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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hi all! I have really been struggling since Wednesday when my AH called to tell me now he wants to speak to me only once a week and then if there are activities he will invite me or not. I am really trying hard to let it go, let it go, let it go, but I find myself mad, hurt, frustrated, confused, sad......I seriously just don't know what to do.....I really cannot do the next right thing, when I am constantly being thrown under the bus, with all these rules, regulations what ever they are called by this group of A's and my husband. I give, I just give up...who needs to be married anyway right, no marriages really last forever anymore anyway. There is just no compromise, no sanity to this insanity. I keep reminding myself that this too shall pass, but is sure doesn't feel like it at all, I also keep reminding myself to do the same behaviors over and over equals insanity, I am insane, no matter what I try, what I say it makes not a difference. What I really want to do is pack my truck, my fur babies and just walk away into the sunset. Thanks everyone for letting me get this out
Don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will have it's own worries
Your focus is on him and not on yourself. I'm doing the same thing in a way. I visited my son yesterday and when I got home I was sad and depressed. It wasn't for my son but because I have not changed me. I am lost and lose brings all those emotions together. I still want to be part of his life, to control to make things right. I still have not completely let go so I can live and be happy in hopes to having a healthy relationship with him someday. My life is empty without him.
It takes a very long time for a A to truly feel recovery and if I don't learn to control me nothing will ever change and I can lose him forever to death or him hating me and never wanting to see me again.
Prayers coming your way for peace during the difficult time.
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
((LInda))) it is a process and we must work through the sadness, grief and loss before we can move on. Program will help you do this with courage,serentiy and wisdom. Keep showing up and working the steps
When I read that the other inmates at the halfway house were calling the shots in your marriage I wanted to bang MY head against the wall. Odds are their relationships are in shambles and they've spent precious little time considering those people called girlfriends and wives. But they are qualified to say how often you should get a call and whether you should attend events or not. I can see them putting on serious expressions and stroking their beards as they weigh the "evidence" presented to them. Maybe one of them whips out a piece of paper and takes notes so your husband can refer to the group wisdom as needed. I'm sure they take the problem your husband has that is called "Linda" very seriously. And Bless their hearts.
I hope you will be able to see the ridiculousness of that some day, and even laugh about it. And I hope that day comes sooner than later.
I hope you have some slogans to hang onto.
Take care of you, a minute at a time, if you have to.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Sorry you are having a hard time. I can't remember if you have children. Do you? I am sorry to be blunt with everyone here who doesn't have children. It has to be easier to walk away if there aren't children. I have 3 kids and it is hard for me having 2 failed marriages. The children are the best thing that happened out of my marriages. The men are not nearly as important in my opinion. I had to show my kids I would not continue to put up with bad behavior. I know animals cower and hide when there's fighting going on. They feel tension too. If you don't have kids, your fur babies are like kids and they're suffering too in my opinion. I have seen my dogs hide and look sad because of a chaotic household.
Just my 2 cents
Newlife, I have two grown children of my own and he has 2 grown children of this own. Its' funny you mentioned that it must be easier to walk away with no young children involved. Actually, it's not. Sometimes I think it is harder as he is my family also. It affects both sets of kids, my kids just really hate him now because of what he has done to their mom and his kids won't speak to him at all because he doesn't stay sober or really try to have a relationship with him.
Temple: I am starting to see the ridiculousness of the entire situation and my goal this week, is to let it go. Just simply let it go and make this week, starting with today happier for me. I have slogans all around me to turn to when I feel myself slipping into obsessive thinking and ways I can change this situation so that I am in control. I am not, the disease still is even though he is in recovery. Most of those guys in there with him have no one at all, one guy told him when I did go to an activity that he was so blessed to have a wife that wanted to have some participation or show support in his recovery. It doesn't really matter much now about all this game playing they do, he makes the choices, he can live with them. I realized with this newest restriction that he is not mature enough to compromise with communication in our marriage to start the healing process. Every time things like this happen, I know my path is changing and leading me away from this mess. Of course I am like anyone else and I want to know right now what that path is and where to go, but each passing day it becomes more and more clear. P.S. The house rules don't let them have beards, he had to shave his off Bahhahahahha
Don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will have it's own worries
Gosh, as I read these posts it's amazing that so many of us struggle through the same sack of emotions. For years I felt alone, crazy, unsure, happy, peaceful and explosive all in one day, and the saga continues....and as my heart goes out to all of us in pain who are struggling to get through each day, I find comfort that I'm not alone. You can't imagine what this has done for me, it has given me the sense of hope and encouragement I haven't received for years. I look back and wonder how I was ever able to process so many different feelings and unstable situations for so long, was I built to handle those things? I guess, but I need to apply all of this strength and wisdom I've developed into something better for me.........and so do you! I tear myself up daily, wanting to run into his arms and feel "home" again, but I know that would be the worst thing for both of us. But I can't shake those feelings, just like you. And I find myself punishing myself for feeling them when I know they are wrong, questioning my sanity also. I wish I could just shut that switch off, but I can't either, not yet anyway, guess it's a process everyone here seems to have gone through or are going through.
Flower, I thought you would be relieved that he kind of gave you an 'out' for not having to deal with him so much, and not go there so much. Maybe you don't like having control over the situation? The fact that he kinda took control away from you, even though it is what you want, could be festering a little? I really have no idea, it was just a thought.
letting it go is good. When my AW was in rehab, there were a lot of rules to follow, but they were all set by the rehab and the counselors. I don't know how this halfway house works, seems like it is much more open and they get to vote on rules or something. Either way, it seems like letting go and moving on with life would be better. If it all fits back together when he and you ready, great. If not, well, moving on with life is what you probably should be doing anyway.
Kenny I agree, sometimes where I derail is thinking to much about if, when and how it will ever all fit back together again. I don't like not having control, but really my issue is don't call me and tell me let's work on this blah, blah, blah, string me on for a week, then decide Oh wait, it's too much for me to know what is going on at my home or on the outside, so now I only will talk to you once a week, and let you know if I decide to invite you to see me or do activities.
If you want to work on healing this marriage, then mean what you say and say what you mean. It takes two to do this and also compromise. They made the decision and forced it on me. I had no input. So after really thrashing around with this latest mess, I have to let it go. That's it. Detach from the insanity. If he calls on Saturday night at 10 fine, doesn't mean I will be here to answer, doesn't mean I won't be here. I guess also it has been pounded into my head that we should empathize, support, encourage, not argue with active or recovery A's but honestly when does it ever become NOT ABOUT THEM. I know the answer.....when I don't let it be about him.
I think he should marry the guys in the house, they all fit together perfectly! Most of them that don't had jobs, education, nothing should just be marriage counselors, they are great at it! (Just kidding)
Don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will have it's own worries
What I meant about it being easier without young children, is you don't have to worry about child custody and visitation issues. It's heartbreaking. The A's are our family, too I agree. Sounds like all the grown children are tired of it all. I think it's good to consider their feelings too.
Hello Flower, here is what I'm remembering upon reading your posts in this thread. When we (my ex-ah and I) both determined that the alcohol was what was causing the majority of the problems in our marriage, my thinking was great, we know the cause, lets get rid of it and move on. Easy eh? I was so angry that here "we" knew what the problem was but he refused to do his part in fixing the problem! He used AA-speak to try to bs me with how he was working on recovery while at the same time continuing to party. Here I was at home, crying, working, hoping, and really wanting him back, wanting him whole, wanting us to work things out and there he was telling me on the phone one thing while living another - he said the words "i want to work on us too, I miss you, I love you, i'm going to AA, I'm working on things" while the truth was, he was having a ball with his old buddies. I'm not saying that is what every man in recovery is doing, but it was what he was doing. And I would get bursting mad whenever I discovered that he was out partying when he claimed to be sitting alone pondering, working, missing me, etc. I read a lot and worked a lot; started to see myself taking steps back away from him - those steps back helped me to see more clearly. I too was torn up about divorce, breaking the marriage contract, but a friend said - you can always remarry if he does reach sobriety. As I stepped back I quit obsessing about what he was doing and focused on making it through my days; hoping for signs of recovery from him, but not seeing them, eventually I accepted that divorce was what had to happen, thinking we could always remarry. Even today I think what it might take for me to take him back, its been three years since my divorce and I still miss the man I fell for, would love to see him recovered and living a peaceful life.
But I remember how hurt and angry I was to find out that instead of being at home like he said he was, he was at the lodge, or, instead of going to AA meetings, he was playing pool - lies that fueled my anger, how could he? there I was crying and in pain, hurting from the destruction addiction brought into my life and he's out playing pool????? Our marriage meant so little to him that he's out with his buddies chasing women while I'm stressing over the mess our life has become??? I wanted to take him by the scruff of the neck and shake him and scream these things at him, shake him into standing up and coming to his senses and getting our life back together. I didn't have the power to change him, only me.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
Pride got in the way of me letting go to some degree. "I've been a good wife, become the mother of his children, showed care for his family and friends, worked to contribute to the family income, kept house, cooked meals, stayed faithful to him even though he's accused me of having affairs with people I've never even met and abused me, too! And this is the reward I get? Him wanting to party and hang out with his friends and spend our money on that kind of stuff?" Once I could accept that I had allowed so much bologna to happen for the reasons I allowed it, I could let go of what he had done and not done and focus more on me and what I needed to do for me now.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Monday 28th of July 2014 03:40:19 PM