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I put this on my facebook in the hopes that my brother will see it and get the message to this woman that she needs to BACK off and leave me alone
what do you guys think????? I am gonna think...pray.....think again and ask for esh BEFORE i do anything....maybe i can get the phone company to help me, I don't know........just tossing this out there for ideas......
to my facebookkers....Got a ??? for ya' it me?? or do I have problem???
Some time ago, my former , bio sister texted me and wanted to know the gory details of my abuse by our father....i got sick...physically ill, that she would #1 TEXT me about it and #2 want me to "go back there" and relive those awful memories for which i will be in recovery for the rest of my life...Domestic Violence on a child is a horrific and life altering issue and for her, who was treated "ok" by these people, I would think some respect for my PTSD and my recovery efforts are not too much to ask....
I asked her nicely, AFTER she exposed me on my brother Peter zzzzzz 's wall, damning me for changing my name and demanding my share of the inheritance..She implied that becuz I dropped this monster's name, I should forfeit my share of the inheritance...
I asked this woman nicely to PLEASE leave me alone...NO contact...NO emails.....NO texts....What bond there was IF there ever was a bond has been completely and forever BROKEN....and I wished her well, but told her to LEAVE ME ALONE
Now I still, after all this and my asking her to LEAVE ME ALONE (she knows I have PTSD and one would THINK that she would not want to keep aggravating it by her nuisance texts).....I did ask her to BACK OFF....LEAVE ME BE....LET me recover in PEACE
She still texts me and now i am beginning to think, am i being stalked??? is this stalking???? Am I going to have to get a restraint order on her???? and if so, that will go on her permanent record i woudl think....
She hates my guts...Only texts me so she can throw a jab at my "happy b-day" or my "merry christmas" text....she has to throw that "slap" in the text and I delete and ignore....delete adn ignore......delete and ignore.....she is not threatening me, no...I want to be honest...she is not threatening me, but isn't stalking, unwanted communications when someone is clearly told to back off and leave me alone??? I want to FORGET the nightmare of my past....most of my bio family i separated from becuz they are either non supporters or they attack me......I want to live and let live, but am wondering about this.............what do you guys think????? the lady hates my guts and so be it, I am fine with that, but to "stalk" me with unwanted texts that always carry a "jab" at me......I am i let Verizon know??? or go to the court and get restraint order on her???? I really want this to end peacefully, but after this length of time, oh and MY bad is that i keep forgetting to renew the block #s each 90 days in verizon and she slips through and gets a text into me......I am very sloppy about renewing the block calls thingy........
so what do you guys think?? I am live and let live, but some people pursue folks who have a condition and have TOLD them to please leave me in peace as I am you, and they continue to throw their darkness at me.....
what do you all think?????? I am beginning to i have a problem here????
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
I see it as boundary crashing. My sister did some of that for awhile. I chose to accept she was doing the best she could do at the time and just let it go. Although she wasn't respecting my boundaries, I could respect them by not reading anything she chose to send if I didn't want to do that coupled with no action or reaction on my part. The behavior stopped this year after about 5 years of her refusing to honor my boundaries.
I see it as boundary crashing. My sister did some of that for awhile. I chose to accept she was doing the best she could do at the time and just let it go. Although she wasn't respecting my boundaries, I could respect them by not reading anything she chose to send if I didn't want to do that coupled with no action or reaction on my part. The behavior stopped this year after about 5 years of her refusing to honor my boundaries. took you FIVE YEARS to get her to stop???? I am gonna call verizon and see if they can do a permanent block or something....OR i will just go in website and just keep typing in her number once a month or so to keep it on.....and if she uses another's phone, I will warn that other that they will be blocked , you think it is more boundary crashing then stalking??? OK...I am gathering ideas.....some of my facebookkers are ready to shoot her, LOL bc 2 of them, so far think i am being stalked and right now it is THINK....GATHER INFO......proceed the best and easiest way and NO changing my whole life is connected to this mean it would be a disaster to have to change i will gather info and go the best route........thanks ((((((((((G)))))))) for your response this lady absolutely hates my me....she told her older brother (they had a conversation over heard by a supporter of me) and that supporter told me they were hoping i would die or go nuts so i would not air out the dirty laundry in the family............nice people hey???????
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
N, I am not an expert on blocking people from facebook and phones, but I know my daughter has blocked people on her phone and I know you can delete people from facebook. If you are ready to cut her off, it can be done quietly and quickly. She is causing you upset, and, until or if you are ever ready to let her stuff slide off of you, be self protective and do what you have to do to not be reminded of a past you would rather leave in the past. You have already stated your boundaries to her and she is not able or willing to be respectful. You are are not needless or wantless.
N, I am not an expert on blocking people from facebook and phones, but I know my daughter has blocked people on her phone and I know you can delete people from facebook. If you are ready to cut her off, it can be done quietly and quickly. She is causing you upset, and, until or if you are ever ready to let her stuff slide off of you, be self protective and do what you have to do to not be reminded of a past you would rather leave in the past. You have already stated your boundaries to her and she is not able or willing to be respectful. You are are not needless or wantless.
(((((((P)))))))))))) I think for a starter, I am going to call Verizon and see what i can do from there.......I was ready to cut her off LONG ago and TOLD her nicely....."NO contact" "leave me to recover in peace"
you wanna hear something???? a close friend of mine heard her on phone w/that older brother and they were ANGRY that i did not go crazy or commit suicide so as to not air out the family laundry...they are ANGRY i am in recovery and alive....not dead or in a padded cell....the person who shared this w/me cut off contact w/her......
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
I already blocked her on FB and email....all of that.......i keep screwing up with the verizon...I have to keep renewing the danged blocks and I keep forgetting..........gonna have to get w/verizon and see OK, WHEN and how often do i need to block OR can they do something???????
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
I've had some similar experiences as the disease progresses in my family. If my sister lived in the same City and State as I do, I might have chosen another way to deal with it but no response seemed the best way to do what I could do for me. At one point, I thought about writing "return to sender" on something she sent me and figured that by doing that, I'd give the disease ammunition. I love my sister and know that underneath all her passive-aggressive and strange behavior, is a person in pain. I didn't want to add fuel to her fire although there have been times I've felt a deep sense of loss because we were both so very close once upon a time. Alcoholism is such a destructive disease.
I'm sorry, Neshema, that you are also experiencing such a disruption to the kind of family life that I think we all crave thanks to this miserable disease that can turn even what seems a simple Christmas greeting into a poison-laced message. Fortunately, we have each other, sister, and our HP. (((N)))
((((((((((((G)))))))))))) This lady always hated me......tried to kill me when i was little, till i was big enough to whip her butt......
now she wants to "gas light" me into another breakdown...she even SAID to someone that she had hoped i would have another breakdown to keep my mouth shut re: my coming forward in recovery, and she had hoped that my suicides had worked to keep , again, my mouth shut about recovery.....
she is a very sinister person......I know, I am working her inventory, but she is poison.....i just want her to go harm to her........just go away.............i got into my email accounts and blocked not only her new email (old one is blocked) but she has a new one now, I blokced it....blocked her on facebook, and also blocked her daughters bcuz at times she sneaks on theirs and uses their emails to get to me..........NOW she cannot do anything on FB or its time to call verizon....maybe they can help me OR i will hve to just put on my calandar ea. month, renew the blocks...and i am blocking ANYONE she can use to text me...............I want to recover in PEACE.....and I am gonna have that PEACE...and yes, I have my family of choice...and she aint part of it
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Certainly some sick stuff, N. Again, I'm really sorry. I'm glad you have an option to block her on your phone.
yep...just blocked the ones she can use AND of course, HER....have to keep renewing it but am gonna call verizon now that I got her and anyone she can use blokced on facebook and the last thing is to see if verizon has anything special i can do............if she were a physical danger to me, I would have gone and got restraint order long ago, but no!!! She just wants me to die by some other method.........NOT kidding...she even SAID
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
I am sorry that you are being harassed by your sister. I as well had some trouble with my own sister very similar to yours, for years. When I accepted that I could not control her and her thoughts were hers and hers only and none of my business was I able to detach from her (and beleive me she did some very nasty things to me and my family). Seemed prior to doing this I would get in these facebook wars or mass family e-mail wars with her just to defend myself. Funny I would play right into her hand and felt no better than her. When I really decided to detach and let her do her own thing, let her be the bitter facebook or e-mail fool and not let it effect me and I realized she was not harming me with her nastyness she was hurting herself. I have long since forgiven her for this however we are pretty distant and that is ok because that is the way it needs to be for now. I am really new here so take my comments of leave them but If it were me I would not post athat on facebook because to me if you do she wins because she got that reaction out of you.
Thanks for your share and I hope you take no offence to my reply
it needs to be for now. I am really new here so take my comments of leave them but If it were me I would not post athat on facebook because to me if you do she wins because she got that reaction out of you.
Thanks for your share and I hope you take no offence to my reply
*************** Hey worries and is never offensive to me............AND, she can't see the FB thingy, but my bro can and I know he will tell her "hey you need to back off or stalking charges can be brought on you"
She is blocked on me so she can't see a thing, but my bro can see it on his news feed....and all i did, really was say "hey do i have a prob here???"
I see what you are saying, but i think this might throw a scare into her b/c the LAST thing she wants to mess with is a potential stalking beef...that goes on your record, I no....knowing her, this is gonna put a scare into her IF it even gets back to little bro. is a "do gooder" and a nice guy, but he might just tell her "hey, she can charge you with stalking, you need to back off" and bc I blocked and reported her long ago , she can't reply and if she does, I wont' see it b/c blocking is beautiful....IF they post, even on a friend's wall, I can't see it bc I erased her from MY end of it......
I do appreciate yoru input and i do see your point of "letting her get to me" however on the same end, I am not getting triggered (to her) but getting ready to slam stalking charges agaisnt her............shes scared of legal beefs and she gets frightened when her bullying victim stands, this iwll scare her if bro. tells her....she will get scared and hopefully enough to just go back to her cave, hang herself up side down along w/the other vampire bats and be a happy little bat AWAY from me.
ME in the meantime, I am gonna put some garlic aroudn my neck because this lady IS a spiritual vampire.............
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
My facebookkers really stepped up to the plate.. with support and she is blocked 7 ways to sunday, AND anyone whom she uses to text and/or email me is BLOCKED....
I just did it all so now she is i will put some garlic around my neck becuz vampires hate that stuff.........I know i am being facitious, but i am a bit mad and now, i am going to see if verizon will do anything over and above what i have done (re-blocked her and her potential allies) and so lets see what they can come up with.......
-- Edited by neshema2 on Thursday 26th of December 2013 06:33:16 PM
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Thank all of you for stepping up and giving me some great input
thus far i have done the following.....
called my sponsor who is a ret. police detective from Seattle....she left the force when she and her husb. were working in robbery/homicide division and he got shot to death in his car....she got out and got a job working as a park ranger till she moved to calif. in the early 80's when we met.....
I did some research and routed out ALL her allies/relatives/friends whom she may use to get to me and i blocked their email addresses.
called Verizon and becuz its only nuisence, they said the only thing to do is change my number (wont' do that because my entire life is connected to that number) and to keep the blocks renewed so I bookmarked the place where you can whiz right into the verizon block calls and i blocked hers and her relatives who would "lend her their phones"......
she was already blocked on facebook and I am going to, when he recovers from the flu, warn baby bro that if he allows her to use his phone or his email to get to me, I will cut him off too.....NO exceptions.....the others I felt who would not help her, but I warned them anyway...."help her stalk me and you are cut off"......
so i have basically plugged any holes i can think of...she had more than one email with the spellings real close and i blocked both.....i will keep doing this and doing this
AND save/document these incidents from now on and if this persists, then we step it up......i go to file a restraint order against her ....
I don't think it will go that far.....her type of stalking me is basically a misdemeanor becuz she is not threatening my life or coercing me to do anything illegal or anything, it is just nuisence stuff, however i can still file agaisnt her and she COULD potentially if she keeps it up get fined, even a small jail visit.....dunno , i kinda think baby bro. will see my "info gathering" post on FB and tell her that she better stop becuz "baby sister" is getting advice on legal action and stalking and all that......i KNOW she isn't going to want to mess with that...she is terrified at the thought of going to jail and she worships money so is NOT going to want any of that....
I really would be surprised if she were to violate it if it goes that far
i am going to take care of me, one way or the other, within the law, but there comes a time when if ignoring/ shunning/ cutting them off does not work, then the bully needs to get slammed with court order and I WILL do it......
anyway, thanks you all for stepping up and giving me your input.........
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
I would get ready to file a restraining order... She doesn't sound like a person who is able to understand polite, civilized anything. I really feel for your situation...been in that neighborhood before and never want to go back again.
I am totally illiterate when it comes to texting etc but can you not block attempts to contact you ? or delete them before opening them hopfully she will become bored with game and stop . as long as she gets a reaction from you she will continue ..