The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Between the club and work, especially w/this old returning client who is probably a disaster, AND my home schooling me in income Taxes (an event I have to do ea. year)
I am gonna be busy....this first Quarter and into April is my "HOPEFULLY" money making time
I am gonna pace myself b/c I don't want to get "work sour" from doing too much
BUT, it may mean i am not on boards as much....will try, but i must limit my time...and i need more rest becuz mental exertion tires me out ....its gonna be a lot on my plate this 1st 3-1/2 months ....but it is good for me b/c i can stash into savings for my year end expenses..
Just wanted to give you all a heads up.........I'll be around, but can't spend quite as much time.....downloaded all the tax materials and i have been reading for about an hour now.....
taking a break, then take care of my chores, and off to bed......
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Good for you, I loved hearing this will be your money making season!!!
Stash that cash girl:) I will miss you! Keep us posted on how its going and of course your stories of swimming in the pool that make me feel like I am there!!
Jan is study month, then if last year repeats itself, I will be doing my youngster's taxes late Jan...
So I'll be on and off, but not disappearing anywhere....its just my busy time and now we shall see how well i execute my program on the H A L T thingy.....for a while, till i get this new/old client caught up AGAIN, i will work 2 and 3 mornings a week.....thats a lot of mental work and it tires me....then i will go to club to destress and
then hit the studies before bed......i need to sit down...write down a plan (love lists) how much time (work i cannot do this b/c i am there as long as i need to be)
club, I need at least an hour working out..on off work days I can play more...this is gonna help the ptsd...
study 60 to 90 minutes there...
and of course my chores......
Hey....some of you may be glad to see "less" of me and my tough love, LOL...
i need to win the lotto, hahah....getting sick of this kind of work....
AND when animal shelter calls, I want to give them some of my time, too...
ALL things as they are meant to be.....
later gaters....time to get ready for bed.....
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
today i was so slammed at work....beginning 3 months i am goin....i worked 5 hours and the "son" boss bitched about my check???? I wish the dad wasn't slowing down...he was a LOT sweeter to work for....I mean he complained., I told him i had a lot to do, AS USUAL at this time of year ...and said no more....
i think I am gonna be open to another opportunity....i just celebrated my 5th year there and he bitches about my lousy check????? time to keep my eyes open, keep advertising, and then throw it out there for Creator , i mean he didnt' go into a big thing, but why the stupid comment???? I miss his dad....
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!