The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
At my wits end. He is 9 months into "Recovery". He's turned from a drunk to a passive agressive horror story. the lovely man I met 20 years ago and married 18 years ago is someone I don't know any more. If it hadn't been for the fact that I face losing my home (that I have worked my butt off for for all of those years - while he has been in and out of work and not worked at all for the last 3), I would have left 6 months ago. today took the biscuit.
This morning he breezed into the room, chirpy and in good form and comes over all sweet. Told me he thought I deserved a treat. Why don't we go to the cinema? Hey - progress! I felt good. I asked if he had progressed this week with anything business or work wise. Big mistake (he has carefully avoided all mention all week and done about 10 meetings). The other person soon appeared. Why do I have to spoil everything. Why can't I be nice? I told him that I can't keep supporting him if he refuses to acknowledge theres a problem. If I wasn't here the consequences of his actions would be that he would have no food on the table. I am told by everyone I should not enable him to stay in denial. I was gentle. I didn't raise my voice. I didn't get cross. I just reminded him that there are consequences to denial and it can't be e case that he goes out all day all week and then pretends there is no problem on Saturday. I have been working all week, launching a new product in my business - all the hours god sends, lots of stress and pushing to make sure our dwindling finances don't run out. It's not unreasonable to expect someone to pay thier own way, even a small contribution of effort would be fine. He goes all quiet. Then goes out to a meeting. K
i go out, . Have Nice time for a few hours. I get back, he's on the phone so I go and read a book in the garden. He then shows up to tell me I have been evasive and he has to do to another meeting. Thats the cinema out and I'm upset. I had an invitation to go out with freinds tonight that I turned down (I am trying to make a life for myself). It didn't seem fair when he was trying to make arrangements to dump on that at the last minute so I declined my other invitation. he had made arrangements. I get dumped at the last minute. Again.
Crazy making stuff. He blamed me for being "unapproachable" I was reading a book for goodness sake! Normal behaviour and I get told I'm the crazy one. Is this normal for 9 months into recovery? I face losing my home, breaking my marriage vows by leaving and I'm getting a new busnines and my father died 3 weeks ago. He doesnt see any of it. All he cares about is himself. blows hot and cold. I can't keep up.
Getting depressed and very anxious and don't know where to turn. Needed to vent. This is nuts, and I didn't start this. I don't drink. Never taken drugs. Ordinary family. Being made sick by this sick person. hes now at his meeting and redux passive aggressive withdrawal when he gets home. will go to bed with his blue book and pray. Be saintly and then tomorrow thenpattern suggests he will blame me for being cold, angry Or whatever else he. Wants to label the attitude of any sane human being who doesnt want to be treated like this. I feel so alone and terrified of losing my home. when he went out I lost it. i fell for it. I got upset. Shouted when he told me it was my fault that he has to go out. If only I hadn't been reading he would have been able to talk to me. I screamed that i can't do anything write. That he broke a promise. That just because it's a meeting doesnt entitle him to walk away from everything else he promises. I fell for it. I now feel stupid. Cross with myself and guilty that I don't just take his crap. I'm no saint, but I have done everything by the AA book today. Until an hour ago. How can I not go crazy when crazy making behaviour is around me all day every day?
In Al Anon we learn it is not the other person it is us. We learn how to live with the A or leave the A or whatever.
Only you know what you choose to do.
A plan of recovery is like a map they go by to make changes, and become a better person. He is very young in his recovery. Sometimes it is worse than when they were using.
So its more what are you going to do? A good read is Getting Them Sober by toby rice drew volume one. cheap on amazon.
There are options to not lose your home. If you did not divorce there is no reason you have to sell. Or get a refi and buy him out. Prove his work history and how you have supported him.
Can you afford an attorney?
he is going to be who he is no matter what. Cannot change that. I learned I had to take care of me, had him go away. NO way was I going to support him.
Its been up and down but that is how life is. We can have no expectations of someone like this, none. They cannot even take care of themselves.
I know how it can make ya nuts. Once you decided to drop the rock and let it go, you will be sick. WE do not have to put up with or take their stuff. Some put up boundaries, some ignore, some leave or have them leave.
We will support any decision you make. hugs
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
We've probably all lost it from time to time. The disease is crazy making. Al-Anon and the fellowship helps. If there's a movie you'd like to see, maybe you could treat yourself to a nice dinner out and a movie, too? Maybe you will lose your home, I don't know. It does sound as if you've been able to finance it for 3 years without his help? So, maybe you can keep it with or without him? I can certainly understand your wanting him to take financial responsibility by finding a job and contributing to the household finances but after 3 years and his refusal to discuss finding a job and making his behavior all about you, it doesn't sound to me as if he is close to even scratching the surface of job search. You don't have to support him although it is something that you might think is necessary to do? It is still a choice that you are making and there is nothing saying you can't change your mind. Sending you lots of encouragement and support and hope that you will find or continue Al-Anon meetings for yourself, too. Keep coming back here, too.
Heya. Welcome! What you are describing is not that unusual for a person just 9 months sober. I am not making excuses for him at all, but someone who drinks them self to the point of not being able to work or even come close to an equal partner for years is going to be functionally and emotionally retarded for a while. I don't know if the patterns of him seeking enabling and then resenting you for his own deficiencies are so bad that he will be able to break the cycle while still living with you. More will be revealed for you and I guess him too. In the meanwhile, I think you've done well to recognize his behavior is still alcoholic residue. I also don't know what kind of program he has. If he only goes to meetings and is not really working the steps, your explanation of him seems pretty standard as he would be still mentally sick and only sober due to being meeting dependant as opposed to really working the steps.
Thank you all. Just for a moment it's good to feel I'm not totally alone. I have always been the financial backbone. He has, sometimes, done his part, but I have always taken the big jumps (like working away from home for 4 years to make big money). Sadly, I was in denial myself about the problem. I didn't recognise the alcoholism for what it was. It wasn't till it progressed that it became obvious. He always told me that money was such a big stress point for him that when we had enough to be secure he would be able to function properly. Stupidly, I believed him. We did a big business deal that took 4 years, took years off my life ItWithout the stress of it all, and finally came away with enough to take a year to re-evaluate. I started a new busienss, and he the bottle. Instead of it freeing him to work for the right reasons (making a contribution to our future and to serve others - that's what I think are the right reasons) he just drank himself into the ground. Started drinking in secret. Blacking out. Embarrassing me in front of friends and family with sarcasm and a total inability to read social situations.
As someone who has been faily successful myself I didn't know what to do. I covered up. Stopped taking him with me anywhere. But now our cash is running out and my paid for house is under threat. I'm so angry that everything I have worked for is being sabotaged.
I appreciate the chance to vent. I know I ultimately need to make my own decisions. I was stupid not seeing all the, what I know now to be, classic signs. But they aren't classic signs until you know what to look for.
Thank you for listening and I will keep coming back. I did do a couple of al anon meetings but felt resentful at being told I was part of the problem. All I have done is be responsible, hardworking and kind. I felt blamed for that. Maybe I just went to the wrong meeting or was to hurt and angry at the time.
When I'm on my own, or with other normal people, I'm normal again. I feel socially accepted, happy and self confident. When I am at home, in my sanctuary, I feel crazy. Like I really am going mad. It's all so sad. He tells me he is doing the steps. That his sponsor tells him he is dog really well. But to be honest, I think he is pulling the wool over his sponsors eyes. I know the sponsor has probably seen it before, and I have met him. I really think he believes he is getting better. But he isn't. With me he is a vile, manipulative and emotionally sadistic nightmare. Venting is helping - and thank you all for allowing me to do that. I need some sort of momentary escape from the madness. Thank you for listening
Oh, forgot to say, we earned a pot of money at should have been enough to set us up for life if it was used properly. But most of it has gone. My business has taken time to get going, and is only now showing signs of becoming profitable and it's hard to run it alone. Lack of practical support or a little money dribbling in from other sources has massively increased the time it's taken. It's hard to put in a strong face to the outside world and make sales when at home it's a 16 hour a day guessing game of missed meals, meeting times changed at the list moment, pacing the room handwringing when I'm trying to make important calls, "forgetting" that I have meetings or have to film promotional videos and "accidently" turning up in my studio to look for lost phone/wallet/keys etc and disturbing me. I even have had to cancel money making events because he told me my stuff wasn't good enough or needed more "refinement". I didn't have to cancel, but my self confidence goes down the toilet when everything I do is picked apart and I'm told how it could be "better".
Passwords to the important business stuff have been changed and withheld. Fines from the tax authorities because he "forgot" to post the returns. If I try and keep him away from the business he accuses me of sabotaging his efforts to "help".
Crazy making, left right and centre.
He's due home any moment from a meeting. I'm dreading the next instalment.