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AH is upset I didn't invite him to daughters birthday party last weekend. I think that's why he is acting so awful. I posted already about bday party issues.
So here comes the verbal abuse. I went to the house yesterday and texted him before I he knew we were coming over so daughter could work with him on a school project. He isn't busy so he can help her. I arrived at the house earlier than I told him in the I called him when I was in front of the house. He said ok, and let us in. he read my texts because he told me he knew when I was coming over. I also told him in the text that I would be packing up some stuff from older daughters bedroom to put in storage. So, while I was in her bedroom packing things and throwing stuff away, he abruptly came in there and asked me what I was doing. I told him packing and throwing stuff away like I told you in the text. I am embarrassed to even type what he said first I wasn't going to write here exactly what he said, but then I decided it should be written down so I can get the necessary emotional help I need. I only told him I was early because I picked up daughter early...that was the only thing I said to him when I walked in the house. When he came into the bedroom 10 min later or so, I was minding my own business. Anyway...he says "what are you doing?? This is MY house. You come in here..... Excuse me??? How immature and bizarre. I told him it was my house, he hasn't paid mortgage in 4-5 months now and I need to get stuff cleaned up because it's going into foreclosure. He then said "oh, so your birthday party high is over. I know why you like birthdays so much...I bet the only time your family was nice to you was at birthday parties. And why are you cleaning up now?? You never cleaned up before. Are you getting (her) stuff so she can mess up her dorm room now?? I am calling the police. Look...see my phone??"
I couldn't believe it really. He could have left me alone, then I would have quietly left. He even said the bad comment downstairs in front of my daughter. I was so upset, I decided to call his bluff and call the non-emergency police number and tell them the situation and ask of I was allowed into my own home. "Of course!" The police woman told me. She also said "let him call us...that's fine." So I told him what she said. This all happened in front of daughter. I then told him to apologize to us both...which he did but it was forced. I gave daughter the choice if she wanted to stay with dad for the evening or not. She wanted to stay. I hugged her and apologized too...and left.
I told him from now on I will only get things when she isn't there and he is either sleeping or not there. I am so upset about the things he said. The immature comment was stupid, but it hurts. the family comment about parties really hurt. My daughter was born the same day my dad died so I like to have a nice party and invite family. I am just so depressed today. I had no idea he would go off like that. We did have a few rude text exchanges earlier in the day...but his behavior was off the wall. Shouldn't surprise me I guess. So, when I picked up daughter later last night, I called him when I was at front door. He told me I could come in and was nice. I said "no, that's ok. I will wait out here." really?? Now he decides to be nice??
i will never step foot in that house again with daughter inside. I feel so guilty for what she has heard. I went to divorce support group and felt irritated by one of the people there. I was also upset when I brought snacks for my daughters class it was were on the playground I didn't know which kids were in her class, there were other classes too and the teacher wasn't there. I told a kid he could have a second snack...but there wasn't enough for everyone to have two. So other kids got upset. My brain isn't working right lately...I felt so stupid for saying that...I beat myself up inside for doing dumb things. Hard to explain scenario in writing. I sent the teacher an email apologizing...but it would have been easier if the kids had the snack in the classroom, he told me to bring them to playground where other classes were too. The snack thing happened before husband went off on me. The support group was after he went off on me. So, it was one thing after another yesterday. I am trying to recover today. I now realize it has come to a point that it is dangerous and risky for me to go inside my own house to get things out. I told him if necessary, I will bring a policeman with me if I have to.
Sorry so long....any tools on how to cope with verbal abuse would be nice. I think I need to look at him as a very sick person...but it still hurts.
-- Edited by Newlife girl on Tuesday 30th of September 2014 12:06:00 PM
First, stop beating yourself up. Second, having expectations that he will treat you any differently is setting yourself up for what you are experiencing right now. I am not sure I would allow my children to be around him, but I don't know of your circumstances. I would not allow him to be in my home, either, but this is just me. You are being used and taken advantage of, but again, I don't know of your circumstances. I hope you get to a meeting asap and do some loving things for you.
He also said "you don't let me in your apartment, why should I let you in this house?"
Last night I didn't sleep well. I miss my older daughters a lot...the went back to college Sunday. I think eventually I will have to move back to my hometown closer to my family. But my work commute would be longer and daughter likes to see her dad. I need to hand all of this crap over to HP and let it go. It's so hard to do that.
PP I am having second thoughts about letting our daughter see him. I have other child care options. He has never come inside my apartment...he has only been at the front door. Yes, I moved out, but its still my house. I called my sponsor and she didn't answer. There's a meeting today hut it's also at the same time I take martial arts. I have to decide soon which one to go to.
I read that you are responding fine for the most part. I love that you were assertive and called the police yourself. What needs work is all the self-deprecation, unmerited guilt, and shame that you are thrusting upon yourself afterwards.
You are letting his insane behavior stick with you and rent space in your head. The tools I would use would be to let it go faster. Give him, his behavior, and his craziness to your HP and LET IT GO and move on towards the good things. Don't hand him your serenity on a platter.
You stated "this is unacceptable." You have a plan for how to respond and avoid situations like this. The missing part is how you let it go in your thoughts and not let it dominate your thoughts and feelings.
Personally speaking, I might be inclined to not leave my child with him after he's gone off on a tirade like that. It just shows he's not mentally stable enough to watch her and spend time with her at that point. You could calmly state you do not want your daughter learning verbal abuse, cursing, and tantruming from her father and will come back when he is acting rationally.
As far as the "You don't let me in your apartment so why should I let you in the house?" You know that is just so irrational for so many reasons. I would respond "That is an irrational argument and one that I'm not having. Bye." OR...I would ignore it completely with a giant "WHATEVER." You can't argue with crazy.
I was about to suggest you call the police and ask them about letting you into your own house. I'm glad you did that! After that happened I wouldn't have even told him, nor would I ask for an apology. It just doesn't mean anything when he does. Doesn't matter if daughter sees an apology that isn't heartfelt. And keep that information from the police in your backpocket for later.
Until you have no connection to him this is going to happen. When we walk right into the insanity, it is like we are accepting their invitation to be part of it.
I would be making arrangements for when he is not there, and getting everything you want and need out of that house so you have NO reason to go back.
To continue this going there is your disease in action.
I agree with Pinkchip, I would never allow a child to be left alone with someone that sick, no way. When we do, it is the same as saying his behavior is alright with you, or you would never leave her there.She is a child, children need us to be adults and protect them.
If he talks like that to you in front of her, of course he does to her when u are not there.
The tools are do not get involved in their insanity. When we separate/divorce the best thing to do is be done in every way. no contact at all.
If you are allowing it to be foreclosed on, then you might as well walk away. You may want to find out if you are liable still for the arrears on the place also.
Of course you are confused and not making wise decisions, when one continues to engage in insanity it makes them sicker.
I am so sad this mess is happening. I know you are a very kind person and sensitive! Even more reason to stop the insanity and take care of you and kiddo's.
He is not just sick hon, he is insane! hugs hugs!! PLEASE tell yourself how good you are, how you are doing your best to protect your kids. If you have no reason to engage with him you will feel so much better. I would be making that happen. hugs!
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I would dispute your first sentence. AH is upset because he is an alcoholic. He's just using the birthday party to beat you up. He only cares about himself at this point.
You've gotten good ESH. Give yourself a lot of love, from all of us.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Thanks everyone. So maybe I shouldn't have left my daughter with him. Won't beat myself up over that's done now. I can't argue with crazy,that's for sure PC. I just talked to my sponsor and she helped me a lot. She also said what you said PC: just ignore what he says and let it go. I need to get a tougher skin..."Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Something to think about. I cannot continue to let him rent space in my are right.
Debilyn, the house is HUGE. It will take me a long time to get everything I need out, so I get things a little at a time in multiple trips. I can't afford to have someone move things out for me. It will get done eventually. For now I will just make different arrangements to get stuff.
I think having a police escort, for your safety, when you want to get items from "your" house is probably necessary now. So sorry you are going through all of this.
It might go easier for you when you've been able to make a decision as to what you're going to do and how you're going to do it? I've discovered that salt can't get rubbed easily into any wounds of mine when I am a woman on a mission. I know you fear paying spousal support and don't want to lose the house or at least any equity you've put into the house. Maybe looking at what you do really want to do and doing it will help? Thus far, you have wanted to be in a holding pattern while you decide what to do which in itself is a decision but from the outside and based on what you've shared here, NLG, remaining in a holding pattern is hurting you? When it becomes necessary to start calling the police or when someone is threatening to call the police, the situation has begun to go outside the bounds of our control and can bring in some ugliness we'd prefer not to deal with and can avoid by making a new decision based on the facts we have and moving ahead with what we can change.
I also find myself questioning whether your being out of the house is in some way giving up your rights to it in some way legally? My wonderings could be based on old information when living in other states but the fact that he is beginning to see the property as his and you as trespassing does make me wonder. I also doubt that the courts would award your daughter to anyone but you, especially given the reality that you are employed and he isn't. He doesn't even have the money to hire an attorney to fight you on custody. He would have to pay child support and I really can't see the courts ordering you to pay spousal support when you have full custody of a 7 year old and two daughters in college just because he got fired from his job and doesn't have one now. If I were the judge, I would definitely see a problem with a younger man with no job for months. If as the judge I knew that the house was a gift from the woman's father that was deeded to her and she added her husband later, I might also award the house totally to her if it was within my legal scope to do so.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Tuesday 30th of September 2014 02:13:26 PM
-- Edited by grateful2be on Tuesday 30th of September 2014 03:33:17 PM
I would dispute your first sentence. AH is upset because he is an alcoholic. He's just using the birthday party to beat you up. He only cares about himself at this point. You've gotten good ESH. Give yourself a lot of love, from all of us.
Just don't pay any attention to what comes out of his mouth, as someone here says it is verbal vomiting, or something like that.
How about you practice saying (in your head) "whatever crazy jerk" (ha ha ha learn't it here the other day and I need to practice it too) and carry on doing whatever you have to do, engaging only when it is strictly necessary? If he behaves in such a way that warrants you call the police on him, then you do it (I am a bit of an expert calling the police on my qualifier apparently).
One thing I have noticed with my qualifier is it when he manages to dent my serenity, even a tiny bit, he smirks and feels really pleased with himself. When I keep calm and carry on as though he has no effect on me whatsoever, he keeps his head down and looks defeated. It is about you making them feel you have power and control over yourself (even if you are having to fake it).
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must but take the step.