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Thursday, I went to stay at my mothers. I hadn't seen her since my super-fun trip away in January but all of our conversations since then have been..pleasant..sorta. For my part I ignore anything I perceive as a barb or a taunt and just steer the conversation on to happy things, and if she persists, I become busy and have to go. And that works well, when it's on the phone or facebook. I mean, I love my mother and she has been much nicer in recent years but she's also very difficult for me to understand most of the time and it seems as though she's only really nice when she is angry with my sister or my grandmother and wants me to side with her.
I have noticed that she's escalated a lot of stuff she used to do "sometimes" to "most of the time". Like fire non-stop questions that can't be answered or ask silly questions that aren't helpful but just designed to sting, and ask them over and over. Say for example, she will ask "so does Daughter's school need boxes, egg cartons etc for their art-room" and I'll say "no, they don't want any of that kind of stuff". She will say "Oh OK, that's a shame". Then a week later she will call and say "so I've been saving these boxes and egg-cartons, when are you coming to get them?" and I'll say "I'm not, I told you they don't want them" and she'll get angry because I have wasted her time and she has a bunch of junk to get rid of now that I can't be bothered travelling 8 hours to come and collect and take home on the train. It's just nonsense. That's just one example. It isn't a memory problem, mother is as sharp as a tack; it's very apparent that she's baiting me and the more time I spend thinking alanon thoughts and doing alanon things the more I recognise it as "not my business" and to be honest now that I can detach from it, it's a bit disturbing. It's a daily thing; she creates a situation, ignores what I say and then tries to tell me I asked her to do something or other, and I am realising that she always did this I just used to buy into it and try to JADE my way through each situation. And now I don't and I don't think she likes it very much at all.
Anyway last week I mentioned to her that I wanted to get my daughter an e-reader that was on sale for an amazing price and she asked "can I get it for her" and I said OK great. She said she was going to buy it and have it delivered and even called again to check the delivery time with me. Then she changed her mind and said she would save it to give to daughter when we visited. So when we arrived and sat down she asked (in front of daughter) "so, did you get here that ereader you were after?" and I said no, and she said "well that's a shame because it won't be on special any more, you've missed out". OK, whatever. Disappointing but whatever. Then she says "so, I've made up the single bed for daughter, and you can blow up the blow up bed for yourself if you want". I was annoyed at this point and said "don't people generally give the proper bed to the adult and the blow up bed to the light-as-a-feather child who will probably enjoy sleeping on the blow up bed?" and she says "well no, I've made up the nice bed for my grand-daughter. You don't matter, you're just her mother". These sort of comments are becoming commonplace, like on daughter's birthday she opened a present and it was a super-ugly doll-thing (it was the weeping angel that sat next to the tardis cake for anyone that remembers) and the first thing she said was "Oh my goodness it looks like Melissa!". These "jokes" aren't even thinly veiled really, they're just kinda nasty and not really what you expect from your mother. Or a couple of years ago she invited us to stay at the holiday house and said "now we have a full house so there is a bed inside for daughter but no room for you. But I thought you could sleep outside in a deck-chair since the weather will be warm, won't that be fun?" She wasn't joking and kept repeating the offer. I declined and she kept calling and asking, "why won't you come? We've had an outside shower put in too and we thought you could be the first to use it!! Daughter will be so disappointed that you won't come". At the time I was so mortified at her suggestion that while the rest of the family stay indoors I can sleep and shower outside, it was so mean and ridiculous that I stopped talking to her for a long time until she started being nice again and I conveniently forgot. Hmm, what a familiar sounding pattern!! And yes, I am quite sure she wasn't joking.
Wow. Anyway it went on like this and I don't take any of it personally anymore but it bugs me nonetheless, mostly because daughter catches on to it and starts being rude to me too. And I remember, when i was a kid my grandmother was always angry that my mother wasn't very nice to me and would buy me things and look after me, and mother was very resentful. So maybe this is some kind of revenge? I don't know, but after a day of it I was angry with daughter for jumping on the bandwagon and being really quite unkind to me too- it's not in her usual character- and I am thinking, how very sad would it be to repeat the cycle? Mum did say to me, when my daughter was born, that she would be my daughter's "best friend" and "get back at my grandmother and I for ganging up on her" and I thought she was joking but now I'm starting to realise, maybe she really truly wasn't joking at all.
So anyway, I think at this point I have to abandon the fantasy that my mother loves me deep down and just says "odd things" sometimes or "gets in moods'. I think as I get better, she is going to push harder and be more hurtful and it's no secret that she drinks a lot more now than she ever did before and that's not going to improve things in the slightest. So it's time to be real about it because if I want to be better I can't continually and willingly subject myself to this kind of abuse and turn the other cheek and pretend it didn't happen because that's the pattern I have been stuck in..well forever really.
I do know that I am surrounded by people who are unkind or downright abusive and that isn't some sort of terrible accident; the common denominator is ME and it HAS to come down to me inviting and encouraging it, maybe not with my mother but in my choice of men and friends, my response to ill-intentioned people like crazy neighbours or my ex-husband and his wife and my general unwillingness or inability to stand up to people when they are rude or nasty or unfair. I don't believe I imagine or exaggerate it although I question myself a lot because it seems like there are an awful lot of people "victimising" me, doesn't it? Like something doesn't add up and maybe I'm just nuts and paranoid and misread everything. I'm so sure I don't but I have to be playing a role in it.
I feel I am a lot better in myself- I like me, I feel like a worthy human being most of the time, I can walk away from unpleasant situations and people now AND I am better at attracting and recognising healthy people that I WANT to have in my circle of friends but still have no clue how to actually stand up for myself or tell people "that I won't accept their behaviour. Do I need to? Or is it enough to just detach and avoid toxic people? Confrontation just makes me feel ill and even thinking about it makes my head go down and my shoulders slump. Is it necessary? I'm feeling quite weary of it right about now. Is anyone else a big wuss like me?
Standing up for your boundaries doesn't need to be a giant confrontation. I know with your mom and (hopefully ex)ABF they argue when you say something they don't like or stick to a boundary. At that point you just have to always have an escape plan but you still state your boundary and eventually they stop trying you or do it less.
It takes courage to enforce boundaries once there is an awareness. You have the courage to enforce and you are establishing/enforcing boundaries as you are able. Baby steps.....
Hi Melly Your awareness and acceptance of this situation is a great leap forward in your recovery. I believe that it is very important in interactions such as you describe to hold on to your power, your reality and not abandon yourself to her illusions
When I experienced similar situations, I knew that it was important for me to simply validate myself , not make excuses for them and then move on.
If she calls and says she is saving milk cartoons for my child's school simply stating:"Wow I am sorry you went to so much trouble but I did tell you that the school never uses them for art projects..Can you give them to someone else? If she keeps going on say so sorry you misunderstood over and over. Or with the e reader. "What a terrible misunderstanding I thought you said you would purchase it for your granddaughter! Not a big issue I will look for a new sale.
Yeah that makes sense. Do you know what I am realising just now? The people that most often demand that I stand up for myself are the people that push me around the most!!! Like for example, mother will say "we want you to bring daughter over next weekend" and I will say "I can't, that's her weekend with her father" and mother will say "well you need to tell him that we are her grandparents and we do a lot for her and he needs to stop being so demanding and ask him does he realise this or this or this? For goodness sake Melissa you need to learn to stand up for yourself!" and then she'll give me a script of what I am supposed to say to him and tell me I am pathetic when I don't. But that isn't standing up for myself, that's her telling me that I have to get into a fight for what she wants! When it isn't what I want, or what daughter wants, or what anyone wants really. That happens a lot; certain people want something and then demand that I "stand up for myself" to make it happen. It's kind of funny really, when I look at it. But what's important I think is that I'm feeling victimised by everyone at the moment, I really am and that's got to be something going wrong with my thinking. So I have a weekend free; daughter is away with her dad (and there's a whole lot of stuff I need to advocate on her behalf at the moment and I don't feel like it will work because it never does; her stepmother keeps saying nasty stuff to her and she comes home upset and I know if I broach it with her dad or stepmother they will just attack and deflect and deny as they always do and I feel deflated and sad just thinking about it,) but anyway I have a weekend free so I guess all I can do is jump headfirst into my program and maybe nut it out with my sponsor. Is this what we call the itty bitty shitty committee? The voice that's saying 'everyone's picking on me and there's no point fighting back because they always win and it's all too hard and I'm too weak and pathetic so how about we go and live in a treehouse in the bush"????
Is there a law that mom can't call your ex and assert her desires to him herself? She is being passive aggressive. Melly, practicing new boundaries is a journey and a process. It grows as you gain more awareness and confidence. I do see you moving in that direction so be easy on yourself, but keep working towards who you want to be. You deserve peace and healthy relationships.
PS - it took me a few years in the program to develop better boundaries and it was directly proportional to me feeling better about myself. I started thinking more and more ", you don't get a free pass to crap on me because I am good looking, smart, capable, and no...I'm not the one to treat like that." With my mom, it took me calling her out on some of the behaviors and back handed comments coupled with me not actively doing destructive things that left me wide open to criticisms. Mom and I are mostly free to just talk like adults now. It took time and change from me though. Hope this helps. My mom also used to give me what we call "double binds" by saying I was bad at handling finances and stuff and then telling me she would do my taxes or she would call my significant others to talk about MY finances while stating "Mark just isn't good at handling these things. " took me actually handling more of my stuff and simultaneously calling mom out on her conscious or unconscious attempts to enable or bring me down.
Hey Melly (love your new picture)
I do believe that might be a small bit of the committee that you are hearing My mom would do the same when she wanted me to"fight for my rights" and I grew up thinking I was stupid because I did not want to fight all the time. Alanon gave a softer gentler way and I am so happy for the choices.
Remember that validating yourself and drawing a boundary is not the same as fighting with them and trying to force them to see and change. The validating and boundaries are for you are reaffirming who you are and what you believe and will do) It does not matter if they like it or agree. As for mom telling you to fight for your rights validating your position works there as well. You are doing fine
I love the new picture also! I do not visit my Mom and it keeps me from putting myself back into those situations. My daughters treat me with the utmost respect and I would not allow anything else from them. I know my mom likes to manipulate and control and I have learned to detach and distance myself for my own safety. I also married an A that was like my Mother and I have learned to detach and distance with him as well. I am the healthiest I have ever been adn have the energy to do the things I have never been able to accomplish thanks to al-anon and counseling. Keep taking good care of you!
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666