sad, such a loss of life, and so many families affected by it. That's why I ran, fast, when I found out my boyfriend was a closet vodka drinker.
Take care of you, coming on this forum and finding al anon was the best thing I did.
Thank you so much Rose. I'm am sorry you got attacked, that is so unfair. I am sending you strength! She is believed, me and my sisters told her that we would stand by her no matter what. We have also received incredible support from one of his siblings. I will definitely stick around here and focus on me, I already feel so much better after coming here :) Thank you!! xxx
Good on you (((((((((Layla)))))))) wish i had had siblings like you and the other sis.......your lil sister has a chance to overcome, to at the very least manage her symptoms of this trauma......thanks to loving girls like you all......BIG MONSTER HUGS OF SUPPORT........xoxoxo
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Face to face al-anon meetings and counseling helped me get through the worst of my childhood. Finding my sponsor and working the steps has made it possible for me to finally let go of my past and be vulnerable and present in the here and now. I am glad you are here! Keep coming back you are worth it! Sending you love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."