The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I loved jillybean's post, so I thought I'd use it as a spring board.
Well, I have begun working on step 4. I took a piece of paper and divided it in halves. On one side I put a smiley face and on the other side I put a frowny face. On my happy face side, I began listing all the characteristics that I like about myself. I was a little concerned because I don't have a lot. On the opposite side, I began listing all the characteristics I don't like about myself. Wow, seeing it on paper kind of takes the abstract and makes it concrete. BUT, hey, my smiley side is longer than my frowny side, so I'm doing my happy dance!!.By doing this, I am forcing myself to face some things I don't like about myself, and to work on changing them. I also notice that I had a couple of things on both sides of my paper. While I know, I'll be adding more to each side as I move in my program, I'm feeling positive right now.
More good news>>attendance in my f2f meetings is picking up, so LIFE IS GOOD!
Hugs to my MIP family!
Look for the rainbow after the storm, and I'm sending you a double dose of HOPE. H-hold O-on P-pain E-ends