The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I think I have been a closet agnostic all these years and due to some sort of shame or sense of failure or just thinking I am less then b/c I cannot really embrace a diety outside of myselfI stayed in the closet, hoping that program could help me find G-d as referenced in the 12 steps, not understanding that MY HP can be within me, that part of the universe that is within meno genderJust attributes that I likeWhen I fragmented off into a wounded self to absorb all the trauma, my real me or my CORE me hid..It hid to stay aliveI had to sort of die to live..I know, that sounds like an oxymoron, but I did..I had to choose to die in order to that my real self had to go under Waaay under and therefore my wounded self emerged and became ME..My CORE self was so buried deep, she seemed not to existThe wounded self, who had to take over absorbed the horror..Yea, I survived, but at a great price b/c I somehow lost the ability to connect with my CORE.As I evolve in recovery I am getting closer to doing that but have made some discoveries about my spirituality as well.Here are some notes I wrote to my sponsor that I will share with you guysAll the Agnostics or Atheists need not feel alone or less than or in shame..There are many of us, through no fault of our own, just became unable to believe in anything outside of us...Or believe in anything on blind faith...We need evidence.....But I do believe I have a higher awareness or higher parent within me, I call it many names, but it all implies the same thing.WITHIN ME!!!
the Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. To me, this is a plea for assistance in living a full, rich, healthy life. When things happen that I can't control, IF I am working my program I peacefully accept them. When things happen that I can change, I take a deep breath and take action. When things happen, I use my past experience to determine if I can take care of me or not. These are the steps to serenity, the inner peace that comes from accepting the world as it is and knowing I've done all I can.
The S prayer is important to me. I want serenity and the life that comes from being courageous with my actions. I want it at any costI so want to be able to say, at the end of the day, that I did the best I could and accept the rest.
HOWEVERHere is the thing with me!!!! I just cant, in all honesty, believe in a God that can reach out and use His will to give me serenity, courage, and wisdom. If He could, why hasn't He already??? I'm not going to beg a deity for my own inner peace. I find it repugnant to have to be on my knees begging for what really is the RIGHT of all have good health, good abundance, good love and healthy self expression..and then to be NOT heard??? .
SO....When I say these words I don't imagine that I'm asking an outside deity to give me these qualities but. Instead, I am asking myself for them. I am asking myself to continue to work toward those three goals: serenity, courage, and wisdom. I am asking myself to keep trying for the life that I so desperately want. I know I have to commit to the Al-Anon materials and spend time thinking about them. I must work the slogans, and I must honestly work through the Twelve Steps and do some deep soul-searching. I must approach each situation with the Serenity Prayer in mind and, when I find something in my life that I can change to better myself and my situation, I ask myself or my higher awareness WITHIN or my higher parent for the courage to change it.
I dont, anymore struggle to understand this..But I need to understand that there are problems with me and that they caused or still , to a degree, cause chaos in my life and the lives of those around me. When I allow myself to act in these destructive ways, I am acting against the flow of the Universe, which is the simple flow of cause and effect (Karma..good or bad) around me. I need to open my eyes, be honest with me and what others are involved and learn how to act in harmony with those around me rather than in discord, and choose the simple actions available to me right now to reach that harmony. I need to do it over and over againPractice Practice makes for better character/habits
When people say everything happens for a reason. I agree with them, but they mean god is guiding events and taking action on their behalf, and for ME, it is that cause and effect is a simple and universal law, actions have consequences, I am responsible for what happens in my life, and I need to act accordingly. The Steps are the answer for me, I believe they work because of logical principles. If i give up trying to be in control, i will find peace,. If i have faith that things will work out, or at least hold the hope that things CAN work out, that it doesnt ALWAYS have to go badly, i will be more relaxed, and better able to give up the fight for control. Next, comes serious self awareness/honesty , and the willingness to change my part in my interaction with the world. Suddenly, i can find myself with more friends and less chaos. Then, comes an inventory of the wrongs i have committed, and a commitment not to do them anymore simply put, I give up trying to control other peoples behavior, i take responsibility for my own, i try to change my behavior, i apologize for my mistakes. i hang out with a group of like- minded people, working to be better (but not perfect). Its no mystery why my life can improve.
Anyway, here is a list of the 12 steps. And my take on them
1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol or what ever is making my life unbarablethat our lives had become unmanageable. .
I can relate to this.OK with this step
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Not so much this one. I have the power to let go. I have the power to make my choices. I dont leave this up to a higher power..I never could trust in anything outside of me however I do trust in the community of al-anon et al, the only power that I see that is greater than my conscious self is maybe my super consciousness or my Higher self/ aka Higher parent, but it is within me, not outside of me..
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him..
I practice free will. I believe we are responsible for our own lives, and own wills. I dont turn that over to a higher power.IF I do it is my higher awareness WITHIN me, like my higher self or my CORE selfthe male gender implication makes me gagand to turn my will over?? How can that be when there is free will and choice??? I have a real problem w/step 3, so to improvise, I just let godetach.step aside.walk away in my head.toss it off me and it seems to worklike releasing ME from the person, place or thing that is my problem, letting go the need to control
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
This step is my favoriteHowever to me, it is less of a moral inventory and more of a this is why inventory. I needed to search Myself and find out WHY I am so messed up, what happened to me?? Who hurt me?? What impact did it have??? Like what is the root of my infectionWhy do I respond or react to certain triggers or life events?? People?? Understanding the WHY I needed this survival too, helps me get to the WHATWHAT can I do to take care of me and either cleanse or mitigate or at least manage the unwanted traits that grew In me to help me survive
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
No problem with this. Again though, not all of us believe we have to confess our sins to a higher power.I confess to my higher self or the part of the universe within me.I confess to SAFE other people, like my alanon community and to my sponsor and recovery mateseven folks who are not in recovery but are safe..SAFETY is my big thing..AND I dont believe that I , in all honesty , will admit ALL to anyone , but as long as I admit it to myself..accept it as a truth that I did or thought a certain thing, than I am okthere are things I will take to my grave that only myself and me know long as I am not in denial about these wrongs and I dont try to justify or white wash them, then I am ok with me
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
This, I dont like. I dont believe that a higher power fixes my character defect. I believe that only I, through my CHOICE to release a certain survival skill have that power. And that it is something I do for me... This entire phrase or step grates on me. I guess it grates on me b/c I HAVE or USED to say I am willing to give up xxxxxxxx I mean I was READY, but felt nothing really happening until I got with me..
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
I Still believe I and only I have to do this. I have to work on it, and it isnt easy, but its not something that any God will magically fix for meAgain, I USED to ask but have decided or came to the conclusion that I am on my own and I have to work this out on my own with my honesty, openness, willingness.and with my alanon community and other safe folks who struggle with cleaning up their lives...
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
Totally agree
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
YEP..Unless it was unsafe for me or for them for me to do so, then in cases like that, I would just send the person I harmed peace and goodwill in my thoughts, baring in mind that this is nothing to do with them, but ALL about sweeping my side of the street.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
YEPAgree. Makes me take responsibility for my actions.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
This grates on meAs one who had to rely only on myself and the FEW others that I can trust, the alanon community, etc. This step, I cant go with. To me it implies religionand again, the gender of this HP and the nameI think my offender, using the G word, saying it was Gs will for him to harm me has something to do with this and also the resentment I carried for this HP over unanswered desperate pleas for help and not being heardI learned at an early age that I was battling life on my ownI didnt want to accept that..I WANTED to believe, but I just cant fake it anymoreI do not pray anymore..i do meditate and when I meditate, I get in my center of memy goal is to connect w/the core of me, the real me b4 all the trauma.The idea of a male gender HPs will for me, not only is repugnant to me, but more than likely impossible for someone in my situation.But even so I tried that w/no improvement in my was only when I decided to reach WITHIN meand the alanon community is when I began to see some results
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
No real issues here. It did, at first , sound a lot like the witnessing that some religions do, however. Now, I just attract by my examplenot preaching like I used to (the program) I used to , even recently, hard sell the program in my zeal and excitement over something that is working for me, but now, I do the softer approachI use my exampleand let the others make their own choices
in summation, MY disbelief is in the *involvement* of Creator/HP/ in my life...Not that Creator doesnt' exist, but that he/she is corporate...just not involved in my personal struggles as an individual.....I also think I am a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. For me I "believe" based on evidence or demonstration...I cannot go by blind faith..I have to see or experience something to believe in it.....and I KNOW this is a residual of my past...Something I may NEVER work out....So I let it be...Leave it alone...Quit struggling with it...Come out with it and be honest...With me..With others....
I know my heart is good..I walk as clean of a path as I can...I do my best to be a vessel of peace and goodwill to all and I am not gonna be ashamed of me anymore b/c I cannot reconcile with the G-d thing....
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Sounds like you are doing some important inner work, Rose. I love that you are being so honest about where you are on the God thing. That's the wonder of this program to me. So many different ways to think of a Higher Power and to relate to our understanding of that HP. In meetings, when I read some of the steps that contain the word "Him," I substitute God which can mean Good Orderly Direction or whatever works for me. So, you're not alone in taking what you like and leaving the rest of our English vocabulary and imagery.
Dear Neshema thank you for your honesty and clarity as far as the steps and your belief in a power greater than yourself. I do believe that when I first came into program I could not find the trusting faith in HP /God and could not turn my will over as the program suggested.
Al-Anon and my sponsor pointed out that I could choose a God of my own understanding. This enabled me chose Al-Anon and the principles and philosophy that it embodied as my higher power. For me this was a power greater than my self and one that I could turn my will and my life over to.
I am so glad that I was given the freedom to choose my own HP because in time I have developed a complete trust and faith in a God of my understanding. I have experienced a huge spiritual awakening and for that I am eternally grateful.
As I was writing this I thought of the quote from Stuart Chase that stated:"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." I completely agree with that statement and all I can say is that I was allowed to keep an open mind on the subject and my God revealed himself to me. Please keep coming back
its like a kind of mourning....a loss of an ideal...a hope.......and Betty, i agree, alanon enables me to "come up with" a power greater than I of my own understanding....when i see the trees, beloved animals, i know something really beautiful made these.....MY problem, I think, is my lack of faith in the HP's INVOLVEMENT in MY life...not so much existence, but his/hers/its INVOLVEMENT.....I thought about that after i posted this....
My decision is to quit fighting it...quit struggling with it...leave it open in my heart and see what goes......
Its very possible, I have been struggling with this too much, rather than let the process happen , what will fit best for early concept of G-d was absolutely horrendous....i have to erase all that and its hard....i was brainwashed that g-d was somewhere "up there" with a big club in his hand, just waiting to squash me for any transgression i commited, even as a child...I feared and hated this entity who allowed so much suffering and pain in the world and no visible attempt to use its power to help....Now , i do meditations to give up this resentment/animosity/anger towards this entity who perhaps IS merely respecting the law of choice and free will...
ALL my hardships and pain are MAN made....MAN's evil on me in some way or another, but it was MAN.....I think this is why i am sort of a loner, not the "hanging out" type, unless it is with my few, very few close loved ones.....i just don't make friends very quickly...very slow to give my affections and even slower to give my its global, my lack of trust...
anyway, i decided, over these past days, being under seige of late, to just stop wrangling with this and let be what will be
I hope this made sense.....I WOW!! what would I do if i didn't have safe folks to share this with?????
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
I do feel a sort of envy for those who "found" their satisfactory, loving, happy relationship with their higher power.....I think if i can connect with me, I might have a shot at a close relationship w/my inner higher awareness or inner HP...I know the key is ** within ** me....they say love is an inside job...I do agree with that...all my answers are within me......the slogan "let it begin with me" comes to mind.....
Thank you Grateful and Betty for your kind/loving ESH to me......
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
That sweet little chicken protecting herself with the tiny holster, rifle and bullets may be part of the You that you seek, Rosie? I don't know. But maybe? All I know is when I first saw her and now when I think of her, pools of vulnerability, gentleness and a soft voice well up in me. I just want to pick that little chick up and tell her she is beautiful, she is safe, she is loved and she brings so much goodness and laughter into the world just being her sweet, tiny and soft self.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Wednesday 5th of November 2014 11:43:25 PM
Rosie, I believe that those with the deepest faith in a universal force may have the most intense struggles with faith in that force. It sounds to me as though there is a peace you are coming to rest in, a place of quiet from the years of wrangling. I see something that you have that many do not, a reverence for life.
Neshema I just read the ODAT for today and it speaks well to this subject. I am glad you are keeping an open mind on the issuet as the ODA T November 6 speaks about the Al-Anon program and people who have difficulty with a belief in a HP . It points out that even for those who believe only what we can see and touch there is help an Al-Anon. By using the 12 steps, even if only those with no reference to God, we are led to believe in a power greater than ourselves. This is what happen tome and it states that through spiritual enlightenment, we see the good changes in our lives could only have come about out God's guidance.
The quote is:"Why should we try to move mountains with our own strength alone when faith ,even as a grain of mustard seed can help us achieve what seemed possible
Have a grand day and remember your you are not alone
listed in ALPHABETICAL order.............((((Betty))))) (((((Grateful))))) (((((Paula))))))
I can't even TELL you ladies how sweet and special i think you all are to read this post and bravely put your oh so welcome comments on it....
I can't even tell you all how HARD it was on me to post come out, as they say, and SAY, OUTLOUD, "HEY, I don't *buy* into the g-d thing....I have no higher power" but i must...somewhere buried within me I must...
I don't know which trauma it was, when that trauma occured, but something inside of me "broke" "fell off--or fell out of me" and not to forget my difficulties with bonding.......I know i CAN bond, but its like i hold something back to protect me....
Betty, I promise you on my word, i will...AM keeping an open mind...I will express that out in the open, out loud so negative energy is aware that I will never give up on the possibilities that I have the right to....I give my word, my mind is open to to to try again, cautiously, of course, but open
Grateful, it touched me when you referenced that little chicken w/the gun and bullets and how special you think she is...that touched me, the way you described that little chicken...i guess metaphorically that little chicken is really me... little and soft , but wearing all that protection b/c I said, long ago "NO to any more evil being visited upon me"
Paula..lovely, Paula with a house 1/2 drowned you come on my post to give me some love and when you said I had a reverence for life, I thought about that...I complain, vent, kick and scream, but I DO have a reverence for life..especially the vulnerable creatures of life, the children, the animals, the elderly and disabled...the innocents...and that reverence should include me...
All 3 of you made a big impression on all gave me much to think about..much to contemplate on.....I am grateful....I am glad that i am not alone in my difficulties w/the higher power- god thing....I know SOMETHING greater than i created the beauty this earth offers me when i just open my the faith thing?? I have none...I guess I will borrow it from generous recovery mates....i hope i am not so wounded that what you said, Betty, in your first post...."For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.".........I TRULY hope that I am NOT afflicted w/the 2nd part of this a way i am kinda scared that my attackers "broke" something in me that can't be fixed...but again..I will keep an open mind that ANYTHING is possible when one is with an OPEN mind...which mine is.....
-- Edited by neshema2 on Thursday 6th of November 2014 01:05:11 PM
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
I'm in my truck, driving to sams to burn up my free 60 day membership thingy b4 it expires, stocking up on stuff and i had the urge to cry....of course i had to tell my IC that "now is't the time, we are driving" but maybe I will cry later
then i find myself APOLOGIZING to the great spirit who made the earth for being so broken re: the god thing...why this one thing i cannot overcome working so hard in this program...I told the GS that I cannot heal my brokeness/unbelief...i cannot do anything, so am gonna do my best with the tools an strength that i have and let it go at that....and, of course, keep an open mind...but here i am APOLOGIZING for something that oh yea, like as a child, i went to bed and prayed to not be able to believe in anything or to trust.....i wasn't born this way....i was broken AFTER my arrival here...I can't tell u all when...what tragedy/trauma/betrayal, but i know it happened....Maybe coming out of the starting gate, the darkness that i dwelled in was just too much and I disconnect that far back...
I don't know, but i say this!!!! i am going to work on hard on my steps and slogans and program work, reaching out to others, I will NOT NOT give up on me....
Thank you Betty, Grateful and Paula (alpha order again b/c I soo respect you all equally) for letting me know i am not some sort of freak......and I WILL keep coming back....and yea, this little chicken is still afraid to put away her weapons of protection, but can be vulnerable where she feels safe and oh yea, i do have a reverence for life b/c I am a part of this life
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
You have said so much here nesh, im going to have to come back and think more on this but I just wanted to say thanks for sharing how you work it, I can learn lots from this, these are the posts I love, the sharing on how to do it.x
These were gut wrenching, risky, courageous posts. Rose, it does not matter what you say, how you say it or how you feel, I will accept and love you. I don't have much to give this evening, as it has been a difficult few days, but I will PM you when I can to share some things that may not be appropriate to share on the general forum. Until, then, please be extra gentle with you as this is some heavy stuff that is beginning to unwind. Take extra care.
Neshema I was that person who did not believe when I first entered program No amount of proof would have changed my mind.
I used the program as my HP for a few years and then by a spiritual awakening / miracle one day I woke up and BELIEVED in this power that I cannot explain but is real and has influenced my life in many powerful ways. I guess in working the Steps I let go of my anger and resentment at the God of my childhood and that was what enabled me to once again truly see and experience the truth
You have said so much here nesh, im going to have to come back and think more on this but I just wanted to say thanks for sharing how you work it, I can learn lots from this, these are the posts I love, the sharing on how to do it.x
hey lady, thank you for weighing in here....dunno how good i am "working it" with all this, but it was time for me to post something I had to "put out there" I guess i just wanna know I am not a freak of some sorts b/c of this goes waaay deep...what broke in me was real bad and real thorough for me to be in recovery since Feb 2002, that is going on THIRTEEN years, and i am still at this place re: the HP thingy......
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
There has been research done by folks in the recovery field by the name of Linn. Two things I remember from their work although this is more about alcoholics than those victimized by adult parents. I still think it might be helpful to you.
1. Many people struggling with alcoholism (and maybe we can substitute another word that might work better for you, Rose) are often poets, mystics, musicians, artists who were put down and not allowed to express themselves through the arts (which is a link to their own identity and spirituality - mine not Linns')
2. Alcoholics (or whomever we want to put in here) will not recover if theysee an image of God that is schizophrenic i.e. this god rewards us for doing good and punishes us for doing bad. When they can let go of that image and allow another, they have a better chance at recovery according to their research.
I have pictured my HP in many ways. If one doesn't work for me, I find another. And usually my image of my HP changes as I change. Judge, magician, warrior, protector, defender, martyr, victim have been some of those images that I used when I needed to use them. The important thing for me has been to refuse to make an idol of an image. Once I feel the pinch of the imagery I've allowed as form to relate to for my HP, I fight against it in an almost involuntary way much like a teen fights against the structure that helped it grow and develop, tire out, grow still, surrender and am offered yet another way to view HP.
I don't know if any of this might be helpful to you but did want to share it. And btw: I love you for you. I don't care if you believe in a HP or if you don't believe in an HP. I just care that you know I love you for you and my world has been made better many times because of you.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Thursday 6th of November 2014 07:21:50 PM
I love reading your posts and I have been saying,REALLY God!!I am not happy with the hand I have been dealt and now I have to do the work to fix all this crap!BUT,I am a survivor and I find ways to continue,I guess.
These were gut wrenching, risky, courageous posts. Rose, it does not matter what you say, how you say it or how you feel, I will accept and love you. I don't have much to give this evening, as it has been a difficult few days, but I will PM you when I can to share some things that may not be appropriate to share on the general forum. Until, then, please be extra gentle with you as this is some heavy stuff that is beginning to unwind. Take extra care.
Dear (((((Paula))))) I can't tell ya how much this be loved and accepted with all my brokeness....i am being gentle w/me today and i guess i will need to work Xtra hard to be easy on me.....I almost feel like i am in mourning....My sponsor and my two adopted sisters and a child hood friend/recovery mate knew about this, but coming out on this board has helped me see that i am not "tainted" or anything...the warmth I got from you gals is like putting aloe vera on a severe burn, it felt good...i expected my sponsor/life long friend and my other recovery mate who is another life long friend and my 2 adopted sisters, yea, i would expect them to love me if i were godzilla destroying New York City, but to get on this board and tell folks who haven't met me face to face, who haven't shared a life time of love and closeness, now THAT is differnt...I was a bit scared to share, but i thought "ya know..I am gonna do it...just tell them...tell it like it is an get this off my chest...maybe it will help me to share w/other folks....a real test sorta" because I did , sorta, feel like a defect.....reading you all's responses is saying to me that i am "OK" no matter what.....i think the greater risk would have been to NOT share this b/c I have NO idea, will NEVER know how many others feel the same an are too scared to say so..So they suffer in silence..isolated in a way......maybe i opened up an avenue down which the others can travel and not feel like they will be thrown under the bus......Love you
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
This was a very gutsy post and I am glad you could feel able to open up to us and feel safe with your vulnerability. Not everyone has the same God as I and even my sponsor who I saw at Church regularly had the same God as I. Her God was a woman and she was a native American so believed in other Spirits like Mother earth and when she died we left the windows open even though I thought it was freezing, to let her soul out when she passed. It was a truly amazing and eye opening experience and I learned so much. I won't judge you for who your HP is or isn't, I am just glad you are here learning and growing in our MIP family. I respected her beliefs and her wishes as I do yours. I no longer believe my way is the only right way and I am glad to be walking along side you here on our al-anon walk. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I love reading your posts and I have been saying,REALLY God!!I am not happy with the hand I have been dealt and now I have to do the work to fix all this crap!BUT,I am a survivor and I find ways to continue,I guess.
LOL...sounds like me "REALLY G_D"......and yep...the hand i was dealt a lot of times sucks.....and just call me the "crapola corrector" ...and u bet!!! We ARE survivors and I, like you, just keep finding ways to continue.......glad you are here.......BTW your posts are cool, too....this is a good group....glad U R part of it.....
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Her God was a woman and she was a native American so believed in other Spirits like Mother earth and when she died we left the windows open even though I thought it was freezing, to let her soul out when she passed. It was a truly amazing and eye opening experience and I learned so much. I won't judge you for who your HP is or isn't, I am just glad you are here learning and growing in our MIP family. I respected her beliefs and her wishes as I do yours. I no longer believe my way is the only right way and I am glad to be walking along side you here on our al-anon walk. Sending you love and support!
OMG, BF, I am 1/2 native american and what spirituality i HAVE is native american.....i do believe in benevolent spirits and no gender on the creator, and also mother earth is our home place and i do what i can to respect her.........yes, i relate to the window opening to let her soul out b/c when my ancestors would die, the tee pee or wikiup would be open, flap open so the passing was smooth and gentle and swift.....MY problem is the having faith/trust in creator...I have NO problem believing Creator and Jesus, EXIST....MY issue is lack of involvement in my life or, Abandonment sounds like a good word to use, when i think of it...its like creation of me was were given to me and they said "ok..we gave u necessary make your life WORK" so its like i am sitting here with this pile of stuff that is over my head, but too bad so sad, work it out anyway......I am glad you are open and were open to your sponsor...She sounds like she was a wonderful blessing in your life.....Her love radiates through you, BF, I notice your reading them....So loving and positive and open......I am glad u r walking along side of me...I need ALL the positive souls here that i can grab onto to walk this recovery walk with me as i am with all of you as well......thank you (((BF))) for your sweet visit........hope life is treating you well and your sponsor lives in your heart.....and its a good heart for her to live in.....
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Rosie: Two questions to which I don't need a response: Do you think the women who come to meet you on the board might be your HP coming through us to greet you with our appreciation, our tenderness, our care for you? If there might be a part of you that can entertain that possibility, could that be one of the ways your HP is involved in your life?
Well, everyone..not a real cry, but i did tear up a bit and told Creator/Great Spirit that I am a mess, but I think I am worth healing so I am gonna just put one foot in front of the other and continue or lack thereof, I will just have to deal with it, reach out, share and be open minded
quitting this far in the game is not an up on me is not gonna happen either b/c when everyone else is gone, all I got is me.....Besides if i quit?? I would get a visit from my sponsor who is an Ex Seattle, WA Police detective, homicide division, no less, recovering alcoholic, sober since late 80's and as about as tough as a rhinoceros......Don't want an angry visit from her and she would be PEEE O'D if i quit on me.....
I will meditate tonight and visualize love and peace for the world and get centered within myself, and hopefully get a decent nights tomorrow and then maybe a swim afterwards...something about being in water is so soothing to me....
i stocked up on all KINDS of stuff w/my 60 day free sam's club membership card and now i gotta face the music (credit card) got enough stuff, refridge is stuffed full, pantry is bulging and also shelf by the laundry room is packed.......i could get snowed in for 6 months and be ok....dogs, cat, birds...all got enough provisions, we are "good".....the card runs out on the 22nd, but i am tempted to shred that tempting little sucker b/c i really have PLENTY..the prices are really great...but I am DONE..gotta hunker down and get serious about paying off this stuff....
I have a problem w/retail therapy...a fake sort of feeling like i have power or maybe control or maybe a "high" of some a recovering CODA , it comes as no surprise that I have this issue.......i don't ever get myself in danger, and this was "ok" to stock up, but i am borderline over doing insurance coming up for car and home and also still paying on door that i had no choice but to replace...its been an expensive year and so i need to get serious and pay this stuff down....
I am grateful i came out on the board about my step 2-3 struggles and grateful for the love and encouragement and acceptance I got.....I am as sick as my secrets and this was a BIG load off me to share it HERE and get this kind of love and acceptance.....its one thing to tell my sponsor, recovery mate and my sisters.....However, I am grateful that i shared it here with you all...Your responses mean a lot.......hugs to all...
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Rosie: Two questions to which I don't need a response: Do you think the women who come to meet you on the board might be your HP coming through us to greet you with our appreciation, our tenderness, our care for you? If there might be a part of you that can entertain that possibility, could that be one of the ways your HP is involved in your life?
((((((((((C)))))))))))) asked so i need to "woman up" and answer.......Question #1, is a very real , WOW, reading it again, YEA, that very well COULD be...i mean we are ALL spirits...ALL of the great universe....ALL parts of the Creator/ why NOT come through other people to show love for me???? This is REALLY profound....Like HP using you all to love me?? in a way that i would see??? respond to???? Catherine this makes a LOT of sense.....I mean it in my face to face life, I am not really a "people person" not a "hang out" type of person...I'm reserved...Selective...Extremely cautious and slow to give my affections, much less my trust, but the ones who HAVE my trust/love, etc., they truly love me...they show it all the time and I show them, its not one many times has my recovery mate who has bi-polar, depression, anxiety, PTSD , how many times has she said to me "Rosie, when i need u the most, you call me....." like i get this "prompt" to "CALL S....she needs you" and S answers the phone and she thinks omg, here you YEA, what U R saying makes sense....I always tell the universe that i love being of service to other creatures, respecting mother earth, and you guys know how i fight for children, animals, old folks, disabled i absolutely grieve when i see a case of abuse to a vulnerable....its like a part of my heart is torn off.......Catherine you BET i am gonna think about what you said.....I said I would be open and i was sincere.....This really makes sense..................Thank you Catherine
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
You are loved, Rosie, and I'm glad you are choosing to continue the work of recovery in whatever way works best for you.
I, too, got that card and fortunately am too lazy to drive up to Sam's Club in my area. I did, however, order not one but two pair of water shoes for aqua yoga and water exercise. Did I need two? No, but I liked the blue and I liked the pink, and had to buy each color from a different supplier. God help me and my prime Amazon account. I was concerned about my daughter and decided to buy myself the shoes as I waited to hear how she was doing with an infection she's developed. So, even in retail therapy, you're not alone. If we lived close together, we could plop in front of the TV and eat some ice cream together, too. If the Golden Girls could do it - so can we.
You are loved, Rosie, and I'm glad you are choosing to continue the work of recovery in whatever way works best for you.
I, too, got that card and fortunately am too lazy to drive up to Sam's Club in my area. I did, however, order not one but two pair of water shoes for aqua yoga and water exercise. Did I need two? No, but I liked the blue and I liked the pink, and had to buy each color from a different supplier. God help me and my prime Amazon account. I was concerned about my daughter and decided to buy myself the shoes as I waited to hear how she was doing with an infection she's developed. So, even in retail therapy, you're not alone. If we lived close together, we could plop in front of the TV and eat some ice cream together, too. If the Golden Girls could do it - so can we.
LOLOL......I love pink, myself OH and pastel yellow....pastel peach....have to laugh about the water shoes...I would have done exactly the same....hahahahaha.....and i am on amazon, too....i should have stock in that place...... yep, good old instant feel good/retail therapy.....hope daughter is ok now?? she doing better???? sending her healing energy.............and oh yea, watch TV and eat ice cream together...OH I'll bring the oreo cookies we can dunk in the ice cream.....LOVE MA we had a place called "Friendly's Ice cream parlor" and they had a flavor to die was a like butterscotch flavor with butter crunch candies in it?? omg...I had to get the triple ice cream i EVER ate............You are too cute xo
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
mmmmmmm -butterscotch flavor with butter crunch candies - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. My daughter is still sick but says she is getting better. I hope that is true. She knows her Mom gets concerned and doesn't always tell me the whole story. Why, oh why, can't she be a blabbermouth like her Momma? Grin. I would have chosen yellow or peach, too, if they offered it but no. Sadly, I could only choose those two colors from the others. Poor, poor me. Grin some more.
"N" just gotta relate this story as it is connected thru your Indian/First Nations People heritage. You don't have to look farther than that in order to come face to face with your Higher Power.
I was at a home group Monday Night AFG meeting and as the meeting closed the person who volunteered to close it from the week before suddenly balked and expressed to me that he could not close the meeting the usual way with the Lord's Prayer because he was not Christian and didn't believe in the Christian definition. I wouldn't and couldn't tell him what to do and he told me he was a Blackfoot Indian from the North Dakota Nation and having no idea what to tell him I suggested that he close the meeting with an appropriate Blackfoot prayer. His name was John and he started his prayer like this, "Oh Great Creator Father of the universe ..." He went on to describe his Creator Father in terms of all that inhabited the skies and walked the face of the earth. What happened to me when he spoke this prayer. Frist off I was aware of witnessing a "conversation between this Blackfoot, John and a Higher Power who was face to face with him and I was stunned by it as I felt that G o d was there listening to an affirmation from one of his creations who was expressing gratitude. I will never forget that night ever because it opened the doors and took away the mist from the sight to this former Catholic man who was born a Hawaiian National and handed his G o d belief thru the experiences of others generationally. I returned home in 1993 as a consequence of a conversation I had with the understanding of my Higher Power back then and after coming home discovered the ancient Creator Father from inside my own culture. First Nation peoples and the indigenous peoples of the world have an innate understanding of the Power which created even before the written word and which/who was passed down thru the spoken memories of our ancestors. The name of my Higher Power is Akua (just for me in my culture) I can see and touch and nurture what Akua has created and I can mimic Akua's principles as I was asked to when I first found Al-Anon. I had a God Box in early program which wasn't to put God into and to put me into so that God could confine and hold me and my concerns so I could have the freedom to breathe and grow while my problems were being considered. I cannot define how Akua will answer me when I ask for guidance. I know that when I listen that is the condition I must be in to hear what is said if something is said and I must keep and open mind because often the answer or solution comes metaphorically and/or from within another thought force. HP's responses are very different than mine and always work where mine do not.
Go back into your culture and talk with your Creator Father. (((((hugs)))))
I just saw your response to the questions and since you're open to the suggestions: Could it be true that HP's heart is also torn apart when S/He sees through your eyes and hears through your ears the pain of Her "little ones" which include all the creatures and the people you have listed in your post? Is it possible that HP rose up in you to take care of that dog locked into that car when it was 88 degrees out and stood in you without bringing harm to the woman who was angry with you for looking out for her dog? Could it be that your HP invited you with that card to go to Sam's and help workers earn a living so that their children and their children's children could eat? Could that also be a way HP moves in your world? In our world?
Hey ((((((((((((((((Catherine)))))))))))))))) I am still thinking about your analogy re: HP using you ladies to give me his/her love through you all...............WOW....gonna snuggle in my nice comfy bed and meditate on that...........You really, you know how you hear something and its like you feel a "OH YEA she may be on to something" feeling in your soul???? When i read your response to me it was like 'OH YEA....never saw it that way....and you illustrate it and i am like HP is always referred to as "love" and so yea, it made sooo much sense....."
Just wanted you to know that i am gonna copy and past this whole thread on word and for MY USE ONLY just keep it...keep all the great responses and THINK...meditate....on all this wisdom......If i were pure spirit and wanted to love someone, I would use a trusted mate of that my recovery sisters......and you guys.....if i were great spirit, I would use a trusted mate of that person I wanna love..........this makes perfect sense.........OR, anyone whom i could trust to help that person.....
I remember one time a fellow "boardie" on an old site i was on was contemplating suicide...she had the razor blades around her, sitting on the floor ready to do it..........out of the BLUE, I pm'd her , she popped in my head and I PM'd her in the chat thingy....she happened to hear the "blip" sound and saw me on the chat...she liked me and responded....we chatted...we chatted a LOOONG time....then she told me that she was gonna try life one more day and shared with me what my friendly little chat prevented her from doing......
it scared me...i thought "what if i wasn't there?? didnt' think about her????" but i WAS there and I DID think of her.....Something prompted me...thinking of your post here, makes it explains this day, i think about that girl, who eventually disappearerd from our group and i wondered.....there was nothing i could do, i did not have her email, or phone or anything, but i remember sending her peace and love......
WOW...i haven't thought about that in a while...we were all in this MSN group and it had that chat thingy if a member was on and you hit their name, you could chat.....we had the board...adn the chat room and you could chat within the chat as i recall it....lots of people "parked" in the chat room, but she happend to hear my little "blip" and stopped her plan.........that was a LONG time ago, like in 2004....maybe HP was using ME to help her???? where ever she is, i hope she has found peace.............
I guess i really need to just do a step 3 on this, take what i have learned today and work step 3 on my confusion or maybe i have this "ideal" that is just not realistic.........or maybe the involvement of HP and my expectations or ideals are not in sync.........Sometimes the most obvious things are the hardest to see....sorta like the slogan "keep it simple" i am the type..if my ironer ( i never iron..wont' wear stuff i would have to iron) goes cold, i am getting the tools out to take the thing apart to fix it when i really need to see if the freakin thing is plugged in.......KEEP IT SIMPLE maybe not practicing that is what has been keeping me blind
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
In my faith tradition, the problem some had with who was later seen to be the Messiah was that they were looking for - to put it in modern day language - a great warrior on a white horse to come in and wipe out their enemies. They couldn't see that the human being in their midst who healed people with a word or with mud or with a look or with a hand on their bodies or by listening to their stories at a well and did no harm could possibly be the savior they were looking for at the time. That human being looked too weak, wasn't educated, wasn't wealthy, didn't appear powerful at all, wasn't good looking, didn't have a home, wasn't respected or loved by some in his family and was almost killed by his own people in his own hometown to be a savior and died like a common criminal, stripped naked and beaten. The thing we humans fear the most - being small and vulnerable and unremarkable by cultural norms - is the very thing that I have experienced in my lifetime to be the only thing that has kept me alive and has saved me from closing my heart to myself and to other people. The most healing experiences for me have been in the company of people who know their own need and allow it to be touched by a power greater than themselves and I do think that power is felt and seen in vulnerability and in being small and oftentimes unseen. You have allowed that power to help so many people, Rosie, and you have also allowed that power to help you, too, whether you have been aware of it or not.
I also want to add that because most of the abuse I have suffered came from the hands of men, there is no way I can relate in any healthy way to male dominated imagery for God. God to me is simply a word that is a symbol for what I have experienced in relationship to what has no form and yet does exist in me and outside of me. I wonder if you might also have a hard time relating to a masculine image for God since the man who was so sick was the first primary male figure you experienced in your lifetime? I worked among many people who had been tortured and abused by very sick men. They couldn't relate without fear to a male figure as a Higher Power in their life so I had to find other ways to interact with them that would not trigger their fear or their wounds. There are people who need to feel the "strength" of a masculine deity and so that works for them and is right for them. I know it isn't right for me and I know it isn't right for many who have been brutally treated by a male figure in their lifetime. The opposite could also be true for people who have been abused by sick women? Regardless, I do wonder if my experience of trying to relate to a masculine image of a HP in a healthy way might also be something you have wrestled with, too? To me, at this stage of life, I can accept that my HP has both masculine and feminine qualities but is not male or female and is much, much more than my finite mind can grasp. Perhaps you are also knitting some of that together for yourself with your shares, your questions, your honesty, your love for nature and vulnerable creatures, your program work and that wonderful ice cream flavor's existence that you introduced into my life?
-- Edited by grateful2be on Thursday 6th of November 2014 09:03:48 PM
-- Edited by grateful2be on Thursday 6th of November 2014 09:25:37 PM
-- Edited by grateful2be on Thursday 6th of November 2014 09:52:07 PM
-- Edited by grateful2be on Thursday 6th of November 2014 10:36:31 PM
First Nation peoples and the indigenous peoples of the world have an innate understanding of the Power which created even before the written word and which/who was passed down thru the spoken memories of our ancestors. The name of my Higher Power is Akua (just for me in my culture) I can see and touch and nurture what Akua has created and I can mimic Akua's principles as I was asked to when I first found Al-Anon. I had a God Box in early program which wasn't to put God into and to put me into so that God could confine and hold me and my concerns so I could have the freedom to breathe and grow while my problems were being considered. I cannot define how Akua will answer me when I ask for guidance. I know that when I listen that is the condition I must be in to hear what is said if something is said and I must keep and open mind because often the answer or solution comes metaphorically and/or from within another thought force. HP's responses are very different than mine and always work where mine do not.
Go back into your culture and talk with your Creator Father. (((((hugs)))))
you know, Jerry, I LOVED reading about your blackfoot friend..I am cherokee/shawnee and i remember reading my gr gr gr uncle Tecumseh, I am direct descendent of his great warriour sister, Star Watcher who was so powerful , it was her job to watch over and teach Tecumseh as a child...their father entrusted SW with that big job, LOL, and i remember when i went back to OK where my Cherokee/Shawnee grandaddy and the uncles, elders woudl talk and it was the ONLY time, perhaps i felt connected to any HP......Tonight i gave thanks to Great Spirit/Creator for starting this thread..confessing my confusion and my weakness, and your felt good.....U R absolutely right in your last sentence here.....I need to go BACK into my culture and talk w/my Creator...I love how you describe your Akua.....reading your post, i was grabbing my chest and thinking "omg, this is IT...this is IT" adn the power went off in the house....5 1/2 hours w/no electricity so i spent that time in the darkness meditating on all these wonderful replies to my SOS post which was a confession of my confusion and my losing my way and you guys replying to me......I am gr8ful my mind was open to receive this......Thank you for your beautiful reply......I am doing a LOT of in TX there is much persecution if you don't practice the Christian way with the bible, et al, well its funny!!! I DO believe in Jesus, but through the eyes of a native, not the way these folks do.....i must look at great spirit MY way...what works for ME.......and YES....I am going BACK to my culture and I am gonna talk to Creator/Great Spirit....Just like when i was teeny child living w/grandfather and the elders....i loved their stories about Tecumseh and Star Watcher and also the stories about our cherokee side, the forced march to OK from SC in winter of 1837-38 the traitors who sold the cherokees out to washington and how they were tried and executed in OK by the chief and sub chiefs .....oh yea, when around the sire, we were not allowed to be indians...we had to be french, and act french, could not wear her mocassins, I was not allowed to wear long sleeve shirts in summer or shorts b/c i tanned bronze instead of brown, i got his hair, but i got her dark eyes and her body and course thick hair....too bad she was an A....maybe i could have been close to her b/c SOMETIMES when she was sober she was nice, but she wasn't sober enough are sooo right....I am "goin back to my native ways" and to heck w/folks who disagree......................hugs of gratitude
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
I wonder if you might also have a hard time relating to a masculine image for God since the man who was so sick was the first primary male figure you experienced in your lifetime? I worked among many people who had been tortured and abused by very sick men. They couldn't relate without fear to a male figure as a Higher Power in their life so I had to find other ways to interact with them that would not trigger their fear or their wounds. There are people who need to feel the "strength" of a masculine deity and so that works for them and is right for them. I know it isn't right for me and I know it isn't right for many who have been brutally treated by a male figure in their lifetime. The opposite could also be true for people who have been abused by sick women? Regardless, I do wonder if my experience of trying to relate to a masculine image of a HP in a healthy way might also be something you have wrestled with, too? To me, at this stage of life, I can accept that my HP has both masculine and feminine qualities but is not male or female and is much, much more than my finite mind can grasp. Perhaps you are also knitting some of that together for yourself with your shares, your questions, your honesty, your love for nature and vulnerable creatures, your program work and that wonderful ice cream flavor's existence that you introduced into my life?
(((((Catherine)))) this is absolutely correct....I CANNOT relate to a masculine form of sire was not sick, he was gr gr gr uncle Tecumseh, brother to my grandmother said "he who tears at his own flesh is a fool of the most evil kind for he takes his wicked desires with him to the cold dark place, only to be tormented by those desires forever" Tecumseh loved the children and anyone in the shawnee tribe who harmed a child was executed and NOT slowly....he hated those who would harm a child.....I am sick...HE was evil..there is a difference...sick folks hurt themselves liek me...evil prey upon others....that i will stand to......the male figure concept of great spirit sickens sad but it Creator is spirit..genderless however of love, peace, abundance, health and healthy self expression....and YES creator as I see it has masculine/feminine Qualities but is NOT of any gender..........Oh C, this share is really powerful and so open...and U R spot on re: the gender of Creator and WHY i can't embrace the thought of a male gender......Tonight I had a talk w/Creator MY Jerry MY culture, MY creator/great spirit.....I gave thanks for the love i received on my thread from all you guys......EVERYONE of you gave me good stuff to think about......Thank you
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
I just saw your response to the questions and since you're open to the suggestions: Could it be true that HP's heart is also torn apart when S/He sees through your eyes and hears through your ears the pain of Her "little ones" which include all the creatures and the people you have listed in your post? Is it possible that HP rose up in you to take care of that dog locked into that car when it was 88 degrees out and stood in you without bringing harm to the woman who was angry with you for looking out for her dog? Could it be that your HP invited you with that card to go to Sam's and help workers earn a living so that their children and their children's children could eat? Could that also be a way HP moves in your world? In our world?
YES, it could be....and YES it is possible that Grt. Spirit trusted in me to help that dog in distress....I do believe that this is VERY likely, after thinking and meditating on what u said......and YES, it COULD BE Creator giving me that card so i could use the crap out of it an stock up on stuff for me, my pets and yea, I "smoked" the credit card, but ya know??? I didn't go nuts....I really did get stuff on my list and now i can sit back and use/eat my purchases and very little will i need at grocery..just my soy milk for my cereal and my stocked up on stuff I NEED and everything you are saying....My mind is very open to and YES...all of what you said "COULD BE" tonight while sitting in the dark, i did give thanks to Mishe Moneto, (shawnee for great or divine spirit) who has NO human attributes or gender and not personified, however my elders did communicate with Mishe Moneto or great/divine spirit......
I was comfortable in OK and in CA where my EX and i lived where i was free to practice my spirituality native american style...then i come to TX, the bible belt and i want to fit in and not be persecuted and bc i am open minded, i tried to embrace their concept and it just did not work for me, then the divorce, then the horrendous work and pain of recovery and hardship that followed, I felt abandoned by Creator aka Great spirit....I was told over and over that unless i went only the Christian way, i would be not only abandoned but punished /chastised by this christian god and i would burn in hell....well i thought i was already in hell a lot of times and to get more??? and no rest from it???? circumstances reflected it so i "bought" what they said....thus my growing dislike, distrust and distancing myself from ANY thing referring to G-d or HP......and i just could not embrace a male gender, hard fisted god that they described....
thinking of all your replies, some how i jumped the guard rails of my spirituality....i lost my simple native american way of spiritual approach....i lost my concept of Creator being of love, peace, healing, harmony , etc...
I am so glad i confessed my fears, confusion, discontent of HP on this board....EVERYONE of you who replied and reached out to me had a golden nugget of wisdom for me to say "OH YEA" and to think about......
somehow i lost my all pointed out the way back...i am , as Jerry said, going back to my culture adn gonna talk to MY creator/great spirit, MY WAY......
I feel a sense of spirit feels peaceful and I am going back to my simple, native american way of spirituality....tonight i burned some sage and thanked Creator for all of you and for using all of you to help me find my center and my focus......Yea, i will have ???S the rest of my life, as to WHY so much suffering?? why so much hardship??? why is man allowed to be so cruel and ugly to the other humans and animals??? but maybe i am not to know WHY, but WHAT can i do in my little universe to help ease help the children, animals, and the vulnerable ones and to come here and share and touch lives, hopefully, in a positive way.....when i am in "know" mode i am in dangerous territory...when i am in "learn" mode, I am within the "guard rails".....lately i was in "know" mode....I must remind me to stay in "learn" mode, Yes!! it is ok to "know" how to take care of me, work the steps and slogans , do a good job at work, do my daily human things, but in the spirit realm, i need to be aware that i must be in "learn" mode so as to stay open, teachable and reachable so i can recycle that to those who need help, too
I hope this post made sense, i am tired...its 2:30 am, and time to return to bed............thank you sisters and brother for helping me see these ways that i had lost my way.....
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Ahhhhhhhh. It is so good to see you experiencing peace by coming up with your own understanding of a HP. And yes, I agree - you might never know why and it is good to ask what you can do to ease of the suffering of others by touching their lives in a positive way. I truly think that is what our program is about. Its about knowing the various ways we have been wounded and letting our HP show us a way out to turn our mourning into dancing and our pain into help and hope for others. We can't undo the past or change the people who did wound us, but we can refuse to repeat what was done to us or act out of fear and unhealed hurts with the help of this program one day at a time. Love your thread and this final post, too, Rosie.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Friday 7th of November 2014 09:02:24 AM
I feel the same way as Grateful just expressed. I see a deeply spiritual being in you. Living where you do, being who you are, experiencing what you have experienced would make one extremely confused. From where I am sitting, the confusion is clearing, making way for a beautiful light.
I can only submit that the word "God" for me means..."Get Out Defects!" or "Good Orderly Direction" Both indicate a lessening of Ego. I believe and have faith in a lot of things, both of a spiritual nature, and of a human nature. I find it hard to believe that one could exist, or have sufficient value or meaning without the other to reflect from.
I spoke with a young woman long ago who was struggling with the whole Higher Power concept. The turning of one's life and will over to an invisible entity called God, defined as a "Him", after years of abuse as a child and as a adult.
I simply asked her if she believed there were positive and negative influences or energies in the world? She agreed she did believe in that. I asked her, if she felt she wanted to be a part of either of them? She said she of course would want to be a part of positive energy, opposed to negative energy. I asked her if she would be willing to allow herself to be a vessel through which positive energy could enter, and leave... accept and distribute... receive and release... and in doing so, she would be a contributor to that universal power? That collectively her light would add to the light provided by other positive influences in the world? She smiled, ... "I think I just found a Higher Power that I can turn my life and will over to". I asked her to elaborate. "The light of positive energy exist with or without my participation, but with my light added to it, it is a little brighter and has more power, for both myself and others" I can trust and have faith in that power, and thus turn my life and will over to it without all the dogma attached to what I was struggling with." My reply was simply.."Good Girl!" and I walked away.
Keep it simple, Easy does it... I found I don't need to understand or examine everything or figure it all out... just become willing to participate as a part of the universal goodness. Also, and lastly, I am a abuse survivor. I had to come to a place of accepting that God doesn't interfere with human will, any more than God interferes with gravity. Not even when it harms others. What God or the Universal power does is provide a internal place of warmth, time, peace and comfort so healing can take place. And from the most wounded come the worlds greatest warriors for justice for the vulnerable. These I call God's peeps... Angels. You are one of them in my eyes.
Just my two cents worth... Rose, I think you are on the right path... just stay the course and let the universal laws show you God (as you come to understand).
-- Edited by John on Friday 7th of November 2014 11:08:14 AM
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."
Ahhhhhhhh. It is so good to see you experiencing peace by coming up with your own understanding of a HP. And yes, I agree - you might never know why and it is good to ask what you can do to ease of the suffering of others by touching their lives in a positive way.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Friday 7th of November 2014 09:02:24 AM
((((((((((((C))))))))))) yep...its like Frank Sinatra sang...."I did it my way" well I gotta do this my way...The native way, it is the only thing that ever made sense....go back to my ancestral way of thinking that always worked for me.....i lost my way for a while, but you guys helped me find it back.....i am so grateful.......and yes, i do want to be a vessel of positivity........hugs
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!