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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My A is my husband. We have been married for 20 years and together for 25... since I was 15. We have been struggling with this for about two years this time. He had trouble about 8 years ago but got sober and stayed sober for about 6 years. This time is different... he won't get help even though he says he knows he needs to and that he is going to. As I write this, he has been drinking off and on since Saturday night (it is Monday morning). He is a binge drinker and when he drinks he locks himself in our bathroom. In June, I broke into the bathroom because I got no response from him and he was passed out on the floor unresponsive. I called 911 and he was taken to the ER and then stayed in the ICU for 2 nights for observation. They wanted to put him on the psych floor but there weren't any beds and he was supposed to go to out patient treatment. Well, he hasn't. He also suffers from depression, sleep problems, and probably a little PTSD. While his drinking has become less frequent since June it is becoming worse on some levels, I think. Today he has actually been combative and threatening whereas before he hasn't. I have never been afraid of him, but today I am. I am safe... but I don't like the feeling of being afraid of my own husband. I don't know what to do next.... I have been going to therapy for almost a year, I have been strong with him and told him that he needed to get help or he needed to leave, I have been compassionate and supportive, I have tried to shame him into getting help by telling him what this has done to our children...... I just don't know what to do and which way to turn. I know this is a disease and that is why I am still here... I know that part of him can't help it (it's also genetic as his father and uncles are As and so was his grandfather). But I also can't understand why he won't get help -- he has multiple opportunities and outlets to get help from. I hate what this has done to our family and most importantly our daughters....
I am glad that you found us and reached out . Alanon is a fellowship of men and women, who live with or have lived with the problem of alcoholism. We share our experience, strength and hope in order to solve our common problem. I see that you do accept that Alcoholism is a disease. In alanon we believe it is a fatal progressive disease over which we are powerless. We did not cause, cannot control and cannot cure it. The best we can do to help the entire family to is seek a recovery program for ourselves.
I urge you to review the two "Sticky's" found at the top of the Board One describes the promises of alanon STICKY:THE PROMISES OF ALANON.
Alanon has face to face meetings in most communities and the information can be obtained by calling the main number found in the white pages. Keep coming back here as well You are not alone
Glad u showed up and I have some suggestions for you....
#1...I would have on my cell or other easy to find place the # of a Domestic Violence /abuse shelter bc you said he is getting combatative and U are afraid of him......if he does not get help, AA and abstinence while he works program, this is going to get worse.....ok enough of him...alanon is for the non drinker
I would first find the nearest alanon meeting and attend...some of the older more experienced folks can advise you after the meet as to where DV shelters are, etc..also I would get into the 12 steps to work on you and find you.....I wold also practice the slogans b/c they are the "proverbs of alanon" and I would work my program adn completely detach and let go of HIM
you cant do anything for cannot change him...cure him.....cause him to must accept the fact you are 100% powerless over him and his drinking, but youi CAN take care of you
I left my drinkers b/c I don't want to live w/active drinking.....that was my choice...alanon doesn't tell you go...or stay...that is up to you.....if your children are under age it is your duty to make sure they have a safe environment.....u can do that if you are working your program and keeping your sanity...
sorry this has all happened...sounds like he is really getting worse....its too bad, but there is nothing u can do to save him, however you can save yourself...i hope you do for teh sake of your kids
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Aloha Jacquiej and welcome to the board again. Keep coming back because this is family with alot of experience and time which can be yours for free to help you change your situation. Situation not Alcoholic. You've already heard that you can't and that's fact. You have heard that the disease is progressive. It cannot be cured and only arrested by total abstinence. You've watched him do abstinence and you've watched him relapse. It is now is supposed to be that. It is also fatal and results in the insanity you have been watching he go thru. Alcohol isn't milk or orange juice...alcohol kills people who it comes in contact with...don't be one of them. You won't be able to guilt and shame him more than he is guilting and shaming won't even come close. He is trying to beat something he knows he cannot and trying to outlast something which doesn't have an end until it's done. Sobriety is a one day at a time process and he has had some and he is now drinking while his program of recovery is still in his head...Did he have a sponsor in the past and is his sponsor still available? Did he attend meetings in your area and are some of those guys available? If they are you can reach out to them because we are alway on hand to help save another's ass. I'm a double...both Al-Anon and AA and have done rescues in the past. You are not alone and he isn't either. The program is a Higher Power tool and gateway for the alcoholic and the family of the alcoholic or addict. The hotline number for Al-Anon is in the white pages of your local telephone it and come find your seat. You never have to be alone with this again. (((((hugs)))))
You have heard great responses, I concur with all that was said. I began living my life when I took the focus off of my husband and put it where it belongs, on me. I am now living a life I love (most of the time ).
You've received good E/S/H from all the previous responders, so I don't see anything more to add to their experience as written. I am going to say more on the fear you are experiencing in relationship to him to piggyback onto Neshema's post. If there is a safe place for you to go now, I think I'd do it. My experience with some As in my life made it necessary for me to separate myself from them physically. In my experience, the A could be passive one second and behave like a crazy person in the next. They don't cause it. They can't control it. They can't cure it. The chemical imbalances in the brain render them powerless over the behaviors.
If you can talk with somebody at the hospital or whomever it is who has a medical interest in your husband and share with them the severity of his illness and the fierceness of his behaviors, they may be able to admit him somewhere for the help that he needs. I think I'd stay away from the police here - they tend to become aggressive in these types of situations - and try to help get him into inpatient treatment or me into a safe place.