The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I'm new. So there may be a few blunders or redundancies. I'm not quite sure how I got here, what particular train of thought let me to Google, or why I felt compelled to search "who else is sick of alcohol?" But it led me straight to this forum and here I am. It's not like anything really bad happened. After perusing the boards, I've got it relatively easy. But I can say, from the most profound depths of my soul, that I harbour a most insidious loathing for the substance.
My mom's an alcoholic, though she functions well. My aunt's an alcoholic, she functions less well. I've had other family members in and out of rehab. My boyfriend's mother is an alcoholic, probably the least functional of them all. His father relapses from time to time and I am sick of the stuff. My boyfriend drinks, too, but it's not really a problem. (My sense of the stuff is so skewed, so full of hate, I can't be objective anymore.) His friends binge occasionally.
I have never been drunk. I sip a small glass of champagne only on New Year's Eve and at weddings. I only do it for the toast and then pass off the glass.
I will never drink. I won't go near it.
But in my general day to day actions, I don't wear this hatred on my sleeve. Most people don't even notice that I abstain. The only real problem arises when I meet new people and the setting is just so that when I've said no to an offering for the third or fourth time, I must decide if I should explain why (which is sort of a buzz kill) or simply shrug and say I don't and leave it at that.
But when my mom pours that fourth or fifth drink, I just get so angry. Every sip puts a chink in my armour. My heart cracks just a little more. My mom is such an awesome lady. She's not a mean drunk. She's the most wonderful person I know. And yet she's a slave to it while I sit back and watch. My boyfriend's mom is also a lovely lady. I forget sometimes how much I do enjoy her because her inevitable nightly spiral into oblivion renders her a slobbering wreck. The smell of pinot grigio or a heineken (and I can smell a drink a mile away) gives me shudders of absolute hate.
Can't there be a word stronger than hate? Because I've rendered it useless.
From what I've read, alcoholism is a disease but diseases - well in most cases, I guess - can be treated. Even cancer, that murderous beast, has an enemy in radiation. But alcohol seems to have no adversary. It requires a white flag, a hopeless (and pointless) surrender. I can accept that I am useless in its thrall but I refuse to accept IT. It will have no place in my life.
But of course that would mean casting them away, as well.
And, I can't. How dumb is that? They remain, instead, orbiting an arm's length, hoping to get closer to me while I push away and away and away because they will suck me down like quicksand.
Will I ever be rid of it? And what of the anger? Where is that supposed to go?
-- Edited by midori on Thursday 2nd of January 2014 10:35:29 PM
If you aren't in Al-Anon and haven't attended meetings, please do. The rage you have expressed here shows me the depth of pain you are in. Al-Anon meetings, fellowship, literature, 12-step work and being with others who have been there or are there can help you find yourself again underneath all that pain. Keep coming back here, too.
This is the first time I ever openly wrote about this. I've glanced at Alanon in the phonebook once in a while for, well, about ten years now, but I've never had the nerve to just speak out or attend a meeting.
This will probably take time.
Even just reading this forum, my anger softened a little.
Aloha Midori and welcome to the board and will you ever be rid of it...Yes!! only you gotta do what we have learned in the program of recovery of Al-Anon. Hotline number is in the white pages of your local telephone, find out where and when we meet in your area and then come. You'll want to temper the language just a bit or you will own the meeting. It's not that we don't understand our use to act in a resistive manner when first getting there; I did and had been asked to leave a meeting or two which they always followed up with "keep coming back". You are ANGRY!! which is allowed. You are angry about a disease that's kicking your butt which you didn't Cause, cannot Control and will not be able to Cure...(those are a first easy relief called the 3Cs) which give us permission to change our focus from "them" to "us". Keep hanging with this MIP family cause there is a bunch of excellect Experience Strength and Hope coming up. We do understand where you're at, what you're feeling and how you're thinking cause we have all been there and done that. Hang around. ((((hugs))))
You will learn in Al-Anon, that it is ok to HATE the disease & yet love the person....Most alcoholics are wonderful people with a wicked disease that they did NOT choose to have...It is a progressive, cunning, baffling & powerful disease. You are correct about there being no cure for it but the person with the disease can get a daily reprieve from it if they choose to go to AA, get a sponsor, go to meetings & work the steps. Same as us, so I would like to encourage you to find an Al-Anon meeting in your area to attend. They are the people that will give you the unconditional love, courage & support that you need, as this is a family disease and our thinking becomes distorted & unreasonable without knowing it. And please continue to come to these boards and there are 2 meetings a day EST, take care of you & Keep Coming Back!
And, yeah, I know the language is really bad. I thought about editing what I wrote but... I edit so much. I'm so good at editing. I edit with my mom, with my boyfriend's mom, with my whole family. I thought, be honest. If anything just this once. Because that language is honest... at least right now. Perhaps it was a shout for help to see if anyone was listening.
You found a great site with great people. The online meetings and message boards are the best. If you have not been to a face to face meeting I would look into that also. Good luck and we will always listen.
There are many untreatable diseases and alcoholism is one of them. It is what it is and nothing can change that. The problem is in how its affecting you and it is.
Sometimes we become sicker then the alcoholic. I also recommend attending an Alanon meeting. Go, it can only help you with your pain and suffering.
You can only suggest rehab to your Mom, that's all you can do, you cannot force a solution on an Alcoholic. But you can control your behavior and your reactions to it.
Good luck to you, I hope you take the suggestions made to heart.
It is a hateful substance for many people, I hate it too and for a long while I hated the companies who make it, adverts about it, people talking and boasting about their time on it. I could also smell it from about a mile away, its like a bit of a phobia for me too.
Its hurt us and damaged us, thats why were in recovery. Recovery for me is owning up to my feelings in a way. I can say to my family, as if they didnt know, I dont want to be around alcohol and people who are drunk, its not about casting them aside its about me and my needs. Can you tell the people in your life that you wont be around them while they drink? Or just have contact with them in the mornings or at times you know they are sober. If they ask you about it tell them, if probably wont make a difference but at least you will feel better having owned your feelings. Keep coming back, we understand, like no others really.x
welcome midori, and keep coming back. These boards and meetings are priceless. The f2f will help as well. It will help with your feelings of anger, believe me, I have them as well. But there are so many of us who can understand your feelings and help with your struggles. Keep coming back and welcome again!
It's funny how our perception of alcohol is so warped and twisted and even defined by the disease. I no longer hate alcohol. I even drink alcohol. I just don't get drunk and I don't hang around with people that have alcohol problems. I am finally comfortable with either choosing to have a drink or not, depending on how I feel. I also have a great group of people around me that don't care either way. All of these things have taken time to process and work through.
I can totally relate to your post. Alcohol for you is going to be a personal choice and that's okay! Love it, hate it...that's OK. You are entitled to your feelings.
Well, you've made the first big step. When I went to my first F2F meeting, it was at a church that I used to attend. When I got there and was about to walk in the door, I thought I heard my son's scoutmaster in there talking. I walked slowly back out to the car, and prepared to pull away.
But I took a moment and thought, and realized if he was in there it was because we had something in common, not something to be ashamed of! I walked back in, and it wasn't him in there, but there were a bunch of folks that had beeb there/done that. I gave some lame, brief testimony, and had a couple of thoughts given to me afterwards, both verbally and in notes, that were immensely valuable to me.
So, if you feel like venting here, do it! Take a look at how many threads are titled "I just need to vent", or "sorry, gotta rant". We all listen because we all have those needs, and it doesn't help to go to either our alcoholic qualifiers, or people who don't understand it. And by the time thre thread is through, usually the ranter thanks everyone, and many times others have learned something from the ranter!
So, please do go to some F2F meetings, and keep posting - we all get help from each other, you don't know whose life you might have touched positively today from posting.
I cannot express how touched I am and how grateful I am that I came here. I wrote my first post late at night in a storm of fury and sadness. I am writing again now on a clear sunny morning with a hot cup of coffee and much fresher state of mind. I was almost afraid to come back, not because I feared the responses, every single post I have seen on this forum has been enlightening and supportive. What I truly feared was acknowledging my hurt. I have tucked that pain away in so many carefully hidden compartments in my mind that touching on them, even thinking about them, can overwhelm me.
The first step, for me, was expressing that rage.
The second step, or actually step 1.5 (because these steps are small... and barely incremental), is looking at that anger when I'm feeling neutral.
All of you are amazing and I will take all of your advice (including books, and f2f meetings) into consideration.
I just wanted to come back, once again, and say thank you. Thank you for your time, your kind words, and above all, your understanding.
I'm so happy you came here and I hope you come back often. Here you can let go of your rage and tell us instead of taking it out on others. Take these 3 first steps in the program and think about them. It will help you let go to start your journey to peace.
We admitted we were powerless over alcoholthat our lives had become unmanageable.
Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
Whatever your HP is have faith in it that you may move forward..
Take care of are not alone
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
But alcohol seems to have no adversary. It requires a white flag, a hopeless (and pointless) surrender.
I could feel the anger, fear, and pain in your post. I could comment on many of the things you said. But, for me one sentence of your post truly stuck out. "It requires a white flag, a hopeless (and pointless) surrender.
I used to think that way before I really got into Al-Anon. That whole surrender thing messed my thinking up. What I did not realize then that I do now is there is power in the surrender and there is a point to it and it is full of hope. The point is to make me a better person.
I know that is hard to swallow, but if you work this program you too will find that gift. It is an amazing gift I give myself.
Blessing on your journey
-- Edited by Tricia911 on Saturday 4th of January 2014 06:20:57 PM
I can understand your hate of alcohol too. I wanted to slam bottles down and imagined myself hurling them. This is a family disease, alcoholism. We are affected as much as they are. I found that I find the most clarity when I post or when I share. I am somehow able to get in touch with things (emotions and thoughts) that I would not have done if I were silent. I spent at least 10..actually I think my entire relationship/ marriage going on 14 years in denial. I never owned up to how I really felt about anything (like the editing you do, but in my own head). I became void. I lost who I was. Through the 12 step program of alanon (and CoDa) I have reclaimed my voice and am getting back in touch with who I am.
I had not really owned up to some of the anger and resentment that I had felt, and through sharing I got in touch with it. And it does go away..where? The universe. My Higher Power. But it does get better. If you are in this much pain (as I believe you are). Because I was in a great deal of pain as well just prepare your self for a soulful journey towards freedom. I still remember my breakdown at a meeting, I was the first to share, and then had a "burning desire" and practically begged to share at the end as well. I had gotten in touch with how angry I was (finally). I cried the whole meeting, the whole drive home, and slept for a day afterwards. I will tell you that was one of the very best experiences in my life. It was powerful, it was healing, it was recovery. And you ARE strong enough, and you CAN do it. We will give you all the support we can muster. And when you make it to a face to face meeting - they will too. one of my favorite parts of our meeting is when we address newcomersyou may not like us, but you will come to love us the way that we already love you. I have found face to face meetings to be a safe place. And this board? Wow, this board is amazing beyond amazing..As a matter of face this board probably saved me (or got the ball rolling in the right direction). But nothing can fully replace the real meetings.
Midori, Believe me when I say I know exactly how you Active A is my mom. I'm sitting here crying..more like sobbing for you and myself...praying for you. Keep coming back!