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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My AH has been gone for 3 months now. His promise to get help has not happened due to every excuse he could come up with. I finally asked him in all seriousness if he wanted a divorce. I thought he would jump at the chance as he was the one who left us. He asked why I was asking that question. I told him he hasn't gotten help and in all honesty I don't think he will ever get help. I said he treats me just as badly as he did before he left which was the reason he gave for leaving - he didn't want to hurt me anymore. I'm crying through the conversation and I'm pretty sure he was as well. He won't say he wants a divorce but he won't do anything to fight for this marriage either. I'm so confused. The next day we talk and seem to be a little better but still no decision from him. He calls several times that day being extremely nice. Anyone else experience this behavior? I just want to know if I should continue to fight for us or move on. I tell him that right now everything is riding on him. I'm more than willing to attend marriage counseling but we can't do that until he gets counseling himself (and hopefully AA). I pray to my HP to show me the way and guide me but really have not seen any signs on which way to go. Did I fail to mention I don't have a lot of patience - one of my defects that I'm trying to work on. Any ESH would be appreciated. Thanks.
It's probably not what you want to hear but my ex husband left and for over a year, he would get really angry if I mentioned the idea of divorce. I took it as a sign that he wanted to reunite, he just wasn't ready. So I waited and waited. Then, he met someone else, decided to marry her and suddenly he was standing over me demanding that I sign those divorce papers RIGHT NOW! It's kind of in the addict's nature to hedge their bets. He didn't want to finalise the separation until he had secured a better option. If your instincts are telling you, he isn't doing anything to get just may be right.
I don't see that you need to have patience when it comes to waiting for him. You can put yourself first now and jump head-first into the program (wherever you are at with it), who cares what he might decide he wants down the track? YOU might decide that you don't want someone who would keep you hanging like this. Or he might come back and find a happy, confident sassy woman to ride off into the sunset with.
Either way, bugger sitting around waiting and wondering.
You have not mentioned if you are attending face to face meetings or not. If you are not I would urge you to do so. Alanon suggests that you make no major changes in your life for the first 6 months to a year in program The reason for this is so that we can regain our balance, be able to put the focus on our needs, know what we want and develop new tools to live by.
Living one day at a time, focsued on ourselves, trusting a Higher Power helped me to choose a sane and healthy life for myself and family.
Please keep coming back here as well and sharing.
-- Edited by hotrod on Saturday 28th of December 2013 12:04:29 AM
Like Hotrod, I agree that the key purpose of Alanon is so we can gain tools, insight and healing for our own lives whether the alcoholic is around or not. I know for myself that what the alcoholic might do or not do, be or not be, where, when what and how were my constant focus. Only when I learned to place the focus purely on me and my own recovery did I stand a prayer of ever being happy in my life. I learned its not about the alcoholic, its about me because I suffer from the same disease. As much as I wanted to put everything on the alcoholic's plate, I discovered that until I got my own house in order, I would just keep finding another one to take his place. It didn't happen quickly and for sure it didn't happen easily, but eventually I was able to put my problems in their true perspective. We are even more of a quick fix nation than when I first came in the doors of Alanon but the disease hasn't changed one iota...cunning, baffling, powerful. I needed face to face meetings to get and stay open, honest and working my own program. I hope you find what you need. We are always here to cheer you on and a ((((hug)))) is available 24/7.
I comes down to he is going to drink or he's not.....what are you going to do. You need to get healthy yourself and make your own decisions and never depend of him to make them for you. Al-anon can help you with that.
Take care of you and remember you are not alone....keep coming back
((( hugs )))
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
My x didn't file for divorce and probably wouldn't have done it. He liked things the way they were. It was me who didn't. It took me awhile to listen to the healthy part of me that said I didn't have to live the way I was living and that I didn't have to accept the unacceptable. I chose to consider what I wanted and not what he wanted. I wanted to live free of abuse, drugs in my house, and sublimating my own hopes and dreams to accommodate a disease that was destroying both of us. I had made an idol of marriage in my mind and was trying to live according to my image of what our marriage could become rather than accepting what our "marriage" really was. Even after we were divorced, he continued to use drugs and alcohol and died at the age of 51. None of that would have changed if I had stayed married to him. What did change was my thinking about what was important to me and how I wanted to live my life and with whom. I have never regretted my decision to listen to the healthy part of myself and consider what I wanted for me - not what he wanted for me.
Lots of encouragement and support for you as you apply the program's solutions to you and to your life with or without him.
-- Edited by grateful2be on Saturday 28th of December 2013 07:38:13 AM
Im wondering why its all on him to make the decisions, what do you want? Are you avoiding looking at your own wants and needs by waiting on him taking control, it doesnt sound like a good plan, hes an alcoholic, they dont think rationally or make carefully thought out decisions that can be stuck to. My suggestion would be to look at myself to find out why im waiting around and what im waiting around for?
Thank you for your post- something that plagues many of us. You've received great replies- and I'm also still learning and my confusion is still clearing. Like you, I had hope and waited to see what would happen based on his thoughts and actions. Active addiction needs to feed itself and progressively becomes more and more destructive. It is powerful, baffling, and very cunning. It is also very selfish and demands attention- a disease of "not enoughness". When I tried to "help" him, I was only making the disease worse. It is a progressive disease, and without abstinence and new skills (that come from working a solid 12 step program), it will lead to insanity and death.
Melly describes what happened to me as well, in hindsight.
Plunging into Alanon has given me a healthier thought process, healthier skills, healthier outlook, and a better path. Had I started Alanon sooner, I would have developed a healthier and more serene life sooner- with or without my exAH. So patterned to look after him, I had to develop a new mindset and give myself permission that self-improvement is just that and does not need to include what someone else is or isn't doing. He does have his own HP looking after him.
Alanon encourage us not to make large decisions before giving the program a chance for at least 6 months. If you aren't already attending meetings, please find and go to local meetings, work the steps with a sponsor, read posts here and keep posting.
It seems there is a predictable pattern here amongst those of us who have dealt with the disease of alcoholism. As others have suggested it would be great to get the focus off of hubby and on healing yourself with f2f meetings. It helped me so much.
It took me a long time to connect the dots (aka denial) and realize I was living in an emotionally abusive relationship with a dry drunk who recently decided he didn't have a problem with alcohol even tho he didn't drink for nearly 20 years. When he started drinking again, the anger and resentment toward me was so intense and the pain so great that I finally humbled myself and asked for help. I sought help in many directions, but the most helpful was alanon and listening to others who had been there and back. Even better than therapy.
My STBXAH initiated the divorce (3x within a year) then would be regretful. He said he was was losing his best friend, worst decision of his life, etc. Absolutely crazy in the making. Of course he offered nothing in the way of a fix. What he was willing to do. Nothing, but expecting me to come to the table with how I should change. I have read many books on emotionally abusive relationships and now know that the will intentionally throw around different emotions to keep a person off kilter. Take care of yourself, things can be better
I have been attending f2f meetings for about 3 months now. You are all right, I'm putting the focus on him and not on myself as it should be. Thank you for the reminder. I love this board as I'm always able to take away something I need from reading the posts. I will continue to work the program. I do not yet have a sponsor as I have trust issues. I am looking for a sponsor though one I won't lie to and tell them everything is even though it may not be. Thanks for the ESH.
I've been in the same boat for the last 18 months or so. My AGF's drinking was always a problem, and the relationship was always a challenge (a few weeks of great times, followed by a drunken argument...generally about a trivial thing that happened years ago, a week or so of not talking, then reconciliation and the pattern would repeat), but it was more good than bad, so we both stuck with it.
When I say "trivial," I really mean it...I'd say an actress was good looking, and she'd sulk for days and bring it up every time we'd argue, even years after the fact...she'd accuse me of "cheating," in the Biblical, "lust in your heart," sense of things, but that's really not me, nor has it ever been who I am. If I think someone's good looking, or in great or woman...I'll mention it, but I don't see it as any different than saying someone's "tall," or "heavyset."
The end of last summer, everything changed, like a switch got flipped. Lots of love, affection, and good times, followed by a month of her going out every night with friends, and complete emotional shutdown by her. Ever since, she refuses to participate in the relationship in any sex, no affection, never wants to spend time together, and when I do get her to commit to a date, she generally cancels at the last minute to do something else. She spends her day studying (she's taking classes to get into nursing school), on her phone, sleeping all day, or out with friends; many of whom I used to be invited along with, now I never see. I suspected she was cheating, off and on, but I really am not sure, as she'll go out for weeks at a time, then stay home for weeks at a clear pattern. She doesn't take care of the house, her kids, me, or even herself.
She said she didn't know if she wanted to be together, I begged, pleaded, changed things about myself that she complained about (in all fairness, some things probably needed changing, and I'm better off as a result, so not all bad). I proposed last Christmas, she said, "No." I set what I thought were healthy boundries, she walked all over them, and I backed down. Last Spring, she broke it off abruptly; her reasoning was that she found "porn" on my computer. When I denied looking at pornography, she tells me there were "cookies" from a porn site on the computer history from 6 months ago. I told her there were lots of ways that could happen, and that there are 2 teenaged boys in the house, but she insisted it was me, and that I was "cheating" on her. For 3 months, she wouldn't even speak to me, although we were living in the same house. I kept cooking, getting the kids to school, running them around, and trying to talk to her. She wouldn't have anything to do with me. About 3 months later, I gave up. I started talking to a girl I knew through work...nothing serious, just a bunch of flirtatious texts.
The AGF flipped out. Told me I was cheating on her, accused me of neglecting the kids (her kids, whom I've helped raise with her for the last 7 years), said she loved me, and wanted to be together. I broke off contact with the other girl, we reconciled for a week, then AGF shut down again...her excuse this time was I was insulting to her (based on a stupid joke...her nephew said something about her looking pregnant, I joked that she looked no more than a month or two pregnant).
Summer drags along, with her distant, busy, and passively hostile toward me. The beginning of August I told her I couldn't take it anymore, and broke it off. About a month later, I met a girl who shared some interests, met her for coffee, and AGF flips out again...calls the girl and tells her she's wrecking our marriage (?!? We're not married, or even dating at the time). AGF tells me she wants to be together, so AGAIN, I back out of the new thing and try to reconcile. This lasts a week or two, and AGF now says she can't be with me because I'm a "womanizer."
We limp along for another couple months, my birthday comes and card, no present, not even a fricking song! She says she forgot. I'm very hurt and angry, but I don't make a big deal about it.
2 weeks later, she buys a house and moves out...doesn't even tell me she's doing this...2 days before Christmas.
We spend Christmas morning at her house, but really haven't talked for more than a few minutes since.
She claims we're still together, and that she doesn't want to end it unless I do. Part of me wants a clean break from her, although a few things are keeping me in:
1) Hope. As silly as it sounds, I do think there's a wonderful person beneath the disease. She is going to therapy, and I'm patient enough to see if it works.
2) Kids. They're hers by a deceased husband, but I consider them my own, love them, and don't want to be "the bad guy who dumped mom." I think she's already trying to turn them against me, as I can see how distant they've become during the last month or two.
3) A firm belief in the "don't make any major moves for 6 months/1 year after recovery starts, and I'm just starting.
So amidst all the chaos and uncertainty, I try to stay positive, busy, and productive.
Didn't mean to respond with such a dissertations, lol, but I find comfort in hearing my issues in the lives of others, as strange as that sounds.
"In Alanon, we keep the focus on us and not on the alcoholic." How does one know where the focus is? Count the number of times the pronoun "I" appears in my writing and see how many correspond to what I'm doing to change ME, my attitudes, my character defects, how I'm working the steps and how many meetings I go to. The recommendation to not make major changes applies only to our decisions not someone else's choices and there are always exceptions: safety for myself or others. Abuse of any kind or anybody is nevKeep going to meetings and get a good sponsor immediately if not sooner. I learned to trust by risking to trust. There are no perfect people in Alanon anymore than there are perfect people anywhere else. Just keep coming back. It gets better and you will find the answers you need.
Another of the teachings of AlAnon is to watch their actions and don't listen to their words. They will talk the talk to keep you hooked into their nonsense but it is hard, if not impossible, for them to walk the walk. They want what they want so you have to watch their actions.
If you really work the program (and if you are working the program/12 steps, the focus will be on you), you will know what to do and when. It may be too early for you to leave the relationship and a sponsor can help you decide what the next best action for you might be. Have faith and trust that this program works if you work it and you are worth it. Keep coming back!
Funny how we give all our decision making to A's who are prone to make selfish decisions and make us feel crazy. You have the right idea, meetings, find a sponsor, and work the steps, keep coming back here, listen and share. Keep at it and it will click. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."