The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Today was an intersting day. My son, departing for college in about a month, called from the mechanic. His car repair will exceed the value of the car, and not safe to drive to/from college to home (14 hours and 900 miles). So, car shopping we went. Right after work, we hit a few lots, did some test drives, got some figures and then came home to think it over. Once during our trip the A texted my son and said, "Do not buy anything."
Since I have a coworker out for a honeymoon this week I decided to go back in the office to do a little extra work while it was quiet - and I didn't have to go home and be with the A. That was from 9-11:30 pm. When I went out car shopping I left my phone at the office on accident. When I got back, there were a few texts from AH asking where I was. Very interesting considering he doesn't talk to me, or even acknowledge me. He only speaks when he needs something, and if he answers me it is between clenced teeth. He also left a voice mail asking very sternley, "Where are you? I have texted and called and you are not answering. It is..... whatever day it is, Thursay, at 8:30. Call me." I did not reply or return call. I guess when I wasn't home there wasn't anyone to ignore. Hey now, maybe I will stay out more often. So, he wants me home but won't talk to me when I am here. And who is crazy?
My son went on home and and was yelled at, "You treated your car like sh**, and you don't deserve a car." (Earlier when I told my husband what was going on he said he treated his car bad. I said, "it is rusted, he didn't cause it to rust.") He has kept the car maintained and as clean as any teenager cleans anything. After my AH yelled at him, my son responded that the car didn't rust out in the past year, so that wasn't his fault; it has been rusting for years and now it is beyond repair." They continued to argue and A said, "You need to buy your own car." He has bought his last two cars, pays maintenance, ins., gas, etc. My son said, "I would but I only have $300 and a crappy job." That ended the converstaion. :) Our A is so selish and doesn't think of anyone but himself. If you are living locally and have others who can pick you up if you break down that is one thing, but you can't go on long trips in old cars. Well, maybe you can but I don't want my son on the side of road with a broken down car hours and miles away from home.
When I got home at 11:30pm AH is on couch, where he lives, eats & sleeps, and was huffing because I went in kitchen to make somethng to eat and turned on the light. Too bad, so sad. Sleep in a bedroom like a normal human being.
I almost financed / leased a car tonight, but because I was told that as soon as my son is in college I need to move out, I told my son, "I can't commit to a car payment right now in case dad kicks me out. We'll figure something out." So, I am trusting God to provide for my son. He's never let me down before, so no worries. :)
Have a wonderful weekend. I know tomorrow is Friday, but I am off Friday so Thursday is my Friday. :)
-- Edited by blessed on Friday 18th of July 2014 12:06:32 AM
Your HP is probably like mine and I have hope for you and your son. My HP does magic as a second career...all I gotta do is come to the show. Go to the show. (((hugs)))
My heart went out to your son, Blessed. He sounds like such a good young man. I don't know what his HP has in store for him and I do hope it will be to open the door to the car he needs for school. I don't know if this is one of those God does for us what we can't do for ourselves opportunities, but maybe so. Keep us posted. Lots of prayers for you and your son and his Dad, too.
The A is not the birth father; although we have been married since my son was very young so he raised him. He was a good dad until the alcohol progressed to the "I only care about me stage". His birth father is stepping up to the plate and, I think, going to help out in this situation. He doesn't want him in another older used car that meets my budget, but is talking a late model or even new. I have told him what I can contribute. My son is visiting him this next week and they will go car shopping. He lives in another state so logistics will be a factor. In another month my son turns 18 so child support stops, so with that he can help him with that money he used to pay for c.s. He has a good job, is not married and can afford to buy him a car.
When I asked for help with college he has told me how much he has paid (as if I don't know) in child support over the years, and I need to fully pay for the car and college. He forgets we have to keep a roof over my son's head, buy clothes and groceries, etc. My son has had a very comfortable life, traveled, lived in nice homes, etc. As my son's "teacher" (homeschool) I once sent him an itemized list of the salaries of all I did (teacher, private tutor, chaeuffer, house keeper, .........) and the salary was 10X more than child support. That quieted him down. lol! I did tell him that c.s. allowed me to stay home, and for that I was thankful. In the beginning he was very hard to deal with but has mellowed over the years, and is so concerned with the appearance of being a good dad (after deserting us & taking all the $, & leavng me high & dry w/ a 1-yer old) that he has been good to my (his) son. I am thankful for that.
The hardest part is seeing my son sad & mad about our A; who he has called dad, and loves. He really hates seeing how he treats me. He has no respect for him, but is still respectful to him. But, he won't take any nonsense from him either. He is fine young man of whom I am very proud of.
Okay. I'll up my prayers to blessings for all involved. Glad his Dad will help pay for a car for him. It is very obvious how much you love your son and how proud you are of him. That touches me, too.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Friday 18th of July 2014 08:09:23 AM
Sounds like the A has a plan if you give him all the financial information. I would advise not to tell him anything. It sounds like a threat to me that he will be really mad if you don't give him info. He probably doesn't want you to buy a car because he wants the money for something else. I would leave his sponsor out of it. You never know...they might start talking crap about you.
If your son is going to college doesn't child support continue? Does your son have college plans?
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
Child support stops on the 18th birthday & college is not something a court will mandate. He is now an adult and you can't force anyone to pay your way after you are eighteen; except the governement. tee hee.(don't get me started on that). unless the non-custodial parent agreed to pay college tuition in the original divorce. Very few people agree to that. My son does have a college fund so tuition, room & board are taken care of; but not living expenses. I don't want him to work his first year so he can focus on school. Years 2-4 he can work and contribute. He has worked since he was 14 years old. He is not a slacker. My son's birth father is supposed to give him a spending allowance each month to cover basic necessities snce I am covering the college itself. I told him $500 a month and he is trying to talk that down but my son says he will talk to him about it. He should have to call home each time he needs gas $ or tires for the car, etc.
The A has all the financial informaiton in the form of statements, etc. He wants to have access to the computer program I use to manage all of our accounts. I have tried to get him to participate for years, but he never had any interest. But, now he says he doesn't trust me. lol! He doesn't even have a clue what he has. I have never hid anything; he just didn't care as he knew I would take care of eveyrthing. He can see what is going on w/ statements and I am not going to give him the management program password - it is not necessary. I print out complete financial statement at the end of every month. There are no secrets. He is just trying to find something to fight about; and he has lttiel else.
His sponsor also meets w/ me privately and us as a couple. He is a pastor, former addict, and now ministers recovering addicts and addicts at his church. At this time I trust him, until he gives me reasos not to. But, I am careful about who and what I share. In this life, you can't be too careful.
I just can't believe he is hurtng my son & telling him he has to buy his own car and he will not contribute a dime. But, I am learning more everyday the progression of this disease hurts everyone in its path; not just the one is rests with. He can't go to college out of state w/o a car. And he does not have $ to buy one. He needs a car. Period. We have to buy it for him. Period. This is not rocket science. If worse comes to worse I will give my son my car, and get something cheaper to drive around town. It sounds like birth dad and maybe paternal Grandparents might dontate to the cause. Putting it in God's capable hands. He knows it is not a frivilous request, it is necessity.
-- Edited by blessed on Friday 18th of July 2014 12:51:31 PM
No that it matters...That pastor person is not a sponsor, even if deemed such by you or him or by your AH. Sponsors work for free. They usually are met through actually going to meetings. They are detached from other family members so that you can trust them. They are not pastors when acting in the role of sponsor. This pastor is breaking AA traditions and rules on sponsorship by having no objectivity, mixing pastor, counselor, and sponsor together, and by taking payment for AA work. Unethical. Just an FYI to anyone reading who might get confused and think this is normal for a sponsor in either AA or Alanon. If the pastor thinks he needs AA, he should refer him there and he should get a sponsor there. If I was to sponsor a therapy client, I could lose my license.
And to add to this: I question a recovering addict working with the non-addicted person without Al-Anon recovery themselves, Blessed. I know you trust this person and I still don't think they can do a very good job of being in the relationship to the both of you - especially when you are working an Al-Anon program. Although the 12 steps are the same - the recovery work isn't. I also don't think a man is a good sponsor for a woman if this is what the pastor is trying to accomplish? If he isn't credentialed, he also can't counsel as much as he can simply listen as a caring person but not a therapist. You are not a recovering addict so I don't see how he can really be of benefit to you without any recovery work himself in the Al-Anon program. He might be well versed in Scripture and in his experience as an addict who is now in recovery but not necessarily right for you? Please forgive me if I've stepped over my bounds with you. I am concerned being a person who has been active in church work, ministry and also Al-Anon. I couldn't possibly do or even attempt to do what your pastor is doing - for liability reasons but mostly because I know it is impossible to provide leadership in my organization on a pastoral level and sponsor couples separately and together who were a part of that organization as part of a recovery program. Sponsorship is very different than pastoral leadership and pastoral leadership is very different than pastoral counseling. In my own recovery groups, no one knew what I did for years. It wasn't until I became friends with my former sponsor and some others in the fellowship that anyone had any idea what I did. I left my professional hat at work when I was in the rooms. I didn't want to mix it all up for people and certainly didn't want to confuse myself as to what I was doing in Al-Anon.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Friday 18th of July 2014 03:50:29 PM
Thank you for that clarifcation. I appreciate it. As I have been going to AlAno,. I have been going less and less. I only see him about once a month, w/ my AH. We have met a few times, in private but public - a restaurant, and w/ his wife so that I can speak w/o my spouse there . I need that.
Thanks again. I will talk to him about that and get clarification.
No one has overstepped their boundaries. I appreciate your honesty, and perspective. It gives me a lot to thik about. :)
-- Edited by blessed on Friday 18th of July 2014 03:53:00 PM