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Im really interested in the steps at the moment and Im quite new to them. I can see my shortcomings clearly these days, thankfully. Im not in denial of my own issues and i am willing to deal with them. I want to work through them in a healthy way. I know il never be perfect, i dont think that would be a good thing anyway. I was wondering how you guys work the steps regarding your shortcomings, what has been your experience of working steps 4,5,6 and 7. Do you use them every day or all in one go? What have they meant to your recovery?
-- Edited by el-cee on Saturday 17th of May 2014 05:03:39 AM
For me, it has meant learning to know myself more clearly. Imagine needing glasses since childhood and going to an eye doctor for the first time way later. Two of the main benefits I live with now are knowing what my part is in my life (not blaming others for the results of my actions) and loving myself. These are priceless.
The steps are challenging. They continue to challenge me. They are profound.
I'm eager to hear others' replies. Thanks for the topic.
My experience Elcee has been that I worked the steps as hard and earnestly as I could but there were some defects I was simply not ready to let go of and some I wasn't aware of when I did step 4. BUT, because I did the steps as best I could, I had a model for how to change when I was ready and when the awareness of other defects hit me. And yes, I use them daily. It is a recipe for good living.
Also, awareness and then prayer to have defects removed is not enough. for steps 5 through 7 to work, you have to do things against the way the character defect is. For example, if the defect is selfishness, you have to go challenge yourself to perform giving acts. That is the part of step 6 where you show willingness. You have to ACT different and pray to your HP to remove the defect on the inside while taking those actions. That is how it works.
Sadly, I think a lot of people in Alanon don't do the steps because they don't see the point if the problem is the A. Also, you are less likely to literally die of your disease if you don't do them but still....They changed my life more than stopping drinking.
-- Edited by pinkchip on Saturday 17th of May 2014 07:47:45 AM
I found attending a step 4 study workshop which included people of a variety of 12 step programs to be very helpful. The workshop moderator each week spoke from personal experience identifying how they had wronged others and themself. It was helpful to hear and take what I liked of his recovery process and apply it to my own recovery work When he shared, it helped raise my awareness of the depth of my choices - how they can effect not only myself but others. One thing he spoke of in relation to his own choices was fiscal irresponsibility. He'd gone on to say that because he didn't attend to his finances by paying bills on time not only was he wronging the company he owed, but as a delinquent payer, he contributed to the increased interest rates imposed by the company which harmed him, the company and other people as well. It was helpful to hear examples of his process when working his 4th step inventory. Each week participants received a new handout and each week we went home and wrote and returned the the following week not to share our inventory but to listen again to a plan for building on what we'd written the week prior. Each lesson built upon the last and helped with identifying what a "harm" looked like. In the sixth which was the last week you were given a sealed envelope that was to be opened after working Step 5 with someone. The contents of the envelope helped you identify your assets. After the sixth week, when it was time to share with a trusted sponsor and your hp, if you didn't have a sponsor, the workshop was able to help you to identify one at the workshop in your own program. I had recognized quite a few people who were in my local meetings who had decided to offer service as sponsors for the workshop. I already had a sponsor so worked my 5th step with her.
Because of so much writing and the progression of the recovery work in those weeks at the 4th step workshop, I could see patterns in my behaviors and choices which helped me to clearly identify my shortcomings and defects of character. There was some pretty big stuff to work on and a few smaller things. My sponsor offered suggestions from her own experience and shared about her own imperfections and how she worked on them. I felt less alone and unique due to her unconditional love and sharing.
Just my experience but I think we work the steps over and over again not just one time and then you've got it. Just like that guy's share about his inventory, I unearth new things about myself everyday because I grow and some defects might not be an issue but life on life's terms might affect me in ways I haven't encountered before because it may be an experience I've never experienced. Keeping in conscious contact with my hp daily is essential for me. My sponsor is wonderful but it would be unreasonable an unfair to expect any person to be there for me the way only my higher power can be.
One tool I created for myself and like to use is putting my defects and assets on small pieces of paper in a box and drawing one out in the morning and consciously working it all day long. It's been interesting to see how often that particular thing will come up in a day and how it shows itself in varying situations throughout the day. It broadens my awareness and helps me to become healthier in my interactions.
I had a very good experience with a 4th step workshop and I repeat those every so often. I think it's a great tool for doing an inventory. Thanks for your question and sharing your own process as you work the steps. (((hugs))) TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
I had to do mine with someone and don't think I could have done them on my own especially my first time through. Being vulnerable and accountable to another trusted human was so very freeing for me. My sponsor was a great loving gentle and kind help to me. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I practice Step 3, Step 11 and Step 10 consciously on a daily basis. Step 1 I practice by noting when I'm feeling stressed, fearful, a need to rescue, worried, angry, sad and other draining emotions or feelings whose business I'm in? Mine, God's or another person's? When I am conscious of minding other people's or God's business, I can return to minding my own and that makes my life manageable. I practice 2 most often when I'm aware of being in a situation that requires something I am not equipped to handle alone and I consciously turn to my HP for guidance. I utilize 4 when I'm feeling ambivalent or strongly positive or negative in relationship to a person or an issue with or without an action. I utilize 5 when I note my thoughts or behaviors are new for me or my awareness of my thoughts and behaviors are new for me. I utilize Step 6 when I see that this new thought process and/or behavior is damaging and I don't want to hang onto it. I utilize Step 7 when I recognize that by myself I can't do anything to remove it and ask God to help me remove it and wait for guidance or practice the opposite behavior like if somebody is rude to me, I can choose to be kind to them or to pray for them without retaliation of any kind. I utilize Step 8 when a new thought process or character defect is within my awareness and consider some of the ways I've hurt myself and others with it ie rescuing or trying to fix. I utilize Step 9 by making amends to myself first with the new awareness by a change in behavior - refusing to give in to the urge to rescue or fix - and sharing my own e/s/h instead (or whatever the situation might call for - just listening, validating my right to say no to another person's request for a fight, money, attention and applying that right when appropriate. I utilize Step 12 by carrying the message that is me into my day and that me is often in flux since growth does produce a new awareness of myself and new opportunities to return to Step 1.
I realize you were focused on 4, 5, 6, 7 and I can't do those without doing the others at this stage of my recovery process. I truly can't remember how I worked the steps the first time through. Too many years ago, I guess. Hope something of my experience is helpful to you, el cee.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Saturday 17th of May 2014 11:39:01 AM