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I'm curious as to how many of the fine people on here experience feelings of rejection (real or imagined) and how you've dealt or deal with it. I seem to be better at dealing with anger than my negative self-talk and perceptions. Sometimes I even start feeling rejected here...and then I wonder where that came from. My exercise doesn't seem to affect this issue :/
Makes sense to me, I can perceive rejection soooo easily and it's the most painful feeling, worse than anger etc for sure, I guess that's why you and I stay with these dreadfully sick fellows, because the rejection trumps all...
Hugs. I try to remember that I don't like everyone and not everyone can like me and it helps some.
I know where it comes from for me - usually childhood crap that I've worked on but it comes back at times. the program has made me less needy so I experience "rejected feelings" less. If someone is rejecting me, it's likely not a connection or a disconnect in some way so I don't take it as personally. Prior to AA/Alanon I felt rejected by rejects and also by people I would aspire to want to be around. It happens less frequently now because I'm not quite as sensitive in that way (though obviously still sensitive).
Yes, I've experienced it - not just perceived it - primarily in my family of origin. It took me awhile to process it and then one day, I realized I was doing just fine without the support of some of my siblings. Recently, I experienced some very unpleasant things in relationship to some of these same siblings - and like PC shared - some more childhood stuff surfaced. With the help of my sponsor and a beloved fellowship member and my HP, I was able to see my part in it - accepting unacceptable behavior. Not only was I accepting it, I was blaming myself for it unconsciously. Although I'm in a recovery program, my family members are not. They continue to practice learned behaviors that are harmful to me. My job is to take care of me and continue my recovery work by removing myself from people with peculiar agendas when possible. So, ultimately, my siblings' rejection of me actually helped me see that I'm doing just fine without their approval, support or love, that it's not my fault that they can be shaming, blaming, rejecting and emotionally abusive, and that I can take good care of myself by letting go of wanting a healthy relationship to people who aren't healthy.
Oh geez, that is one of my greatest fears! I was rejected by my father mostly but some of the rest of my family too. I struggle with this a lot and I think it's why I have 'abandonment issues' in general. I think I spent my entire life making sure that everyone liked me, mostly subconscious level thinking, I'm sure, but it was there. And, if people didn't like me, I always blamed myself and felt rejected and unloved. I never knew that my HP's love was what was most important, I never knew that I could be fulfilled and find peace by searching out HP(God's) answers for my life.
If it helps: I feel rejected here too. But, now I know that it's not 'them', it's ME. It's how I perceive harsh words(which I probably perceive that way, but they really aren't harsh), etc. Working my program has helped me see this about myself and has led me to a more healthy path in how I take in other people and how they relate to me or communicate with me. It's truly been a blessing in my life, to find Al Anon, have a sponsor, and have great friends here on MIP!
Hugs to you! I totally get what you're saying. You are not alone!
I'm just at a point where I can see what is my stuff and what is other people's stuff. It still hurts .. it is what it is though and i can't change how other people think. I'm learning not to take it personally. We all have our own journey and at least I know I'm exactly where I am suppose to be .. I'm really working on letting other people be where they need to be. Hugs ..
Faith minus vulnerability and mystery equals extremism. If you've got all the answers, then don't call what you do "faith". - Brene Brown
"Whatever truth you own doesn't own you" - Gary John Bishop
I really LIKE myself! Its not a big ego thing at all. After the bout with the ex that dragged me wailing to Al-anon, after the soul searching and work to put my life back together, I am at a place in life where I can see the things I don't like about me, times I get snappish for instance; I can explore those episodes to find the whys and move on. But the person I am is a good person; I have a fine heart, I care about my neighbors, work hard, pay my bills; I have a lot of people in my life who are happy to see me and I am happy to see and chat with them. If something happens that brings up the feeling of rejection/unhappiness, I take a moment to figure out exactly why that something should make me feel that way, and I give myself a break because most of the time, I'm in the grips of one of the HALT's.
I didn't always like myself - I think the fear of rejection comes from believing on some level that you deserve rejection, that NOBODY should like you because you are bad, stupid, ugly, fat, etc. We come out of childhood with all these tapes playing in our heads telling us what we are - you're too fat to find a man; stop singing, you can't carry a tune; stop banging on the piano, what do you think you are, a musician - you'll never be; oh, you're gonna try drawing now? give it up, you'll never be Rembrant; etc. Now I can ask myself - am I being rejected because of something about me, or are they rejecting me because of their problems? Pretty easy to answer that in most cases because the question helps me to realize that they don't KNOW me well enough to accept or reject me.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
Thanks for bringing this topic up. And here I thought it was just me who had big issues with rejection- silly girl!
This is something that I really struggle with, especially now with my AD not wanting me to have any part in her life. Someone told me at a recent Al-Anon meeting that: "Their rejection is God's protection." That one line helped me so much. I'm starting to realize that our HP is keeping us out of the "hurricanes" in our life. My AD is all about drama right now. If we were to be in daily contact, I don't know where I would be in my recovery. So detaching with love is what I strive for everyday. It keeps be sane, it keeps the focus on me and off of her issues. And it keeps me open to my communication with my HP.
I'm curious as to how many of the fine people on here experience feelings of rejection (real or imagined) and how you've dealt or deal with it. I seem to be better at dealing with anger than my negative self-talk and perceptions. Sometimes I even start feeling rejected here...and then I wonder where that came from. My exercise doesn't seem to affect this issue :/
Hey Raven....GOOD POST....I have felt rejection lots of times.....I have felt it here....I would help out all I could and save for a few loyal souls, I would sometimes get no or very little ESH.....I just blew it off and went elsewhere....I didn't get all bent over it, but feeling invisible is not my soup de jour so I just took care of me and spread my eggs to more than one sucks to feel it...I ??? me, am I being sensitive or feeling the past or other step 10 thingy...but there are times when its real....I WAS rejected at times by family, at the work place, ignored, snubbed, or treated terribly, It used to really hurt me, but then , into program, i just figured out that I am a nice, acceptable, lovable soul and if so and so does not want me, its their loss and i move on........i tell my sponsees that when someone rejects you for no valid reason, "their rejection is perhaps HP's protection"........I basically check my side of the street and if all is clean, I just blow it and the person or community off.....there are too many other folks who will want me, so what the heck...I can't please everyone and don't try....If my best isn't good enough?? then I don't need i grow into myself, it means less and less, being always accepted...its not realistic to think everyone is gonna accept me.....but if I am "ok" for the most part w/most of the folks i encounter then i figure I am doing ok........
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Mahalo Raven J great thread. It feels like I'm sitting in class and all the teachers are around me. I read all of this and am grateful for the program and the sponsorship I've had with all of the lessons starting at "self love" and then "QTIPing" and acceptance with the question "what is my part in this feeling of rejection to why am I choosing to feel rejected in the first place"? I like the inventory portion because that is where I learn the most. I inventory slowly and don't let negative feelings stop me from doing it objectively. One of my tools for handling rejection came from my VA counselor while he was teaching me about "giving mercy and creating margins in my relationships". No one has the power to hurt my feelings without my permission and participation was an Al-Anon rocket science project and I had the entire fellowship of the Family Groups where I was at standing with me and cheering me on to the best conclusion of "Love is the complete and total acceptance of everyone else without condition". I can speak up for myself and for the other person at the same time. Last time I was rejected I told the rejector that I was going to take a minute of their time to make a statement and the statement sorta was..."I don't ask for anything more than what you ask for yourself and for what I willingly give. When I asked from you, you responded with rejection and I'm here to tell you that you have absolutely no justification to not love me". I then detached and continued on with self love. Other times I just let it go and move on. (((((Hugs)))))
When I take a hurt its usually something to do with me really. I own my feelings and emotions so if I get hurt then I have allowed someone, possibly with issues, to get through.
I can feel like that here too but when it happens here its usually because someone has said something that Im not ready to face or own up to yet. The truth of my situation can feel like rejection, especially when I just want sympathy and soft words, the harsh truth of my reality can be interpreted in so many ways by me - judging, they dont get me, they dont like me etc.
Rejection can be a good thing for me, first its usually not rejection in the true sense of the word, second, its usually the label I put on my own discomfort, my own denial and I can recognise this now so when I feel it then I need to look within.
I too have experienced what you describe and discovered that Al-Anon tools and principles work fantastically to eliminate them and to carry me through as I work to eliminate them.
Making an asset and gratitude list daily, validating myself and my opinion without invalidating others also enabled me to feel present and not inivisible. I also examined my motives at times when I was feeling left out, to see( if my expectations are realistic or or if my ego had jumped in) and working a 10th step on the topic each time really helped me to gain wisdom and clarity on the situations.
Reminding myself that I'm powerless over others, that what others think of me of me is none of my business and using the slogans such as",How important is it" or" Let go and let God" also helped to interrupt the negative chatter. An Al-Anon phone call worked as well.
I want to thank you all for your replies of ESH. I want each and every one of you to know how much I appreciate you and your kindness. This has been a hectic week, but I'll save that for tonight... Lots of love and hugs to you all.
I have felt rejection first from my FOO then from friends and other people over my 35 years and it can be hurtful stuff. As I get stronger in my program I get better at remembering people's words and actions say more about them then me and to QTIP. That helps me to realize I am doing the best I can and have come a long way. I do not mean to reject anyone here, but sometimes I just don't have the time or know what ESH to give so I don't comment at all. I am sending you love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."