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So confused !! So here I am almost a week with you guys and a bit more with my f2f meetings, I find this site very uplifting, and have met and had some great conversations in the chat room, however I am still so lost as to finding out if I am in the right place,
I'm not happy, I have not been happy for years, live in same home as husband been separated and in own rooms for a few years , he's condescending, everyday is a battle , moods are determine by him, if he's in a good mood it's a good day otherwise , we are lazy, useless, good for nothing human beings, says wish someone would like you , get a boyfriend and get out, he complains about everything , and I just can't keep up no matter what I do it isn't good enough.
He works hard , and brings home the money, i am dependent of him, I have everything a girl could want ( material wise ) a beautiful home, car, toys, ski-doo, four wheelers, food, gas , money to spend, clothes , etc etc etc etc... but all that comes with an awful price, name calling, put downs, being left alone , ...
There was an event I had to go to with him, for his work, and he says don't tell anyone your my wife , no one needs to know..:( that hurts ... yet most people at his job know he's my husband ...
so what am I confuse about, I am liking you guys and what I am learning , but is it fair of me to be here,.... my "A" drinks almost everyday, a few drinks , but does not come home drunk, does not pass out, and keeps a good job, he's involve in a lot of committee and hangs with the big shots , there is an image to be protected, alcoholism runs in his family, his dad, brother and generation behind him, when he does drink more then a few , I make sure to have plans that way we are out of his way.
I came here to work on me, to help me understand, to help me get strong, I guess a bit selfish but I know I can not change him or make him see how wrongly he treats me, so there is only one other way and that's for me to look after me, I did apply for job and made it to the third rounds of cuts, waiting to hear from them to see if I made it through, I hope so, I am scared and confuse and pray to God I am making the right choices , I know I said I do for life , but did not say I do to this , surely God will be forgiving.
I`m sorry if I am in the wrong place, I read stories and see so many who`s "A" drinks a lot , maybe I need a different type of counseling, so typical of me to second guess, anyways just venting as I am confuse ...
tonight topic in the meeting was more or less don't sweat the small stuff, maybe that is what i need to look at , am i complaining for nothing , while others have it so much worst ...
You are in the right place if someone else's drinking is an issue for you. So welcome and stay. I never get what I want when I compare my experience to someone else's. They have more dramatic, more serious, more deserving situations. I am happy to say still AlAnon is for ME. I don't have to qualify! I am already qualified just because I let someone else's drinking destroy my joy, so I am learning to re-take my life. I am learning this slowly with steps, with the help of other members and with my sponsor. You deserve this, too.
-- Edited by Jill on Tuesday 28th of January 2014 12:14:09 AM
I recognise those feelings that you express - the confusion. These days when AH tries to put me down I simply tell him that comments like that make him look like a d***-head. The other element that I am taking a long time to get over is the fact that AH's behaviour completely undermined my opinion of him. It is taking much longer for me to shift my negative view than I expected. Anyway, it helped me to imagine that a friend of mine was in my situation, what would I tell this friend? What advice would she need?
I think it is great that you have made it through the initial interviews for a new job - it sounds like a perfect boost for you. Good luck with that!
You are in the right place, you are affected by alcoholism, whether its your husbands or the fact he is affected by alcoholism. My suggestion to you is go to a face to face meeting as soon as you can because there you will be given some love, some hugs, understanding and a starter pack which contains little life savers of information that will get you started on this road in Alanon.
You don't deserve to be spoken to or treated this way, regardless of what he gives you or how much money he earns or what material crap he provides you. The important stuff for you is self confidence, self esteem, respect. This behaviour of his is unacceptable but you may need to get the help before you can take the steps to stop being his victim. I was a victim before, I played the role very well. It was through face to face meetings, coming here and working a program of recovery that helped me break that cycle.
Oh sweetie, we all have different situations but if someone's drinking is a problem to YOU, then you are in the right place. My AH is not a daily drinker and many times can just have 2 or 3 beers and control it. But, there's the other side of him, too. When he drinks too much and chooses to go overboard he makes bad decisions, decisions that affect our well being as a family. That was what brought me to Al Anon and to MIP. He is a binge drinker and sometimes goes months without drinking. But, he also has a history of being passive aggressive, verbally abusive, emotionally immature, and condescending, disrespectful, etc.
I found that Al Anon helped with EVERYTHING: not just with the issue I had with his drinking. If he grew up around alcoholism, he has a problem with it even if it's not apparent to others. I'm sorry that your husband is verbally abusive to you, no one should be treated that way. You are a special child of God and deserve better. You can make your life happier by finding the tools of Al Anon and working the program and getting support for yourself. It will help lead you to this: "If you go, you will go well(emotionally, spiritually, and mentally), if you stay, stay well(emotionally, spiritually, and mentally)". Is it easy? No, neither path is easy but you will find some answers and you will find times of peace. Hugs and peace!
How he behaves in relationship to you is not about you. It's about him. He feels powerful if he can hurt you and you react. He needs you to puff up his ego. People who are mentally and emotionally abusive are sick, sick, sick. You didn't cause it. You can't control it. You can't cure it. Al-Anon recovery for you will help you learn how to take good care of yourself without allowing his disease to harm you continually. I can certainly understand that all the "stuff" he buys can never make you happy. You have come to the right place to learn just how priceless you are and how absolutely 100% NOT responsible you are for how he thinks, feels or behaves around you. Keep coming back and attending Al-Anon meetings. Lots of understanding and support. I, too, lived with a very abusive person and I learned that all of our stuff didn't add up to my allowing myself to be abused for any reason at any time by a man too sick to do anything but what he was doing. I couldn't change him, but I sure learned how to change me. You can, too.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Tuesday 28th of January 2014 09:44:05 AM
Dearest Mia, I asked my Mother that same question. How can I pray for me when there are always others who need it more?
She told me others pain does not diminish the pain I feel. I have a right to feel what I do.
Yes this is the perfect place for you. I don't even have to live with an A anymore, and here I am here. I still need Al Anon in my life. There are A's all around me. Plus I live the concepts of the program.
That is a horrible place to be where you are! I would rather live in a tent, basically did when A finally left for good.
We have had others come here who were in situations similar to yours. I saw them put money back, and making plans to get out. They prepared for it then walked away. It made it much easier for them to be being proactive in making a better life in the future.
The situation you are in is not unique, however it is horribly painful and killing you slowly.It's not like you want to be with him at all.
Yes you can learn to work on you.
What he says does not matter as it is all his disease talking. The key is for you to learn to deflect it away from you, teach yourself to say, hey that is your problem not mine. Not allow the hurtful evil to even touch you.
I see you are looking for work! Good for you! It shows you still have some self strenth. If this one is not it,I hope you keep going.
You wrote you make sure "we" are out of the way. Are there children and or animals involved?
Your stuff is not small. It will be very challenging for you to find your life again. You can learn to not allow his stuff to tell you what your day will be like.
If he is feeling mean and crabby, maybe you can learn to do things that you enjoy. His stuff is HIS not yours. So you have your own room, I did too, had a tv, computer, phone, door out, some food, bathroom, books, recliner etc in there so I could go there and get some piece. Had headphones too.
I had animals, so spent lots of time with them. There is always something to do if I have animals. I also volunteered at the humane society walking dogs, teaching them fun obediance. If you are not working, there are tons of things you can do to give to others. Giving is the best way to feel better!
Its ok to be selfish! We need to learn to love the things about us.Also need to give ourself the things we need and want. Learning to love our self, is how we truly learn how to love others. We learn to be uncritical of others.
It may all change when a person learns the A is very, very sick. Being an addict is horrible, they crave their drug all the time, they don't like to feel bitter and angry. If they are just not a nice person, still they are miserable.
For me I learned so much compassion for them. Instead of them being the tin god, I looked at them as sick children.
Getting Them Sober is a good book. Toby Rice Drew, volume one. You will find your thoughts and questions in there.
Please, please, know this is where you belong, no question. Even I who have not had to deal with my ex AH and his family anymore, suffer wounds that this spot has helped to heal. When I come here and share and give, it makes me feel better. When I read newcomers in pain, it reminds me of how much work I still have to do. And responding to you helps me heal too. We need you too.
Soon you will be a known person on the board. We have some who have been here many years! I have been blessed to see people grow here for around 12 years now. I would be lost without MIP. I am humbled by the love, compassion and fun we have here.
so hope you stay, share your journey, vent, whatever you want and need to do! Hugz and welcome,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Thank you guys, this is so heart warming and reassuring, there is so much going on in my world , I am filled with a mix of emotions, the only for sure thing I know is that I am not in love with my "A" i have no physical or emotional attraction to him, moving on is what needs to happen, understanding that if he turns to the bottle once I leave is not my problem and not my fault, yet I feel a need to protect him after all he's the father of my son. Some have said " Well then you must love him if you have those feelings" I searched deep within me and it's NOT love , is it wrong to not want to see him hurt or suffer although he's put me through hell for the past 18 years or more!!
This is where I have a difficulty , because it is in my nature to always make sure everyone around me is happy , it never mattered how I felt, I always have put my needs last , friends have been on me to join Al-anon so that I can learn to love me and care about me, to take ownership for what is mine and leave others worries to themselves ...One day at a time I will get there
Thank you for your care, love and support , looking forward to growing and learning with all of you's , Hugs Mia
BTW : I just got the call and made the cut to the next round of interviews,,, I am so excited and so happy !!!!! xoxo
I wish there was a 'blueprint' or a diagram that would give you the answer you seek. Regardless if he is an alcoholic or not; the demeaning way he treats you is hurtful. Al-anon can help to heal your self esteem and show you the way to believing in your self worth.
For me, walking around on eggshells so that I did not 'wake the beast' became an exhausting way to live. My ABF is not just an alcoholic. He is a narcissist with a borderline personality disorder. That is bad enough but when you add the alcoholic rage he is a walking nightmare. I would venture to guess that most alcoholics could be diagnosed with multiple personality disorders.
Everyone's story is different. I first went to al-anon to find the inner peace and strength to live with a very unhappy person until I am able to activate my 'escape plan'. You see, my ABF constantly puts me down. Mean little digs that are designed to make me feel as small as he must feel himself. He says I will never find a man that treats me as well as he does. Really? I hope I find someone who treats me the EXACT OPPOSITE as the way he treats me. Here is the ironic part of the story. I am the breadwinner and he is the unemployable man with nothing to his name and nowhere to go. Part of the reason I have stayed is that I am dreading the ugly way this is going to end. I now know that dread isn't a way of life. The problem with my escape plan is that he is actually the one that has to go and I will probably have to involve the police to get him out. Dread, dread dread.
I am sorry I babbled on... The bottom line is the al-anon way of thinking can help anyone who is sad and feeling down about themselves or their situation.
My A would binge, and be pretty normal between times. I say "pretty" normal because there was a huge amount of denial going on. She couldn't admit that she drank, or that she would pass out, or that she would be passed out on floor and the school would need to call me to pick him up because she hadn't shown up. She had so much shame when she finally admitted that there was a huge problem.
So, my A isn't like a stereotype either. She doesn't sit at the bar getting slowly soused, I don't call to the bars looking for her, but there is still a HUGE alcohol problem in the family. As evidenced by 2 DUIs in the space of 6 months by AW.
Also, due to alcoholism's progressive nature, it just kept getting worse for us. At first she would be lying on couch incoherent all evening every once in a while. She was recovering from Mononucleosis, so I thought it was chronic fatigue syndrome, which is what happens when someone is still low on energy from mono after 6 months. And every once in awhile, she would get more drunk than she should have at a party, but nothing real bad, just looser than she would have liked. Then after awhile, she was passed out at least once a week, and my son and I were finding bottles. So you see, it kept getting worse, and it will with your AH as well. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not this year, maybe not for a long time, but it will happen.
So, yes, I believe you should be here. And you should be getting help for yourself, just like I am, just like we all are.
PS This isn't small stuff! Go to the meeting and you will find out what the small stuff is.
We all live in a different way with alcoholism but the same too. You are in a great safe site that you can vent, go to meetings, read the message boards and learn how to take care of you.
((((Miamommamia)))) you are absolutely in the right place! You need to surround yourself with loving positive people capable of giving you kind messages. The husband seems like he is mostly interested in tearing you down and puffing up himself. I understand your feeling like "my situation is not as bad as another persons." My husband drinks daily too, from after work, until he goes off to bed, I've never seen him pass out, but maybe bed is where he passes out? I think it is as if he is in emotional pain and self medicating the way he drinks, but I'm no doctor. All that matters for you is that your husband is drinking enough or in a way that is effecting YOU. Al-Anon is for you, not him. Congratulations on making the job interview cut. This is progress, he may try to belittle your successes but don't think for a moment he isn't paying close attention and scared to death, you are motivated lady!
Nothing has changed but my attitude, everything has changed.
((((M))))...I see myself in your post also and it reminds me when I was a newbie and the elders in the rooms were suggesting to me to attend meetings...90 meetings in 90 days and to sit and listen to the similarities between my story and the others. I did that and got in more than the 90 meetings. Only one thing I leared which was important for me was that I didn't get to that point over night and would not recover over night either and they were right. One of the very important things I needed to learn was to get my focus off my alcoholic/addict wife and family and put it on job was to fix me after I came to the understanding that it was me who was broken. Al-Anon is a journey...of change and for me change for the better. Back then I could never have imagined what the future me would look like or be like and that it would take a power greater than myself, the entire world-wide fellowship of the Al-Anon Family Groups and more. Today I have a life and serenity which will not be surrendered again to anyone for any reason. Our steps can be broken down to say "Trust God" (steps 1-3) "Clean House" (steps 4-11) and "Help Others" (12) the last one being much of what Miracles in Progress does. One day at a time you will reach your goal whether you have a job or not or a practicing alcoholic or not. Keep coming back. ((((hugs))))