The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have never sought help but know I should have years ago. I grew up in an alcoholic home (dad) and have been married to an alcoholic for almost 23 years. he did not drink much the first 8 or so years of our marriage. When he started I became the nagging wife confronting he said he would gwt help but I began finding his hidden stash. Three years ago it came to a head. I told him he was to get help or move out. He was admitted into an inpatient facility and regularly going to meetings and got his one year chip. a year later he began working in another state on a contract. We had done this before hI'm living and working in another state. Last summer I began to feel he was drinking again and found a hidden bottle while we were on vacation. He said he thought it was possible to just have a drink occasionally. I disagreed and told him to go to more meetings and that I would not live that life again. Of course he promised he would not drink and I hoped he wouldn't. For the past several months he has not come home on weekends and his behavior indicated he was drinking again. I just had no idea how much, he stopped going to work for the past month and has been lying to everyone me, his friends, coworkers. we use FaceTime to talk in the evenings I accused him of the lying and drinking again. He said he was going to kill himself. I sent the local police to his apartment and connected via FaceTime when the police showed and took him away to a hospital. I cant be married to him anymore and told him so yesterday. I feel like a basket case. I love him, worry a out him but can't live like this anymore. I need help.
Alanon can help you. If you go to the alanon website you c an search for meetings in your area. There you will find a warm welcome from people who know how you feel. This forum is also a great resource for people who have been affected by alcoholism.
Wow, you have had an entire lifetime of chronic illness surrounding you. that would be enough to make anyone feel like a basket case!! I'm so glad you reached out here, welcome to MIP! As El-cee said, if you can find a face to face meeting that is great. I the meantime, look around here and see posts from lots of people who have been in amazingly similar situations to yours.
Alanon is a place you can go to remember who you are. Or perhaps, like me, to find out who you are for the first time!! I hope you can find a meeting soon.
It sounds like you may have hit one of your bottoms? This is a great position to reach up from, as you have done by posting here. Find a local al anon meeting and begin your recovery for YOU. Your husband will do what he does and your serenity is not dependent on what he does or doesn't do. This is your journey/life with or without him. Keep coming back
Thanks everyone for your support. Participating in the meeting last night and these word of encouragement help me to realize there is a light at the end of the tunnel even if I can't see it I have faith it is there. Thank you.