The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Not a he...a she. I didn't obey the rules and requirements when I first got here so when they said men on men and women on women I did exactly what was then expected of got it. Her name is anonymous because that's how it works but her works helped save my mind and spirit, emotions and body. She was very good until she fired me guessed it...not doing it as suggested. "Well damn it all I did arrive on the door steps of Al-Anon as a Oppositional Defiant, self centered, know nothing at all". Yep I got fired because this hip slickin cool dude that I am wanted her to do all my step work. Ouch!! that smarted and she wouldn't back off and reconsider. So she pointed me at a male man type person named Don T who you have heard me speak of many many times. He, as I look back on it now was "makana o ke akua" a god gift or gift from God thru her. I fooled around with the program until I was amazed at how it could save a person's life and mine needed saving and I had to do the work myself with a sponsor who was so very wise and experienced and not willing to fire me but to light a fire under me. He's passed on now except for what he left inside of me all of which was been beyond my most wild awarenesses. "When in doubt??....Don'T" "Don'T...react!!" "Don'T're not a fortune teller". I miss him alot and get to visit with the one who pointed him out to me. We are all friends dead or alive doesn't matter...we will never be separated as long as one of us is here. I'm looking forward to meeting up again with her. I'm sure we'll do that stop and stare and question "is it you"? act before the smile. You know how that goes. It's been over 20 years...of gratitude. Thank you God...Thank you Al-Anon. ((((hugs))))
Well I"m Grateful that you get the Chance to make the Connection in Person again :) LORD Knows, You have been NOTHING Short of a True Blessing For Me Since the Day I Landed here coming up on 5yrs this Fall... I Look Forward to your Wisdom every chance I Can :) You My Dear are AMAZING in the Eyes of this Recoverying Chic :) And i Thank God every chance I get for the Blessings You and So many here have brought to my Life... You may not have been my "Sponser" but You have Always been My Friend/Brother in Recovery...And Def. Help "Kickstart" my Recovery... For that I will ALWAYS be Forever Grateful ENJOY Your Visit, as I'm sure She will as well... Love & Tons of Hugs My Brother ....
Please kiss her on both cheeks for me. Or whatever is appropriate.
We are so grateful to all of the people who played a big part in getting you straightened out, (I am laughing here--hope you are, too) because you have been so generous with all of us.
Love you to bits!
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles