The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have my biopsy on Wednesday and my sponsor comes back tomorrow from his 2 week vacation. I have been using my tools, but I am so wide open right now. My cars new transmission is over $2000, my broken right arm has been hurting worse with my new job, because I'm over using it, but I love the job! I have been working so hard to get healthy and have lost 30lbs since Christmas, go me! I have been doing the work Spiritually, emotionally, and physically and been trying to take the best care of myself and my kids that I can and I feel like such a failure at times, but in the big picture I left my abusive Mother, neglectful addict Father and my alcoholic ex-AH and learned so much from them and every experience to this point. I have had to have surgeries before and they suck, healing time, pain and just all of it, but I am here scars and all and am healthier and grateful for it. I am taking things one day at a time, but I also have to plan different outcomes being a single mom with 2 kids to take care of. Time off school cuts my funding and knocks me out of my RN program which is a year wait list at least, time off work would overwhelm me right now, but I don't know the outcome so I have to be in this moment. I heard news about our Country today that truly upsets me and I wish I could make big changes to turn this country and world around, but I realized I can! Life just keeps coming hard and fast, but that is the challenge isn't it. I am raising my face to the sky and looking up with faith and hope! I am counting my blessings and they are too many to count!
This is all I know about myself right now. I grew up being abused in every way and I am an overcomer and am strong, because of my struggles! None of my troubles right now will be my undoing and I can do and face all things, because I have God and He is in control not me! This world is heading in so many crazy unhealthy directions and I am going to make all the positive healthy changes I can in this world through myself and my children everyday! I will continue to make the best of my life and hopefully my ripples will help someone else rise out of dysfunction and face their own struggles with a better attitude and perspective. I will keep working hard and make more money and lose more weight and keep contributing to others through loving on people. I have a great heart and mind and seek to continue to grow and be more open in this life. I will continue to share my gifts and tools with those that are willing to better themselves, their lives and this world. I will stand up and be courageous and make the changes I can on this day and everyday no matter what tests are coming at me. Thank you al-anon and my God for bringing me this far!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I have read that sometimes the world is a reflection of our own thinking. Fortunately, you do work your program, you do know where to find help, you do have experience of being cared for and guided by a HP, and you have survived and overcome a plethora of obstacles to knowing your true and beautiful self. I admire you and your courage and commitment to yourself and to caring for yourself and for your children. You are a true testament to the truth: It works if you work it one day a time. Sending you that wonderful support and love you send us, BF. Thank you for being you and sharing yourself with us. Many prayers for peace and a resolution to all that you are powerless over right now. As to the practical end of things, I have learned over and over again that if it is something that I truly need and I can't meet the need on my own, my HP steps in and does for me what I can't do for myself even if that means having somebody anonymously give me $50 to pay my insurance bill on the very day it was due when nobody but me and my HP knew my financial situation.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Monday 25th of August 2014 12:55:23 PM
(((BF))), you are always such an inspiration on the boards. Praying for peace for you and for you to be comforted by God as you continue on through the week. Oh, and I'm so sorry about the car's transmission. Car repairs always seem to suck the life out of me, UGH. I, myself, am still putting off committing to getting my pool fixed because of the cost but I know that if I put it off much longer, I'll be dealing with leaks and high water bills and even bigger fixes at this point. Sending you light and love today, friend!
Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be!
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
Yes, unfortunately I have been sadly in denial when it came to my sexual health and am now aware and am doing something about it. I have made a lot of changes in the last few years and am still a work in progress. Even though sometimes I hear bad news I now have tools not to feel paralyzed and bury my head, but I now lift my head and face each trial one at a time to the best of my ability. I have come a long way and will keep moving onward and upward! I hope my post can help someone be able to relate and see their way through life's hardships. Sending you all love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
ok be easy on yourself. YOU are doing great. "Some" people don't ever get out of their jammies all day... un on thooooose hmm
I am sad your arm hurts dang it. Ya gotta put ice on it ten min at a time. cast? over cast oh for petes sake you are a nurse.
ONE day at a time. even with school and work life goes on. Just gotta do the steps to get thru.
you are such a good mom. that is a huge thing.
surgery eh. I wanta sorta slap you. I did mom you if you but then what can I say, I never see guys and probably would be in trouble if I did! things happen, do what you can and move on. I will be sending you lots of love though. and IF it is a guy who is doing the biopsy and he tries to tell you oh it won't hurt. tell him OK let me take a little snip of your penis!!!! I said that once...hehe hugs honey.
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Have that garage sale and put the hero costume on the table right up front and if the department of defense calls tell them that Breaking left home 3 years ago and no one knows where she went to then...hang up!! Get a smaller plate and repeat after me... Easy that's E A S Y..."EASY...Does It" then do that. ((((hugs))))
Breakingfree is an apt name for sure. Don't lose too much weight....seen pictures of are already beautiful and seemingly thin. Not sure how much weight you can afford to lose.
Great post bf, I hope it all goes well. Yiur program work and progress is encouraging for me and others to see when we put the effort In we can have the life we want.keep up the good work.x
I just want to give you a high 5 - you go girl! Very proud of you. You and God are a majority so keep your head up high, and keep moving forward. ((( hugs )))) Your children are blessed o have you.